Can Exercise Cause Depression In Some Circumstances

If depression can be caused by events, why can't it be cured by events as well?

Cause you make two very ill fated assumption here: One: That it's punctual events.Let's take your example of death of a loved one. It's something that goes on and on and on. The person is dead, things are not the same as before. It's not punctual, it's an ongoing process.Two: In addition there are different types of depression. What you describe are normally short lived ones, after events like you describe, they can slip into longterm strong depression. But don't necessarily have to.But most depressions are without any such events at all. They just occur independently of such events. Or maybe after a cummulation of such events. Those strong types of depression can set in any time, without objective rhyme or reason...

Is ones life circumstances the primary cause of depression?

I write as an older Christian who has had some experience with depression. I’m not a medical doctor.I’d say that love circumstances are NOT the primary cause of depression. Depression comes from a number of things:Bad mental / spiritual hygeine—believing the lies that everything is hopeless, that you are worthless, that nobody could ever like you, and so on.Wrong reactions to circumstances.There are many other things that can contribute.Lack of exerciseToo much sugarLack of healthy relationships with God and with peopleLack of useful workIngratitudeNo balance of work and restGuiltBitternessSome people may be more genetically prone to depression that others, but I’m not sure of that.If you believe God’s promises, even though life is sometimes miserably difficult, it’s hard to be depressed long-term.Psalm 16:11 is part of a prayer. It includes these words:You make known to me the path of life; in your presence there is fullness of joy; at your right hand are pleasures forevermore.Joy is much different from fleeting happiness that goes away when circumstances change. There’s a joy that can keep returning even when outward circumstances look horrible. Overcoming the causes of depression isn’t easy, but it’s possible.

I often wonder if my depression is caused by my circumstances or are my circumstances the cause of my depression. Am I alone in this thinking? How do you figure this out?

Well 1st) remove toxic people from your life.2.) Change your diet to a healthy diet. Drink plenty of water3.) Spend time out in the sun every day4.) get a pet5.) change your thinking process. Read up on other great thinkers and philosophical ways of life and try leading them.6.) Get sufficient amounts of physical exercise. 30 minutes a day cardio and 1 hr a week weight training.7.) change your expectations in life to easily more achievable goals that you can improve upon daily.8.) help others help themselves. It feels good to be needed. Quickest way to heal depression.9.) preventive maintenance means doing what you need to do regularly to avoid falling into depression. You can’t just start living the way you need to live to avoid being depressed and expect to stay that way if you go back to your old routines.10.) If people only give you attention when you are depressed then you might just be needy for attention so go find a non depressing reason for people to give you attention. Try being good at the things you do so that others will find you useful. It’s good to be have a purpose.

Can depression ever be 'cured'?

Clinical Depression is caused by an imbalance of brain chemicals (seratonin). Many factors can play into Depression such as Hereditary, Hormonal and Situational.

Often many different medications need to be tried to be the most effective in treating depression.

When the chemicals become balanced, then the Depression will abate.

Many Depressed people are not compliant in taking their meds. Some feel that they can control the way that they feel or get angry for having to depend on something.

When the chemicals in the brain become balanced, then Depression can lessen.

Can exercise remove the side effects of antidepressants?

Not usually, but it is conceivably possible for some people in some manners.It is unlikely you will see a complete dissolution of drug effects just because you exercised. If exercise was that capable of stopping antidepressants from working, prescribing them would be quite useless in most circumstances. Additionally, so many people suffer such severe or long lasting side effects that exercise being a way out would be both miraculous and highly utilized.That said, some people may experience a diminishing of particular side effects if they exercise regularly. Perhaps it can help with some of the sedation or insomnia or depression that antidepressants can cause, for instance. However, some side effects can be worsened or arise newly as a result of exercising. A rarer and dangerous side effect rhabdomyolysis is one example, and heart problems, blood pressure problems, and muscle problems are examples of much more common side effects that exercise can potentially influence negatively.The notion of removing all side effects is basically “pie in the sky” or bogus. Unless someone has exceptionally few side effects and the only side effects they experience are ones which can be positively impacted by exercise and they are in a situation where their body reacts to exercise by completely overcoming those side effects, it is not something you could hope to accomplish. Exercising in healthy amounts and with healthy regularity would potentially increase your ability to recover from (or manage chronically) whatever you are taking drugs to ‘treat’, however.It is best to discuss this idea with your prescriber, and to also consult with doctors before changing your exercise plans while taking psychotropic drugs such as antidepressants. There may be benefits, risks, and additional things to understand before making any lifestyle changes. To close this out, I should mention that we don’t know what makes certain experiences “side effects” versus “desired effects”—it is not known why antidepressants are helpful for the minority of patients who take them, so exercising removing undesired effects while not removing desired effects may be physically impossible.

What is the Free Exercise Clause and what does it mean?

They violate the Constitution whenever they believe they can get away with it. Particularly the Bill of Rights is there to restrict them and they don't want to be restricted. Many didn't even when it was created. The anti-Federalist farmers and tradesmen had to force it against the Federalist bankers and merchants. The anti-Federalists tried to prevent the Federalists bankers and merchants from controlling the country.

The battle was lost finally after a war ending in 1865. Since then the bankers and merchants have controlled the country.

PS: Secession was caused by punitive tariffs against southern farmers trade with Europe, inspired by envious and jealous merchants in the depressed north (depressed by a huge flood of starving cheap Irish labor undercutting wages). Slavery was a propaganda campaign issue in the north. Thanks to cheaper expendable Irish labor (cheaper than slaves who weren't expendable), and coming mechanization, slavery was dying out anyway.

I used to be in the top of my class but because of depression I'm not anymore. Now I want to kill myself. Help?

Well, what made you depressed in the first place?
And don't focus on your grades too much. Prestige colleges aren't everything, it's what you achieved and learned in that college that matters. And you should be fortunate enough that you're going to college, there are so many people missing out because of financial issues. If you don't get into your dream school, then that's fine, you should have back-ups. If you keep those straight A's up, you can get into a great college with an amazing scholarship, so don't be too bummed, there are others out there that wish to have grades like yours. You try to overachieve, which is not good, just do your best and whatever happens happens. Keep your head up.

What is depression? And can you be depressed and not know it?

If you are chronically depressed, yes, you might think that depression is normal. But it’s not and it can be treated with the proper medication(s), for which see your doctor.