Can Dogs Have Mites In The Fold Of There Bottom Lip

How can you tell when a guy likes you but he doesn't talk to you and he's shy?

I’m a shy guy who’s had crushes, so i can tell you everything he’s doing if he likes you.He’ll sneak glances at you, but won’t make eye contact.He’ll try to be around you a lot, but won’t necessarily go near you.He’ll be happy if you approach him, but may also try and scurry away before that happens because he’s too nervous.If he gets confident enough to speak to you, notice if his voice is slightly deeper when talking to you than when talking to others. That’s an involuntary hormonal response to make him sound more masculine.If he doesn’t yawn when talking to you, even if he should be tired.Seriously, look out for him glancing at you - and you in particular.He might blush if you approach him, because he’s embarrassed, but he’ll probably still smile.If you approach him, he may put on a touch of bravado to impress you.Basically, just approach him. Even if he doesn’t have a crush on you, it’s usually very flattering for a shy person when someone - especially a pretty girl - approaches with a smile on their face.I’m assuming you’re female here, but it works both ways. Shy people are similar around their crushes regardless of the genders involved.He won’t judge you for approaching him (shy people aren’t usually judgemental like that), and he’ll probably be really grateful if he does have a crush on you.Go get him!

I have a 1yr old Chinese Shar Pei who has been experiencing excessive itching ?

I have a 1yr old extremely wrinkly Chinese Shar Pei, who, for awhile now, has been experiencing excessive itching which leads to the formation of blisters and a continuously bruised abdomen and hind legs. He has lost all the fur on his stomach and as well as on his hind legs and no matter how frequently we bath him, he has a very strong odor. It also appears that he has an infection where his umbilical cord would be. What is going on with him?

He has been to the vet and was put onto a medicated shampoo and is being bathed twice a week. Ive been doing this for a month now and there is no change in his symptoms.

How do I get my Bassett Hound to not smell that bad?

A puppy doesn't normally smell bad, unless you're just not used to normal dog smells.

It's not a bad idea to take a new pup to your vet anyway, so why not ask about this when you're there.

Also perhaps talk to the breeder.

Skin, teeth, ear, eye problems can all cause smells - I know this from my own dogs. There's probably other health isssues that cause odours. So vet really is a good idea just in case.

Frog jumping 3 feet up 2 feet down per hour. How long to reach 30 feet high?

We can deduce that after an hour, the frog will jump eventually 1 feet up*.After 27 hours/jumps the frof is 27 feet high.Now, a well known mistake is to keep counting till 30. But wasn't the question.The question was about the moment in which the frog will reach 30 feet high.Let us resume to our case:The frog is 27 feets high and now it jumps - so by the question details it first jump 3 feets up.Which means, in that excat moment, the frog has reached 30 feets high.So the answer is between 27 and 28 hours, and if we want to make sure, we will take the maximum: 28 hours.