Can Constipation Affect Weight Loss

Does constipation or not going to the bathroom make your weight go up on the scale?

get a herbal laxative tea and have a cup at night...its best to do this in the weekends like on a friday night, assuming u'll be home on really helps.

the best time to weigh yourself is always in the morning, after going to the toilet. constipation DOES affect your weight on the scale. u should weigh after eliminating any kind of waste.

i lost alot of weight a few years ago and was chronically constipated after that, and had to rely on herbal laxatives and teas for a long time...i don't need them anymore though, i'm eating lotsa more fruits and veggies these days.

tip: trying eating a few prunes with a glass of warm water every night, otrher than that, u could try eating 3 apples a day...helps with weight loss or maintenance, and the high fibre in apples helps with constipation....last but not least, don't forget to drink atleast 8 glasses of water a day!
HTH, good luck.

PS. constipation also makes u bloat, so ur pants might feel tight...other than that u could also be retaining water in your body...all this can add up about 6 to 7 pounds! used to happen to me alot n i'd mistake it for weight gain in fat...used to frustrate the heck outta me....

I'm underweight and chronically constipated. What's the best approach to combat both of these things?

It's not just a matter of "eating more". To maintain your current weight, you eat as many calories as your burn. To lose weight, you take in less calories than you burn. To gain weight, you take in more calories than you burn.

There are calculators all over the internet to help you determine what your BMR and RMR (Basal Metabolic Rate and Resting Metabolic Rate) are. Then add to that any physical activity you do that would also burn calories.

From there, you have a pretty good idea how many calories YOU need per day - forget about that "based on a 2,000 calorie diet". This is not the time for a one-size-fits-all approach.

This doesn't mean you need to go wolfing down pizza and burgers all day either. There are plenty of foods out there that will give you the fiber you need (both soluble and insoluble) to keep you... regular.

What you want is to take in more HEALTHY calories than you burn. Just 500 more calories per day equals 3,500 calories a week. A pound of fat is 3,500 calories.

Also keep in mind that muscle mass is heavier than fat. So when you say "gain weight", are you talking increasing your body fat or muscle mass?

If your intent is to build muscle, then you still have to have make sure you take enough calories to cover your workout as well. There are supplements you can take to help you bulk up (not steroids) and there's plenty of people out there with more knowledge about them than I...

Does masturbation cause weight loss?

The only weight loss situations masturbation causes are as follows:

1). You lose about 1 fluid ounce of body weight as you ejaculate.

2). If you become addicted to masturbation and do nothing but sit at home and masturbate (and do not eat), you will probably lose weight.

But seriously...

No, you cannot lose weight by masturbating (except that it may be a vigorous exercise for one of your arms, and that you're burning calories while masturbating...). As a side note, you will also NOT get hairy palms, nor will you go blind. Unless, of course, you get some in your eye, and your ejaculate happens to be radioactive and/or corrosive. Which it is not.

Personal tip: Try switching arms once in a while so your arms' muscular tone and definition stays even.

Can caffeine cause bone loss?

Actually, caffeine in large quantities can leach some calcium from bones, but the total picture is a bit more complicated than that. Although tea contains caffeine, the effect of its caffeine on calcium loss seems to be offset by other compounds in tea, at least in the older women who were part of the study. On the other hand, the effects of caffeine in cola beverages on calcium loss may be compounded by the phosphoric acid that these drinks usually contain. Most of these studies involved women who already showed evidence of osteoporosis (see, for example, L. K. Massey, American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 74, 569 (2001)). There is little indication that moderate caffeine consumption is a problem for most people, a position stressed by cola and coffee companies (see, for example, Does Consumption of Caffeine affect Bone Health? | Beverage Institute).      There are also some studies that suggest the body compensates for calcium loss after caffeine consumption by reducing normal calcium excretion afterwards. The key to limiting any adverse effects on bone health from caffeine seems to be in keeping the amounts of caffeine moderate (300 mg or less a day) while making sure that calcium and Vitamin D intake are adequate.  Those with special conditions, like osteoporosis, should probably consult a doctor or nutritionist.

Can taking Miralax cause weight loss?

No, it really can't. Eat less, exercise more is the mantra.

Does drinking celery (Ajwain) with water before sleeping help with weight loss?

Even my Mom drinks Ajwain (Celery) Water in the Morning - as best home remedyPeople go to various extents to try different remedies for weight loss. While some go for crash diets, some start rigorous exercise to get faster result. However, it should be kept in mind that nutrition is the key to weight loss. It all begins with simple lifestyle modifications and supplying your body with the right nutrition.for example:5 superfoods to eat daily for healthy weight loss | Health TotalFor starters, you can try various home remedies for weight loss. One great home remedy that gives you guaranteed result is celery water, commonly known as ajwain water in Hindi. Ajwain water is reaped with benefits that helps you with the following:Provides instant relief against gastritisRelieves indigestion and stomach acheBeneficial for kids suffering from colic and gas related issueBenefits pregnant ladiesFights irregular periodHelps in the cleansing of uterus and stomachAjwain water just acts like magic on those looking for weight loss. It helps in speeding up your digestion, treats bloatedness, cures constipation and gives you slim waist.There are more ways you can include ajwain or carom seeds in your diet:You can simply soak 1 teaspoon of carom seeds in a glass of water overnight and drink it in the morningYou can add them to your dough and prepare parathasYou can boil 1 teaspoon of carom seeds in water and have it before you go off to sleepHaving ajwain water before you go off to sleep gives you remarkable results for weight loss. It breaks the food particles and aids in better digestion, eliminating the risk of indigestion and thus helping you burn your fat efficiently while you are sleeping.