Can I Get Her Away Can I Get Her Off His Mind

How do I get her off my mind?

Hey there! I've got a quick solution for you, and it's quite simple! I read this quote in a book on Brain plasticity: " With obsessions and compulsions, the more you do it, the more you want to do it; the less you do it, the less you want to do it " The lesson here? You brain is always changing.All this time spent thinking about her has changed your brains in a way. Your body produces dopamine and other feel good chemicals when you think about her, but it's just a start. It seems as if you see her everywhere, BUT...all you have to do, in order to foget her is to get ACTIVE.Occupy your mind with other things and your obsession with her will lessen, because this girl in your head will lose its power over you.Your brain will make sure of it and over time you will develop new neuron connections, which will take over older ones  - that girl.You will forget her.You will think " What was happening for me? it's so silly, how could I like her in the first place? " Right now you probably idealize her, everything seems so perfect, but that's just your brain tricking you.Say fuck off to it and make it work for you.That's it.Some tough love.

Why can't i get her off my mind?

Ok so there's this girl in my history class i'm 19 she's 18. I don't even really know much about her and yet i can't get this girl off my mind. On one random class day she decides to sit next to me and has always sat next to me since. We haven't really talked a lot but we've communicated a few times. Usually when we talk it's about the course material or something the professor said. As a little time went on it seemed like we were at least aquaintances. In class she'll usually direct her attention towards me to ask me a question or whatever. She's usually always smiling at me and when i talk to her she gives direct eye contact. Outside of class she'll usually say hey to me and continue walking.

She kind of teased me once in class with some toy she had that made a lot of noise and when i looked at her she said "does it annoy you?" and i said "sort of" She then stared into my eyes for at least 10 seconds with a smile and started laughing right after. It was around this time where i realized i kind of like her.

at this point we still weren't really talking much and then i pulled a really bad move. I wrote her an anonymous letter which basically told her what i think of her and i even left a number to contact me, but she never responded. She still doesn't know i wrote the letter for sure though. It was after this where she started to act a little more distant but it's subtle. She doesn't really say hey anymore and whenever she sees me she just looks away very quickly.

Cant get a girl off my mind?

"If you can't get somebody out of your mind, maybe their supposed to be there."


Why is she always on my mind?

If you've answered or seen my previous questions you guys know I have a pretty long history with the girl I like again let's refer to her as Girl A. So a short recap Girl A and I act like we hate each other but other times we simply just click. We both hate it when people say we like each other in fact I beat the living **** out of this kid for saying it too much. Now school recently ended and I can't talk to Girl A because she is on vacation in Europe. This wouldn't be a big deal if it were anyone else mainly because I have forgotten previous crushes, girlfriends, and ex's in similar situations but Girl A is different I can't seem to get her out of my head in fact I have put rubber bands on my wrist and I give myself a little snap everytime I think about her. So yea could someone tell me what makes this crush different from all the other girlfriends, ex's and crushes I have completely forgotten about countless times before.
P.S Me and her are going to the same school next year so that's a bright side.

Can't get her out of my mind...!?

Ok...ders this girl im really in love with and Im pretty positive that I think about her 24/7 and at times when shes down I feel bad and I ask her whats wrong and stuff...we re like best friends from last year on...I really like her I always felt there was something strange about her when I first saw her .I told her that she resembled some bright white light to me too and she tuk tat as a compliment ...and well I already told her tat i love her 2 times (like 6 months the first time and 3 months the second time)..and she still goes on talkin to me alot on the phone ...well now (LIKE NOW NOw ) i think its the studies i m not sure shes not calling as usual .Shes got a boyfriend as well and I cant get her off of my mind..if she doesnt talk to me too I get kinda depressed and I wait patiently or I go and talk to her.I know it might be wrong just feels so rite cos both of us are so good for each other (many ppl have also made rumours tat me and her are havin an affair..i mean ALOT..)she calls me everyday ..and even said that she misses me at 10 45 in the night time while she was text messaging me and she also once called me to my cell at 10 40 in the night too...Keeping her off of my mind seems what am i supposed to do guys?...

How do I get a girl off my mind, even if I have not met her? I have only seen pictures and I am starting to feel very attached to her.

