Can I Get Straightforward With My Grandad

How to ask my grandpa for a bra?

i'm 14 years old . and i 'm going to ask him for a bra.
i always do shopping with him.
my mom doesn't care about me.
and then maybe she'll laugh when she'll see bra. hee hee.
and hpow can i get my grandpa to buy me a bra??

my nips show though t-shirts. i think that vi must wear a bra. do u think so?

and how to ask?

i'm very shy and it's very embarassing!!!

help me

and girls, your first bra story??

and girls, your first bra story??

and girls, your first bra story??

and girls, your first bra story??

and girls, your first bra story??

and girls, your first bra story??

and girls, your first bra story??

* 14 minutes ago
* - 4 days left to answer.

How to teach my grandma to use the computer?

First, I am probably about your grandmother's age and I still have a little gray matter left. We are still capable of learning after we have gray hair.

Use the taskbar at the bottom of the screen. Place icons for the most common apps that she will use here. In your browser, bookmark sites that you think she will use. Rename the sites to be something shorter and more meaningful than the browser's default name for that site.

You should set up her computer so that you can make changes without your having to be in front of her computer. You can make changes and she will see exactly what you are doing.

Like most people her age, I prefer a good book. I suggest Win 7 for Dummies, PC's for Dummies, or Computers for Seniors for Dummies.

Recognize that if you spend an hour with her and show her 10 things, she will probably only remember 2 or 3 and only if they are relevant to her way of thinking.

How do I qualify for a British passport if my grandfather served for British forces in a world war?

On the basis of what you are putting here, you do not qualify for a Briths passport unless you as an indivdual meet the conditions of qualification laid donw by law. YOur grandfather has nothing to do with it.

If a grandfather has a grandson and the grandson tells his friend to kill his grandfather. How was the grandson alive to tell his friend to kill his grandfather?

First, let’s take the situation as you wrote it. No time travel here, so grandad dies, just as they do naturally, and grandkid is still here. Now, if you are talking about sending the friend back in time, it won’t work either. There can be no time paradox. If the friend does not somehow carry his own time with him, he will travel back before his own birth and not exist. You can not have two times exist in the same place and time. If there is such a thing as parallel universes, You can not exist in two at the same time. Going back in time before your own existence or forward in time beyond your own death is impossible.

How do I tell my 16 and 12 year old that their grandfather is leaving my Mom for another woman?

I would start by saying that people often make decisions that seem crazy to the rest of us, or definitely decisions that we would not make for them. For example, your children may decide not to do their homework at night, but you would choose for them to do it nightly. Grandma and Grandpa have decided to divorce after all of these years. This is not a decision you would have made for them, but then its not your choice, just as not doing homework would not be your choice.  Grandpa made a decision that was so repulsive to Grandma that Grandma doesn't want to live with that decision. Thus, they are getting a divorce. Then I'd tell them that there are always two sides to a story. (You don't know what happened in their marriage that motivated your Dad to have an affair.) and that you plan on loving both of your parents, both of their grandparents, and not listen to the rumors or rantings of either one of them. Then invite your children to do the same and give them sentences to say when either of their Grandparents start ranting. Sentences like; 'This is between you and Grandpa/ma, and I'm choosing to love both of you so please don't say bad stuff about the other one when around me. Thank you."  They may have to say that a few times before it really sinks in. This way you've informed your children of what is happening and never have to address affairs, or whatevers.

Can anyone help me learn Jamaican Patois (Patwa)?

To start could be great for you to look on the internet for dictionaries. My better way to learn a new language is listen to music et look TV show... so put some reggae dancehall inna di place :D

I seem to always bring out the worst in people?

Is that your roundabout way of saying you always have a cold and b*tchy demeanor? If so, then yes. People will react a lot better toward you if your are able to smile, and have some tact with your upfront personality.

You can be upfront and straightforward without being cold, rude or b*tchy.