Can Chocolate Ice Cream Hurt A Six Week Old

What should I do if a dog eats chocolate?

Chocolate is toxic to dogs. The darker it is, the more toxic it is.My dog recently ate my entire birthday rocky road which was made from sugar, dark chocolate, marshmallows, dairy chocolate etc. I was convinced she was going to die and my vets was closed.Prior to that a couple of years ago, she ate an entire chocolate Guinness cake and nearly died. Luckily, she vomited most of that up and on the advice of a very sleepy on call vet, we nursed her through the night and she was very very sick, but she was just fine after a couple of days.However, I read online that vets will often give dogs activated charcoal in order to absorb the toxins from the chocolate. I take Activated Charcoal and was able to give her a fair amount (I got the amount from a charcoal / dog calculator) in some pieces of ham and she was completely fine within a couple of hours! This time around with the rocky road, she didn’t vomit at all so I was even more worried. I did find that with the Charcoal, the results were very fast and she drank huge amounts of water to compensate for it but the next day, apart from a HUGE poo, she was non the wiser for it!My advice is to keep Activated Charcoal in the house for if your dog ingests anything they shouldn’t. It could be the difference between life and death if you are unable to get to the vets for any reason or if they are already looking very ill. Make sure you give them lots and lots of water and have a source next to them to drink through the night. Activated Charcoal is completely harmless and absorbs the bad things in the stomach and gut to ensure it all doesn’t reach the blood stream. You need to give a fair enough so look for AC that has the highest content otherwise you can be there for a long time opening capsules and giving them to the dog and it’s a very messy business.When and how to use activated charcoalCan I Give My Dog Activated Charcoal?My dog is 13, she can barely jump up on the sofa and has to be carried up the stairs to bed every night. But when chocolate is involved, she goes full on ninja dog. We are still scratching our heads to this day as to how in the hell she managed to get both the cake and the rocky road as they were, as we thought, completely impossible for her to reach. But when a dog wants something and you aren’t home, you’d be surprised at the lengths they’d go to get it so keep things out of reach!

Giving a 9 week old chocolate ice cream?

If you don't want your son to have it then your son doesn't get it. Put your foot down. He is your child. I wouldn't have given my daughter ice cream when she was 9 weeks, let alone 9 months.

Is it ok if my cat eats chocolate ice cream?

Well she likes to eat ice cream with me and anything else i eat i dont usually eat ice cream or chocolate at that but i am 6 months pregnant and everything i eat she wants to eat and i heard somethind about dogs not being able to eat chocolate because it does something to there brain activity if you know anything abou this could you please help me out thank you, i love my cat very much and i wouldnt do anyhthing to harm her on purpose.

Can dogs eat chocolate ice cream?

When I was little I shared chocolate ice cream with my dogs. I was like 5. It takes a lot of chocolate to kill a dog. Pure bakers chocolate is what's really dangerous. Don't just give your dog a bowl of chocolate ice cream that's just stupid. My daughters grandpa takes his dog to the ice cream truck every summer night for a vanilla ice cream lol. It wont necessarily kill him but its not healthy at all. yogurt is good for dogs. There are simple homemade, frozen yogurt treats  you cant make in no time.

Can kittens eat ice cream?

Cats are lactose intolerant. Being cats, and not people, they don't have a good understanding of their own digestive system and don't understand that they shouldn't eat dairy and that it will make them sick even though they like the way it tastes.

A 4 wk old kitten should be with its mother. Since it isn't for whatever reason, you need to go to the pet store and buy some KMR (kitten milk replacer). It comes in cans like formula and in powder that you mix with warm water. Follow the directions. If the kitten will take it from a dish, great, if not, you may have to bottle feed it. You should also get some canned kitten food, and thin it with the formula and offer that if the kitten is willing to eat from a dish. As it gets older, you add less and less formula to the wet food until it's just kitten food.

Can cats eat ice cream!?!?

My Vet told me that i should never give cats milk unless it's watered down some. So regular milk, ice cream and other strong contents of milk is bad. A cats stomach isn't build to break down the propetiy of milk so it stays in their stomach longer than it should. that can cause problems. keep a close eye on the cat and just let it have lot of water.. if the cats ever have large amounts of milk then it's a good ideal to get them Wet/soft food instead of dry food. Wet/soft food out of a can really helps the dietary tract of a cat, At least to my experiences/

How bad is it to eat ice cream at night?

Eating dairy before bed is healthy (taking into consideration that every person is different and what’s healthy for one might very well be very toxic for another) but, as always, it depends on the quality of the food we’re talking about.If the icecream is full of synthetic stuff/refined sugar or if you eat a lot of it, or if you have a sedentary lifestyle, etc it will be unhealthy.

My 8/9 week old kitten ate brownies? URGENT?

Your cat is fine. While cats are different from dog in that cats DO need protein in their diets, while dogs can survive without it, there really is not much difference between them -- both are capable of surviving by scrounging. And by "scrounging", I mean "can eat and live on almost anything". Sure, some foods are potentially toxic to cats (or dogs), but there are also some foods that are toxic for humans. The key phrase here though is "in high volumes".

You kitten would have had to have eaten a whole brownie, or two, or three, to be in danger. Chances are, your kitten would feel nauseous and have a stomach ache from the other stuff in the brownies before it would ingest enough chocolate to be in danger.

What happens if cats eat ice cream?

Ice cream is a dairy product that contains cow's milk. ... According to the ASPCA, kittens, similarly to adult cats, are not usually capable of proper digestion of milk and milk-based products.If your feed your little one some ice cream, she very likely will end up with a major tummy ache and ugly bout of diarrhea.Read more - Well-Kept Secrets on Choosing the Right Food for your Pet