Thanks for the A2A!Month 1 - You will remember her often, and blame yourself for losing her. You will go on to do some stupid things, maybe get drunk or share intimate details with someone and ask for help on how to get her back. You will not be interested in anything other than her, you will feel a bit obsessed, especially if it was your first relationship.Month 2 - You will try to forget her, but will keep coming up with her memory from some thing or another. You will try to show some interest at work or a hobby, and find it difficult. You still miss her whenever you go to those places you went together as a couple.Month 3 - You will gradually not feel her presence anymore. You will not miss her that much and if you are busy, her memory won't come up unexpectedly. You will not mind socializing with friends whom you had avoided because of the breakup.Month 4 - You will find yourself getting organized and getting rid of gifts, letters from her you don't need to keep with you anymore. Life seems to have taken a comfortable pattern and you won't find it difficult to think of your life without her in it.Month 5 - Clearly, there will be signs she is not coming back. You will find yourself entering a comfort zone, feeling comfortable with your own company, and not missing that special someone. It should not hurt as much as it used to.Month 6 - There should be many signs you are over her. Memories of her will now be fleeting, they should not hurt as much. You will be able to switch off thoughts of her, if they ever come up. Even if you met her, you will be able to carry yourself well and not get threatened.6 months, 3 years, opinions vary as to how long it takes to get over someone. It depends on how deep the relationship was and the level of commitment made. But, remember that, time heals everything.

I can't get her off my mind. Does this mean I am in love or is it being foolish?

That is definitely not love. Let me tell you about lust and love.Lust means the desire to satisfy your own mind and senses. People may say they love someone but when asked about the reasons, we get to hear these answers"He is a nice person and I like his personality" "I like him just because for who he is""Because he takes care of me""He gives me what I need without raising his voice""She is the prettiest girl I have seen and I like her nature"This is not love. This is nothing more than being in love with your own desires and feeling some kind of appreciation for someone who fulfills your desires . And of course you may feel obliged to do something in return to satisfy their desires. It's like saying "You scratch my back, I will scratch yours". This is nothing more than a business transaction wherein you have defined the property of your subject and when your subject acts according to the property, you "feel" loved. Wrong. You feel your lust is satisfied.However, if that person stops satisfying your desires or does something to disappoint you, your feeling of Love changes its form to anger, regret, depression, hate and eventually, separation.This is Lust. This is both sexual and asexual in nature. This is called "Moh" and from "Moh", "Bhram" is produced. This Bhram traps the mind and makes you think you are in love, while in reality, you are in Lust. You are lusted by your own desires. You are lusted by what you think you want in order to feel being loved. The moment your subject changes behavior (and of course h/she will in due time), poof...that feeling is gone and what you are left with is regret, anger, hate and sadness.This hankering and lamenting of the mind is what causes "Maya"O son of Kunti. All "Maya" have a beginning and an end and so the wise men does not delight in them (BG)Then what is love?Love is the feeling which emerges in your heart, when you lie in a detached state and think about the time, place, people, memories that gave you warmth. The reality is understood in the absence of your subject. When the subject is no longer there to distract you and your mind enters a state of trance and still feels affection, that is love.

Why can I not get my ex out of my head and off my mind? Does she feel the same way about me?

Hi!First of all, let me pat your back for being a gentleman by accepting the fact that you two are not together anymore and letting her live her own chosen path.If you were truly in love with her, it must be an extremely painstaking process for you to dissociate your emotions with her memories. But I can assure you that time heals everything. If something has happened, it is either for some higher good or for you to learn from this experience.Here’s a true love story that you might be able to relate to.I suggest you:to keep yourself as busy as you can so that you don’t get the time to think about her in the first place.socialize as much as possible. I understand that you must be too sad to go party and all smiles in front of the world, but this will actually help.Talk about your breakup experience with your close ones, it can be therapeutic to you. Alternately, if you don’t feel like talking about your break up, try writing down your experience. This is called catharsis. It will help you to release the repressed emotions.Hope this helps!For more on spirituality, travel, love and relationships, please visit www.theguides.netBe Spiritual, Be Happy! :) :)

Help! I can't get my girlfriend off my mind!?

We've been dating for almost 3 months now. Things have gone great. We never argue about anything, I always make her laugh, and we just end up having a good time when we're together.

I'm not saying I'm clingy, but it's just I can never get her off my mind! Everything I do, no matter what, reminds me of her in some way (especially love songs haha).

I want to be with her whenever I can, but I realize she is her own person and probably wants her own space, so I respect that. I can walk to her house in 5 minutes, though.

I'm leaving to Florida in 2 weeks for a month and a half, is this just what I need to get her off my mind? I'm crazy for this girl, but I don't want to appear like I'm clingy or anything!

What are some things I can do to possibly make her feel the same way? Is this normal to be like this in out stage of the relationship? Will this eventually go away?

I think I scared her away, how do I get her back?

I don't think you scared her off. I think she is just young and wants to explore other options. She probably doesn't even know what she wants out of life yet. If you make her laugh that's a good thing. I think by you guys working together, that can cause a "smothering" effect because familiarity breeds contempt and that things will probably get better once she goes to college. Just play it cool and keep making her laugh. Women love to laugh.

Don't talk about it anymore. Even if she brings it up. Just tell her she's young and you care enough about her to let her go (even if you really don't want to). Show her you're in control. After all, you're older and she's probably looking to you for the answers. She'll respect you for that and never forget. Always leave an air of mystery about yourself and never tell her everything. Hold back and just be cool.

Good luck!