Can Having A Cough Be Causing My Fatigue

What are some things that can cause fatigue?

If I were you, I would research "Chronic Fatigue Syndrome" and see if it fits for you. There is no real medical tests that can be preformed other then looking at the symptoms and seeing which ones fit for you. Make notes of which symptoms best fit you and then take your findings to a medical doctor. There are some medications that may help with giving you energy that your doctor can prescribe. Also, try cutting out wheat from your diet for awhile to see if there is any changes in how you feel long term. This is a real illness- you are not lazy or weak. Just because a blood test does not pick anything up it does not mean that it is not real.

I suffer from CFS and understand how hard it is to function with it or even have much of a life. It certainly limits quality of life so I empathize with you.

Nausea, headache, cough and fatigue? Could this be the flu?

I have been having a stomach ache for the last 2 days, almost threw up but I haven't.
I am extremely tired, really bad headache and having hot flashes.
And I also have a random cough..

I have to go out of state tomorrow for a church thing which I have already paid my $75 for and CANNOT get a refund for.

What can I do to feel better?
and does this sound like the flu? :(

---I am not pregnant.

Fever, Cough, Dizziness, Sore Throat, Fatigue?

He may be dehydrated but that is a symptom not likely the cause I would one get another doctors opinion on that. I had a doctor who put me in the hospital not because he was a bad doctor per-say but because he perhaps was too busy that day. I always check with another doctor if things don't start to get better within 48 hours. it sounds like what me husband and I have right now. I think it is the crud I like to call it. Its something viral that goes around starting about this time and the season ends in late spring. Not life threating but nasty. This usually takes about 7 to 10 days to get over. If this is the case I recommend bed rest, no going to work for as long as possible, clean the sheets every day cause the sweat helps spread, drink plenty of fluid, get him to boost his vitamin C, invest in elderberry pills take two in the morning seems to help with immunity system, and most of all take time to get over it. If he has a fever higher than 103 or starts to hallucinate take him to a hospital immediately cause there is another existing problem. . If you go to the hospital make sure he wears a medical mask if he by chance happens to have a flu like the swine or even a human flu, causes more harm then good to expose others you as well and any family currently living with you who would go with you guys to the hospital should wear one. Good luck I hope him well!

Can a persistent fatigue be caused by common cold?

Yes.Many of the herpes viruses such as Epstein Barr virus (mononucleosis/glandular fever) and cytomegalovirus are known to cause chronic fatigue. These infections can initially present with cold like symptoms.I’ve been hit by cytomegalovirus and had really bad fatigue for several months after having what felt like a simple cold. I was glad I finally found a physician who did the right blood test and identified a recent infection.

Can the diaphragm get exhausted from coughing?

Yes, it absolutely can. Coughs from colds, bronchitis or pneumonia can be incredibly exhausting to the patient. This is part of the reason why when suffering from these conditions, patients are exhausted in addition to the other symptoms. Coughing from more serious illnesses such as lung cancer, as well can be very tiring and fatigue inducing. The chest muscles can hurt as well as the diaphragm so that it hurts with each breath.

Is it possible for lack of sleep or (fatigue) to cause asthma or does it only enhance it and a symptom of it?

My parents keep telling me that it's my lack of sleep that's causing me to have difficulty breathing. Although I keep telling them that I have asthma because the doctor told me before. I'm also experiencing symptoms of asthma as well like anxiety (since I can't breathe well), chest constriction, minor wheezing, fatigue, and dry coughing.
Only people who have, had asthma, nurses and doctors can answer since they are more reliable.
I'm going to the doctor tomorrow anyway, but I just wanted to know.

What can cause loss of appetite, diarrhea, fatigue, back pain, nausea, pulse in the stomach, chest pain, and headaches?

All these symptoms are fairly non specific. The abdominal pulsation may lead one to investigate the possibility of an abdominal aortic aneurysm.There are many infectious conditions which may cause these symptoms and then there are medicines which also result in side effects like nausea and diarrhea. The underlying condition or dehydration and the anorexia may end up causing fatigue and headaches.Back pain may be caused by having an uncomfortable mattress and spending more time in bed while feeling ill. The side effects of lying in bed for prolonged periods may cause atelectasis and a cough which can cause intercostal irritation too. Having urinary stasis while in bed and decreasing fluid intake may also lead to a urinary tract infection if this was not the primary condition.A patient with all these symptoms simultaneously requires a physical assessment and several lab tests and perhaps a CXR and other tests for an accurate diagnosis.

What could cause mild splenomegaly without fatigue, fever or anyother signs?

One of the causes of an enlarged spleen is parasitic infection such as malaria. Be sure to bring this up with your doctor.

Enlarged spleen causes vary, including:

Viral infections, such as mononucleosis
Bacterial infections, such as syphilis or an infection of the heart's inner lining (endocarditis)
Parasitic infections, such as malaria
Cirrhosis and other diseases affecting the liver
Various types of hemolytic anemia — a condition characterized by premature destruction of red blood cells
Blood cancers, such as leukemia and Hodgkin's disease
Metabolic disorders, such as Gaucher's disease and Niemann-Pick disease
Sometimes pressure on the veins from the spleen or to the liver cause an enlarged spleen. A blood clot in a vein from the spleen or to the liver can have the same effect."