Can Anyone Give Me Ten Words From Any Language Other Than English That All Use A Sound That

How many words in english language are used as puns ? Kindly give some examples.?

If lawyers are disbarred and clergymen defrocked, doesn't it follow

electricians can be delighted,
musicians denoted,
cowboys deranged,
models deposed,
dry cleaners depressed,
bed makers debunked,
baseball players debased,
teachers declassified,
bulldozer operators degraded,
organ donors delivered,
software engineers detested,
underwear makers debriefed, and
musical composers decomposed?

On a more positive note, though, perhaps we can hope that politicians
will be devoted.

How do I stop hating the English language?

It's my native language, but I'm so damn uncomfortable with it. It lacks order in almost every single way.

The orthography is complete crap and there's about ten spellings for each sound.

Many of the words are slurred. "Comfortable" is pronounced "cumfterbul", "Wednesday" is pronounced "Wensdai", and "Colonial" is pronounced "kirnil".

The derivational words lack a lot of logic. Why "geographical" when both "ic" and "al" represent adjectives?

Also, "Conference" is pronounced "con-fur-ans" and "Interference" is pronounced "in-tur-fEEr-ans". How the hell are they pronounced differently when they come from the same Latin roots?

Because of the weirdness of English, I love German, because it pretty much fixes all of the above. Orthography and spoken German reflect each other, the derivational morphology is LOGICAL, and the words are self-explanitory (z.B. glove in German is "Handschuh", or literally "handshoe").

The bad news for me is that Modern German is getting littered with English words, and that sucks. They say that English sounds "cooler". For the reasons above, I don't even remotely understand how English can be looked upon with a smiling face.

I don't wanna hate English. So tell me, how do I stop hating my native language and what are the real and legit reasons why people love it so dang much? (Other than its cultural dominance... or does that the only reason?)

What is the longest English word without any vowel letters?

Being abusively over complicating as I am, I’ll give my answer with a lot of detail.I take it you mean English, but I don’t know if “y” always, never, or sometimes counts as a vowel. And I also don’t know which dictionary you want to use.In a “standard” English Dictionary, and including the “y”, the longest words excluding plural nouns are rhythm, spryly, sylphy, and syzygy. They each have six letters, although rhythm could be could become a plural noun.Excluding the letter “y”, the top two words are crwth, and cwtch. They are both words from Welsh origin. However, you could make the argument (and you’d be right), that in this case, “w” is a vowel, since it has the pronunciation of a vowel, and, in Welsh, “w” is a vowel.I think it’s universally agreeable that the onomotapeias “shh,” and “hmm,” are the only words in English without a vowel.

Help me make sentences using these words ?

A .Language is more than anything else makes us human...

B . cutthroat competition

C . World needs a phonetic language for better education

D . world's biggest Problem of Language and Education

E . a Phonetic language for children like
1. Kanata
2. Javanese
3. Hanacaraka or

F. English is not extremely hard to start learning, but hard to perfect.
Learning the idioms and intricacies may not occur with a first generation English language learner.

G . Phonetic here means that you can predict the pronunciation from the spelling, and predict the spelling from the pronunciation .Hindi is said to be more phonetic because of 47..alphabets
14 vowels
33 consonants

H . 36 letters would be needed to make English language phonetic.

According to the Oxford dictionary's Key to Phonetic Symbols, there are 20 pronunciations of vowels/ diphthongs and 24 pronunciations of consonants in the English language, total: 44 letters

Is there anyone can tell me Air Ticket in Arabic Laguage will get 10 points?

See, i have tried all the way you ppl has responded me but i have not even find one single web site for air travel or air ticketing in arab world. But when i write Air Ticketing in english phrase then many of the web sites are comming who are selling online air tickets. I have been to arab world for more than 7 years but i am not convinced that there wouldn't be any singles web site for air travel. Likewise , in arab community arab ppl say "Market" to "SOUQ" and ther is one web site so how could it be possiblt that there is not even one arabic name web site for online ticketing. i am sure that the arabic/english- englosh/arabic means we all are not giving the correct spellings. Even you can try search through google or yahoo and you will find all islamic web sites that will be show you how many ways you can call Allah Subhan Talah. So give me the correct spelling of "Ticket". I need your answer and its very important .

Why is English pronunciation so hard?

Well, one reason is that there are not enough vowels for all of the sounds, and there are not enough diphthongs to make up for the lack of single-letter vowels. Secondly, The most common sound in English is the schwa, not one of the regular vowels. This schwa occurs in such ways as Uh-mer- uh- kan rather than A -mer....If you think about it, US English is loaded with that type sound. There are, of course, regional differences in English, such as "any" being pronounced as "enny," and "ten" as "tin," but, of course, there are regional differences in all languages. One good thing about English, however, is that the grammar and syntax are quite simple compared to many languages. We don't have all of those endless conjugation of verbs and assignment of gender to nouns and adjectives and other things that may be nice, but troublesome. So, be thankful for small favors. :-)