Can Cats Emaciate In 32 Days

How long can a cat survive without food and water before dying?

Cats can last a short while without food and can potentially survive for weeks without eating. Water is far more necessary to their health and physical well-being however, and a cat that goes more than a few days without anything to drink might not survive. If you're worried that a cat hasn't been eating or drinking, and it's not showing any signs of being starved or dehydrated, then try offering it a can of tuna water - don't buy the tuna in oil - and see if you can encourage them to drink that way. Not only the water will hydrate them, it'll also contain some much-needed nutrients from the fish. Otherwise, you should take the animal to a vet. The consequences of inadequate food and water can be dire.Why? A cat who hasn't eaten for a while is considered to be starving, and starvation may have a damning physical effect on the cat's entire system. The same is true of dehydration, only the onset of dehydration is much quicker - and far more severe - than that of starvation. Every organ in the feline body relies on water and the nutritional content of food to properly function. Every single one. Starved and dehydrated organs will steal energy and water from the rest of the cat's body, a process that slows as the cat's bloodstream becomes less liquid itself. When feline organs lack sufficient food and fluids to function on the most basic level, they dry up and begin to shut down. Not only could this send the body into shock, it might cause irreversible damage to the cat's organs. If a starving and/or dehydrated cat does not receive swift treatment, it may face permanent health issues - if it survives at all. These are uncomfortable thoughts. They're scary. But it's important to state them as blankly as possible because you never want to take chances with a cat's intake of food and water.

How long can a cat be left alone for? Let's say the owner is going away on a trip.

I recently just went on a 12 day trip to Europe and had to leave my precious kitty alone. Morgan doesn't do well when I leave her alone for a long time. She doesn't get super friendly with other people and doesn't really like them touching her, so I'm basically her only source of love and affection. Contrary to what people believe, cats, while solitary creatures, still need as much love as any other pet. I would never think of leaving her at a cat motel or anything like that, so I usually have my mom stay with her and watch over her. For the most part, she does fine having some familiar with her, but she still pines after me while I'm gone. She'll still eat and what have you, but she's used to a schedule so if I'm not home, she'll go to the door at 10 or 11 because that's usually when I get off work. On the other hand, if I leave her completely alone, she seems to have a really hard time. I don't like leaving her alone for more than a day because I know that she probably gets very anxious being by herself. But really, it depends on your cat's personality. Morgan is very attached - she follows me every where and doesn't even like me taking a shower by myself, so I have to leave the bathroom room ajar so that she can come in and check up on me. She grabs at my feet when I leave the house and is always at the door or in the window looking for me when I come home. Some cats can handle their owner's absence better than others, but my advice for you is that if you're going on a trip, make sure to have someone that your cat is familiar and comfortable with (and that you trust, of course!) to watch them so that they don't get lonesome and are at ease while you are gone. I would not recommend taking them from their home, especially if it's a long trip. Your scent will be all over the house, so it'll put them at ease to be able to smell you even though you're gone and will avoid upsetting them or making them overly anxious.

I am technically obese- I am 5′11 and weigh 270 lbs. But I lift weights and my waist size is 37 inches. My ideal weight is about 210 lbs. My legs are big and muscular. I have not health issues from it. How can I lose weight?

This used to be me, do I look obese?Whatever your opinion, I was obese. No one ever told me I was and I felt ‘fine’ because I didn’t know any better. It was a body I had grown into. I was concealing it and only gave more the impression I was just a bit ‘chubby’.It wasn’t a doctor that told me, it was on a day I tried a friends Nintendo Wii Fit, everyone in the group was trying it out and finally it was my turn - it measured my results as ‘obese’. Everyone in the group agreed it wasn’t accurate, it was reassuring to hear that from them and it gave me comfort to think everything was fine. I took no action about my health until a year or so later for a separate reason (I have written about elsewhere here on Quora) but the truth was, like your doctor, the Wii Fit didn’t have any motivation to conceal the hard facts from me.This isn’t an inspirational response to your question, but I would like to make my position on this is very clear. If you put more focus on your health and reduce your overall body fat percentage you are never going to regret it. It will be all upside benefits to you over a variety of areas in your life, life longevity and the reduction of risk of illnesses (such as diabetes) being amongst them.You ask how you can lose weight at the end of your question and that is a big question in itself. But since you asked here is what I recommend.As you mentioned you are already weight training then I suggest you look at your diet and adding daily cardio in the mornings while fasted (i.e. before your first meal)Diet wise you might like to try a carbohydrate restricted diet and intermittent fasting which works wonderfully without destroying your overall enjoyment of food.Exercise wise, cycling or walking / light jogging until you lose some weight, if you enjoy it then later on you can look at increasing the intensity.Good luck my friend!

