Can Doing Exercise Shorten Your Period .if So What Exercises Can I Do

What kind of exercise will help make my period shorter and end quicker?

To be honest I don't think that is possible. I used to think that too, if I exercised while on my period it would end sooner. Female athlete's or just athletic women experience shorter periods because of their daily physical activities and metabolism I think. However, in most cases with women who have a higher estrogen level their periods last anywhere from 5 to 10 days. Studies show our periods should only last 2 or 3 days.

Will heavy exercising make my period shorter?

the only way excersize will make you lose your period is if you are severely underweight. Women doing extra gymming and dieting can suffer from Amenoria (Abnormal Menstruation) and loss of libido due to suppression of Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH) and other secondary sex hormones in brain. So this is not the way. If you want a shorter period you should switch to yaz or seasonique. Good luck

Can doing exercise shorten your period...if so what exercises can i do?

Exercising will shorten your periods, but not forever. Your exercise routine would have to be quite frequent in order to keep your period regulated as you want it to be.

Birth Control is the best solution, it reduces cramping, period length & acne.

:O Those are the reasons I take it, and it is WONDERFUL

How does exercising while you're on your period make it shorter?

In three words: net energy balance. In more words: When you work out, you are doing more than just building your muscles. You are sending a TON of signals everywhere in your body. Your muscles, your digestive system, and important for hormones, your brain. Your brain gets tons of signals coming from every which way. If your brain receives signals that this month you worked out more than usual but didn't compensate with more food, it sends out signals to the rest of your body to change how it acts. In the case of your period, the signals of this energy balance effects your reproductive HORMONES! :-) End of science lesson, sorry.

Does doing sit ups delay your period?..or any exercise around the time of your period.?

I'm not 100% sure, but i think it might. It works for me at least. But since our bodies are different, i wouldnt know. I went to the gym and worked out wayyy more than usual, and my period was suppose to start the day of or the day after, and it ended up being delayed like a week. So i think it just depends. It wouldnt hurt to try it though

Can exercise lighten a period?

It does make the cramps hurt a lot less and it puts you in a better mood :). I don't think it will make it lighter, but if you want to make it more consistent then you should get birth control pills. It might work, but it does have different effects on every girl.

Do we shorten our lifetime by exercising?

Depends on what kind of exercise. Competitive boxing? You bet that will shorten your life expectancy!Most sports, when done for a long time, will wear your body down prematurely. I can see this here in Switzerland, where everybody seems to feel like olympics- worthy.Skiing? It is hell for knees and ankles and multiple broken legs WILL put a dent in quality of life later on.Football (soccer for you americans)? Head injuries, kniee damage you name it. Even when just playing in the company team.Running? What good will something do to your legs and joints if you pound your body against hard pavement for hours? Running is good for you, but only on soft, surfaces.The gym? The place I have worked for was convinced that any repetitive movements done for long periods of time will wear out tendons, joints and muscles. I have heard that there are nowadays professionals who make sure you get not hurt, that might be o.k. But I have seen quite a few guys who were bulking up and would walk around like frail geezers in their thrirties due to back problems.Swimming and biking are great, as is mountain hiking and even climbing. But it is best, to get your exercise out of daily life, not from some costly extra activity most people will drop anyway sooner or later. The easiest way of doing this is to get rid of your car! Do carsharing for the few occasions you really need one. Move out of suburbia and live in a place where you can get everything done walking, public transportation and your bike. That is what I have done and I feel better physically with 54 that when I was half my age. I have never practiced any sports in my life - and I could donate knee joints, tendons and elbows for a second use. I look at people my age here and start feeling like going to the Olympics myself. Most were very active in their youth and can barely stand straight and spend a good part of their time in the hospital. And yes, quite a few wifes of these people envy my girl for her good fortune :)You might not shorten your lifetime per se, but you will sure make it feel not worth living these extra years if you overdo your sports while young.

Can exercising slow down your period? don't have a womans don't know what its like,a little biking?I bike on gravel,up hills and go as far as 20 miles on a bike in a yeah it can mess up a womans body,weight change and how active you are.

What are ways to shorten your period?

You cannot stop your period sooner . You can take ibuprofen, taking 1 dose 3 or 4 times a day, being careful not to exceed the maximum dosage for any 24-hour period. For most women, this will help mitigate the pain of a period, and can reduce flow by about 50%. However, some women find that ibuprofen stops their period altogether.Drinking a lot of water may help. This will flush things through your body faster and can help lightening the flow.Eating a lot of fruits and vegetables. Consuming more of these can help lighten your period and make it easier on you.Green beans in particular have been shown to help lighten or stop your period.Some women also find that sucking on a piece of lemon can temporarily stop their period.These are only a few ways. Check out this website for more. Including these.How to Stop Your Period Early

Is there a way to shorten my period to 3 days? periods always been 3 days, I excersize alot, and drink lots of water. (I'm a long distance runner.) I don't know if that helps or if its just the way I am. but it doesnt hurt to try. :) (No pills either! *High five!*) :p