Can Anyone Remember The Name Of This Book

Can anyone help me remember the name of a book that was best selling 5 years ago about how violence in human history evolved and violence and killing nowadays is nothing compared to hundreds and thousands years ago? I think it was American writer.

This might be the book you’re looking for: Steven Pinker, The Better Angels of Our Nature: Why Violence Has Declined (New York: Penguin Books, 2012).Steven Arthur Pinker is Canadian-American. He was born in Montreal and lives in the United States. Pinker teaches psychology at Harvard.

Does anyone remember the name of this book series?

It was a children's book that our librarian used to read to the class. I'm 16 so if you're around my age then you'll probably know. The book was in the style of a composition book and the narrator had a sister with a "cinnamon bun" nose. Does anyone know what i'm talking about or am I crazy?

Anyone remember the name of a book where the old man gives a younge boy memories in a town where no1 has any?

i read a book when i was in high school it was a book about a town where everyone was so happy cuz they had absolutly no memeries or at least no bad ones or something and there was this old man in the town he remembered everything he like took everyone memories and held onto them and he was the only one who had any..

anyways he was getting old and this young boy was going to take on his memories so he could become the new memorie keeper of the town.. he always would place his hands on the young boys back and transfer his memories to the boy and i remember one of the memories being that he transfered was a hill on a snowy day he was sleding and he had gotten hurt his legs were broken or smashed or something and he could feel the pain of that day he could feel the cold and smell the air cuz the old man had givin him the memories of the pain and the day and everything

every day or week or something he would go to the old man and get a new memorie but idk what the book was called if someone could pleaaaaaaaaaaase help me id love to read the book again i just dont know what it was called!! :(

Can't remember the name of this book!?

Dunno, but you might be talking about one of the books in the "The Big Book of..." series. They're all books with factoids in them, about various general subjects like "The Big Book of Conspiracies", "The Big Book of Hoaxes", etc. Just a suggestion; check it out!

P.S. you can indeed find these on Amazon.

Anyone remember the title and author of this book?

When I went to High school around 1970 we had to read a book about a futuristic society where people no longer worked and lived in private small rooms, never venturing out. They were entertained by video screens, food arrived when they were hungry, they slept and did everything in their room. There only communications with others was with their video screens. One day the giant controlling computer which gave them everything they needed starts to fail and the people are forced to leave their rooms and see real people who are also emerging from their rooms for the first time.
It sounds scarily like the lives of some people already living and likely the lives many will be leading in the coming years.
Does anyone remember the name and author of the book.

Can anyone tell me the name of this book?

I do not remember everything but I remember that the basic idea of the book was that a young boy, early teens, who was interested in art was also psychologically damaged, his mother had gone missing which left him emotionally traumatized. I remember being interested in the book because the author was a child psychologist. I think the title had "Winter" in it but I also remember that the town in the book was also called Winter. Thank you in advance.

I read a book years ago and can't remember its title, can anyone help me find what book it is?

I believe the book you're talking about is called 'The Beginning of Everything' by Robyn Schneider

Do you remember the name of the "firefly" book that I read 6/7 years ago in 2009/2010?

Not Whedon. Maybe Firefly by Owl City. The cover has a girl standing against a landscape of a field and night sky, releasing fireflies that re flying everywhere. I believe she had the jar over her head.
Don t remember much about the book, except it contained many connected storylines per chapter. Don t remember the names of the characters.
A google search & looking for the cover lead to nowhere
Clearly a YA so most likely availabel at local middle or high school. There were 2 14-year old characters, boy & girl buddies with romantic undertones.
I remember most that the girl is helping an elderly woman with diabetes. The diabetic woman falls ill & the young girl doesn t know what to do. I remember her mentioning that she heard you could mix sugar & orange juice. I don t remember the woman s diabetic shock symptoms. Her parent s aren t around for some reason and she didn t call 911, she sees a car & thinks that in emergencies it should be okay for a minor like her to drive the elderly woman to the hospital. I believe her male friend is in the passenger side and they manage to drive the elderly woman to the hospital. I remember her fearing that the hospital would ask a lot of questions but they didn t. I believe the elderly woman got treatment and recovered somewhat. This is a plotline I remember most.
I don t remember any religious undertones but they may have been too subtle for me to notice.

Please drop any information you can if you ve read a book like this.