Can I Get In Trouble For Calling Someone Else In Sick At School

Does anyone else get nervous when calling in sick?

I have alot of things that I needed to accomplish today so I called in sick - first time this year. I always hate doing but sometimes you just need an extra day in the week. I hated how easily my ex-wife was able to do it. I always find myself desperately trying to sound sick when I call. I even get nervous calling out when I am really sick.

Can you legally call yourself in sick from high school if you are 18?

Yes. You don't have to live in the same state as your parents, they don't even have to know where you live. I went to school with plenty of people that didn't live with their parents while in high school. 18 is not a minor in the US.

I feel so sick but I have school?

Tell your mom that you need to see the doctor so you can make sure your illness doesn't require an antibiotic. Tell her going to school isn't going to make you better, but spread germs to others. Remember, you got sick because some other mother sent their child sick. I'd rather my daughter miss a day or two and get well, then keep trying to go to school and end up missing more days because I pushed her.

I'm skipping school tomorrow. Help?

If you want to take a "mental health day" without pissing off your parents, the best solution is to tell them, rather than think you can be sneaky. Explain the stress or strain you're under, and that you can't get enough rest even though you go to bed at 9:00. Then tell them your proposed solution and how you will make up the work.

My guess, however, is that you're trying to be sneaky because you know they are going to call you on your B.S., which may affect your social life.

Do you let your kids miss school when they are sick?

No, I never made my kids go to school when they were sick with a fever, vomiting, excessive coughing or anything that might have looked like they'd give it to the rest of the class.
l. Why make everyone at school sick?
2.How are they going to learn when they feel miserable?

As a teacher myself, I've seen kids sent in, and they obviously don't feel well. They come to me first off, and tell me, "Miss I don't feel good." I feel their heads, and they have fevers! I say, didn't you tell your mom? They say, "Yes, but she made me come anyway." So, then they go to the nurse, and the school has to call them up to pick up their kids. I had one kid whose parents never showed up. He was so miserable, I had him lie in the back of the classroom on the rug until school was out. And he slept. How sad!

Don't send your kid to school if they're sick.

That said. Sometimes kids will fake it. I recognize that. My own kids tried it with me. If they said, "I have a headache." I'd give them some Tylenol and told them to try. If they had a stomachache but no other symptoms, I'd say, "Try." Then if the school called, I'd know. But once they stayed home sick, they don't go anywhere else that day. No playing when everyone else comes home from school.

What happens when you get sick in boot camp or tech school?

They send you to a Troop Medical Clinic (TMC) and you get pills and a profile. The profile pretty much says not to work you too hard until you get better and it comes with a time limit on it. However, they do a pretty good job at making you feel like excrement for doing it, so its best to weigh your options. If you can get better without doing it, then its best to Soldier up. If, however, you are so sick you cant move with a fever and such, its in your best interest to see a doctor.