Can Body Language Affect Your Confidence

How do I show confidence through body language in dealings with others?

Fake it until you make it won't work. If you don't feel it you won't show it. If you want to show confidence in a natural consistent way then you need to BE confident.When you are being confident your body language shows it with a tall open stance looking them in the eyes.You can't lack confidence, have confidence or get or find confidence. Confidence is a perceived way of BEING and as such can be created at any moment, any where for any duration you want. I ALWAYS feel confident as I am always BEING confident, no matter what I am doing. Circumstances don't effect confidence , what you say about the situation does. If what you are thinking and saying is sabotaging your preferred feelings, being confident, change the story to what serves you. You are the author of your life and emotions, write & live the story that aligns with who you want to be.

Can confident body language make you look more attractive?

Can confident body language make you look physically more attractive or does it just make you look more appealing/sexy? Or neither?

Even for people with physical imperfections (i.e. too short, too fat, too skinny, or even with a facial imperfection) can confident body language make thm look better?

And what kind of body language makes you look more appealing?

Does eye contact/body language affect the candidate’s score in IELTS speaking test?

Body language is a language spoken without words, it is called non verbal communication . We use it all the time in our social life and business life so it is all about gestures movements and expressions made by people to deliver a specific message to other people .In the same manner eye contact is also a form of nonverbal communication and is thought to have a larger influence on social behavior. Eye contact is defined as a meaningful act and an important sign of confidence, respect, and social communication.During your speaking test if you do not use body language and eye contact it is absolutely fine as the speaking test is recorded. If there are no errors as far as grammar and topic content goes there is no issue if you do not give an eye contact to the examiner. Actually it is a polite form of gesture to look into the eyes of the person while talking. It might give you confidence to speak fluently by watching the expressions of the other person. But if by all means you feel more relaxed by looking at something else while speaking you will not loose marks. So go ahead for the speaking test of the IELTS, the way it gives you more confidence.Wish you all the very best !!

Can a person's overall appearance affect their self confidence?

Yes, it can. It is also a two-way street. Confidence comes from inside a person as well as from outside people and events.If troubling times are stressing a person, their confidence may weaken, and their appearance may deteriorate. One thing that a person should do in that case is to consciously try to keep up appearances.This will promote confidence in you from others. When you perceive the confidence they have in you, it will boost your confidence as well.Sometimes, a person's performance is affected by his confidence. In sports, acting, and giving speeches, it is always better to rehearse until you feel confident that you are ready to do whatever you have to do. Knowing this, if you have not practiced enough, you are justified in not feeling confident. So another way of boosting confidence is to get into the part you are practicing for. For example, if you are practicing for a baseball game, it is beneficial to sit in your bedroom and focus on how you would play the game. It would be more beneficial if you went to a field and practiced batting. It would be most beneficial for you to actually play in as many games as you could. Your overall appearance is more than what you wear. It is also your body language. Body language can be improved by practice. Whether giving a speech, teaching a class or playing a game, the more experience you have had, the more confidence you will appear to have when the moment comes that you were dreading.Confidence is not just putting on the clothes, or costume, or uniform. It includes all the preparation and experience you have had in the activity you are going to do.The overall appearance includes the look on your face, the clothing you are wearing, the tone of your voice, and the body language you are speaking. Practice can't make you perfect. But it can give you confidence that you will do your best. And our best is all we can do.Never let them see you sweat! But when practicing hard, it is ok to sweat, a lot!

Can your body language affect the people around you?

Yes.If you’re in a group and you’re standing with “closed” body language, such as crossed arms and legs, then the others will follow. If you don’t know any of those people, interaction could become even more difficult, as everyone’s taken a defensive stance.But as the conversation progresses, people might start feeling more comfortable, and uncross their arms etc. So, of one person does this, it’s likely that others will follow.It can also tell you about who is on whose side in a conversation. If there’s one person in the group with some particular body signals, then the people who like him/her will imitate. It’s one of the ways to show interest in that person. So yes, your body language definitely influences people around you. In fact, if you want to have an open conversation with someone, you should try imitating their body language/building rapport.So yeah, like long story short, it does influence others, as they begin to imitate you. (I’m sorry, but I think I said Yes thrice. I hope you don’t mind)

Is there any medicine to boost my confidence?

My name John,age 21
My problem is i cant walk on road/street/public places with confidence...i dont know why i get behaviour gets this point lots of things goes in my mind...people are looking at me or not..if i found anyone looking at me then my confidence level goes down and my body language gets poor..
Also i cant get friendly with anyone not even with my parents..
while talking i cant make eye to eye contact with anyone..if someone stare at me continuously .smile comes automatically ..i dont know is this because of shyness or somethings else.

And i want to do many things in my life but because of all this stupid reasons i dont feel like going outside my house.

And i am not fat and all...i have good college i dont talk too much...when teacher asks something i answer it well..sometimes girls smiles at me ..may be they think i am smart they try to talk me but i only know i am loser when i will talk with them i will loose everything even their smile because of this i try to avoid them because i cant talk face to face with them or walk with them..
as a result everybody thinks i am rude and runs away from me...ultimately i get no friends and i am ALONE ALONE and ALONE

i feel like i am the only person on earth with such problem..
i dont know what is this problem..
i really want to enjoy my life...i want to dance on road ..want to have friends girlfriend...want to be something in my life..
please help me someone...i dont want to waste my life like this anymore

What does CONFIDENCE mean to you?

A confident person is someone who can fit in anywhere, talk to anyone, and be exactly who they wanna be with no concern of how they may appear to others.

Confidence is knowing who you are and what you stand for in all situations.