My dog is in heat but she won't let the male mount her?

Ok estreus in a dog can be tricky! You said its been five days since you noticed she's in heat? Check her vulva, if there is any bleeding she's not ready to breed yet. A ***** will bleed for several days before she is ready to accept a male. Her vulva will then swell and look puffy. A this time she will be ready to breed and will let the male mount her. My guess is she just isn't ready yet; give it a few more days. The other thing is if she is a virgin she may be anxious and not know really what is going on. You can try holding her for the male. To do this just put a hand under her tummy to keep her from sitting and hold her still. But don't do this unless she's ready because if he penetrates her when she's not her vulva won't be soft enough and it will hurt her.

But be forewarned: puppies are incredibly time consuming and expensive. If you do not take them to a vet you will most likely lose a puppy or the litter. Vaccinations are expensive, bedding is expensive, food is expensive. And often you will have a puppy that doesn't do well. Are you prepared to spend every waking moment monitoring them? If you have a puppy go down you'll have to pay vet costs to bring it back. Also if your ***** has a difficult birth, you'll have to pay for a c-section. If you can't afford things the way they are, how do you expect to afford a litter? Just keep that in mind. Its not just all fun and cute there is a heck of a lot of work involved and I will highly discourage someone in your position to do this.

What is the most humane way to kill an abandoned kitten? Assume there is no humane society nearby (for example, if you're in a third world country where people have more pressing problems than animal welfare).

I was in that situation once. Rural "town", South Africa - 3rd world setting, mixed world country. No vet. Car was broken. A kitten arrived outside our lab at the hospital (I'm a pathologist; no longer there). Its head was swollen on the one side, one pus-filled eye bulging out, neurological signs - probably an abscess that had gone into the brain.  In the pain it was in, it was still a loving little thing.There was no way to get it to a vet.  The poor thing was suffering. In my opinion, as a human doctor, there was no better solution than euthanasia.Carbon dioxide is not really painless - the gas forms carbonic acid (H2CO3) in the water of the respiratory tract.  Next time you open a bottle of Coke (new, or mildly shaken), breathe in the gas coming out of the bottle. It's not nice.  Nitrogen is much more humane - no acid, no gasping for breath when blood oxygen levels go down (it's raised carbon dioxide in the blood, not low oxygen, that causes that effect in most mammals, and they won't be raised because the kitten is breathing normally).  That's why liquid nitrogen leaks are more dangerous than carbon dioxide leaks - you don't notice them until it's too late.We had chloroform in the lab. Cloth over the kitten's head, poured chloroform over the cloth. 2-3 seconds of struggling, and the kitten was unconscious.  A few minutes more in a sealed container with chloroform and the cloth, just to make sure.  It was the best I could at the time, I thought, and still think so.I went to my boss and her secretary and cried.  Took the kitten home and buried it in the garden.  No idea if it was a him or her. Cried with my kittens.

Do you believe that Noah put 2 of each 6.5 million species of land animals on the Ark making it a grand total of 13 million?

Your question is flawed because it assumes facts that are not true.Yes, I believe the biblical account of Noah and the ark.The bible does not say each species was included in the ark. The bible specifically refers to two of each “kind.”For example, when you think about dogs, and all the different kinds of dog breeds there are, you might think the ark included two German Shepard's, two Labradors, two poodles, etc. That would be incorrect.Two of each “kind” means Noah’s ark included two dogs, male and female.You could ask how all these different breeds came about after the dogs got off the ark. I do not know. The bible does not go into detail about this, so we are left to make assumptions as to how all the different dog breeds came to be. It is possible this came through natural selection and possibly DNA genetic mutations over time. It is also possible that God just created different breeds as various puppies were born. (God has no trouble doing the impossible, if he chooses to do so.)When you limit the animal occupants to two of each “kind,” you will find the number is much less than your estimated number.Also, remember it was not Noah who put these animals on the ark. And Noah did not run around chasing animals to catch them to bring them into the ark. Rather, God made this happen. (And we can speculate that God had his invisible angels help escort the correct animals to the ark.)Remember, this whole global flood thing was God’s plan. Essentially, God was the “Project Manager” of this entire plan. And that means God made it all happen. No one can prevent God from achieving his purposes.