Can I Get Circumcised Twice. The Reason I

Circumcised twice? Help?

Apparently my mom told me I got circumcised twice. I think I have a scar below the top and its dark and goes all the way around. the tip and a little below is white/pink/tan and all below that is straight up tan. I was wondering if this is the case with anybody else with a scar (OR LINE)

How big will my dick get when I am circumcised?

I got circumcised when I was a baby due to my religion. I got circumcised twice due to having a big foreskin towards to tip of my dick. I am 13 years old and my dick is only 1 inch without a ***** with a ***** its about 2 inches. I am very upset about it and I want to know if my dick is going to grow more. I also measured my dick 2 years ago with a 7 year old who was also circumcised and I had the smaller dick.

Can a baby be circumcised twice?

Mom leave him be it will be more tramatic for the little dude to have some stranger touching his boy tool and recovery time. It will be good for him to have a little extra movenet on his boy tool he will grow into it.

uncirced dude

Why did the children of Israel have to be circumcised twice?

O.M.G.--- I think you've stumbled onto something.---That's the reason that so few of the Jews are hung.---He, most likely ,overdid it with all that pecker-chopping .

He really needs to knock off all that horse-play, those poor Jews have been popping pills like crazy, trying to get their peckers to grow back to the original size.
The poor things didn't have that much to begin with. Now they're moving to Miami by the thousands to keep that cold weather from further shrinking their little do-dads.

You may have become their new savior.

I'm 13 and I wanna Know If I could get circumcised ?

Chris you can get circumcised at any age. it does hurt for a while when you have it done. I had a buddy get it done he said they lay you on the table and inject your penis about 4 times all around with anesthesa to numb it. Once it is numb they cut the foreskin down and around with scissors. once it is removed they stich the two cut ends together. You need 4-6 weeks of recovery time so that the 2 ends fuse together. he said that the first few nights the uncontrolled erections while he slept were painful and woke him up in pain because his penis got erect and pulled on the cut.
cost is about 3000.00 to 5000.00 us dollars

uncircumcised dude

My penis smells and I'm uncircumcised?

Hey Stephen

The product to use is no tears baby shampoo made by Johnston's. As it won't hurt the eyes, it wont burn your tender penis parts either. Use this product after a good soak with foreskin retracted. Use fingers and the shampoo but only finger rub while its really slippery. Non slippery rubbing of your penis head is never a good idea. It does damage to your awesome sensitivity that your foreskin is protecting just like the eye lid protects your eye ball.

Rinse completely with completely with warm water.

Use baby oil after and gently smear it around the area under the crown and the entire head of your penis, then close up. The baby oil eliminates any left over smells by the nature of being an oil, and keeps you fresh. You don't need to do this every time but as you notice a smell.

It's normal for a male to have a male smell in the area of his parts, as a female has a female smell there. You may have unrealistic expectations. These are sex organs.

Circumcised guys also have a smell as is normal.

Me! :- )

Why are people so anti-circumcision?

Thank’s for A2A.Very few are completely anti-circumcision. People are much more likely to be against baby circumcision without medical indications. It is culturally expected body modification in some parts of world, just like piercing earlobes of baby girls in some other parts of world but in this case a whole body part is simply irreversibly thrown away. It is not that harmful unless it goes wrong, but I really dislike the idea of modifying human bodies without their own consent. Once one has grown up, they can have whatever body modifications they want - their body, their choice.As for what looks better… There is nothing inherently better looking in either circumcised or uncircumcised penis. If you have grown up in a country where most guys are circumcised you would find circumcised penises better looking. If you have grown up in a country where most guys are uncircumcised you would find uncircumcised penises better looking. In my country if a guy is circumcised it means that either he’s Jewish or he has had some health issue, most likely it was very bad case of phimosis. As can be expected, I do find uncircumcised penises attractive - the moist tip, the very action of foreskin sliding over it… I suspect that it makes masturbation more comfortable as well.The disease protection seems to matter most if good hygiene options are not that available to you and you don’t use protection when having sex.