Can Being Really Excited Reduce Acid Reflux

I do some really wierd things when im nervous/!?

okay so whenever i seem to get nervous/excited....i get really gassy. like ill burp uncontrollably and gas out the other end so to speak....(fart..). I also discharge down there abit...
this is no joke honestly.
can anyone help me?

What is wrong with my dog? allergies? vet is stumped!?

Pepcid and Tagment are perfectly fine to give to dogs. Give her a half tab twice a day with meals. Go online or to a drug store and get some Slippery Elm Bark capsules. Give her 1/2 cap, twice a day with meals. Open the cap, mix about half (its not rocket science) with a little water, and pour over the food. SEB is very good for calming the tummy and intestines. It will also help with any diarrhea without causing constipation. You can give less or more as you see how she does with it. But it does need water with it.

Other things you can do at home are making her some chamomile tea. This is also very soothing to the stomach. Finally, raw honey, not processed, is exceptionally good for the digestive tract. Check your local farmers market or buy online. Be sure it says RAW. Pure, natural, organic, and other labels do not mean it is raw. Processed honey is fine for taste, but has no health benefits. Google raw honey and you will see how good it is for you,,,or your dog. But not cats.

Finally, I do agree that she might have some acid reflux, maybe even irritable bowel syndrome. Talk to your vet about a 10 day course of Flagyl. This is an antibiotic that specifically targets the gut. If the Flagyl helps, then you are really on to something. Flagyl should not be given long term however as long term use increases the risk of some really bad side effects. A good long term and safe gut antibiotic is Tylosin/Tylan.

Another possibility is that she has developed gastritis (inflamed tummy) or even a tummy ulcer. Carafate/sulcrafate is a prescription drug that coats the tummy and is used for dog and human ulcers.


5 year old son randomly vomiting?

ok well my son is 5. He will vomit out of nowhere. and its always undigested food. He will vomit a couple of times in a 5 minute period, and then stop. then 1 or 2 days later do it again, go a month or two, and then it happens again. Tonight he was sleeping on his back and I heard a loud cry, ran into his room to find him puking all over himself and the floor, undigested food. I have spent the last 20 minutes cleaning it up and comforting him. also trying to get the vomit out of his nose. He has a Dr. appointment in 2 days, thank god. I made the appointment for another issue, so i'm guessing this is the perfect time to bring this up as well. My son is low functioning autistic as well. I have a hard time getting him to eat most of the time, so his diet isn't very good. But he shows no signs of being sick at all. no fever or nothing. 2 days ago, he ran up to me holding his stomach and kind of whining. He can't talk, so he can't tell me whats going on, but after he grabbed his stomach he vomited, and then here we are 2 days later in the evening and he vomited again. and I bet it will stop again for a month or two and happen again...I don't know, I am baffled. He had pizza and cheesy breadsticks for dinner tonight, ate it up and wanted more, then 6 hours later he pukes. so I don't know what's going on. any help would be appreciated. I don't believe he is lactose intolerant, he drinks milk all the time and has never had issues. he doesn't have a runny nose or allergies. he eats every day, just not the healthiest food because he is picky. if you have an autistic child then you know how picky they are. he eats things like pizza, and chicken nuggets, chef boyardi ravioli, cereal, apples, oranges, PBJ sandwiches, ya know kid stuff I guess. I don't know, sorry about rambling. He has an appointment with the dr in 2 days, i'm trying to get him setup with an autism specialist, so I guess I will bring this up with her as well.