Can I Give The Adult Dog To Eat Cooked Pork Legs And Claws Nails

Have there been instances where a cat killed a dog?

I have answered a similar question before, but cannot find it so will answer again.When I was a kid, I had an American Shorthair named Toby. He was pretty much the neighborhood boss cat. Many times he would disappear for days or weeks on end, only to appear bedraggled and limping, with another notch out of his ear or tail. I love the cat because he had my initial “M” on his forehead. He loved to sun himself on a big rock in front of our house in Detroit.There was a nasty and aggressive dog in the neighborhood. It was a lot of years ago, so I can’t tell you the breed, but it weighed in at least 50 lbs. Our cat was lean but big, probably in the range of 15 lbs. As I said, this dog would occasionally get out of his yard, and terrorise the neighborhood, including paper boys (me) mailmen and fruit vendors.Well, on this one sunny day Toby was relaxing on his rock, and this dog came running down the street. It was kind of obvious that he had his eye on Toby. The cat seemed to ignore the dog as the dog came closer and closer.Finally, at seemingly the last moment, Toby raised up, jumped straight up, and landed on the back of the dog, dug in with all four claws, and held on tight. Well, that dog took off yelping and barking, running like crazy. I believe that the dog ran around the block at least 3 times, each time Toby hanging on his back. Finally on the last time as the dog passed by Toby’s rock, he jumped off and landed back on his rock, turned around and I swear he went to sleep. The dog never stopped running, and yelping. I think he was partly convinced that the cat was still on his back. He ran directly for home and never came on our block again.So no, Toby didn’t kill that dog, but he sure as hell made sure that dog never messed with him again.I have seen many times that a cat will buffalo a dog. The dog generally has no idea of how to deal with the cat. I have seen where a dog would not come into a room if the cat was there, or would just cry if the cat was sleeping on its bed. The dogs are generally afraid of cats, and the cats mostly seem to be not afraid of the dogs. The dog just can’t get it through their head that the cat is smaller and not as strong. But because the cat won’t run away or cower, they really don’t know how to deal with it. The cat won’t act like another dog in such an event.

If I feed my dog only raw chicken feet, can it be stronger and muscular?

ONLY raw chicken feet? No. I haven’t completely read all the other answers, just skimmed through, so if I repeat anything, my apologies.Just feet are only bone, skin, tendons, and cartilage. Great, great for joint health, as that provides a natural source of glucosamine and chondroitin. So theyreva great treat, and that’s how I get them. But, they have no meat on them at all. No meat, no nutritional value. So, instead of creating a stronger dog, you’d creating a weaker, starving dog.So, absolutely include them as a nutritional supplement/snack. But also feed the raw bone in meats, some fruits/veggies, maybe some yogurt if you wish, and don’t forget your organ meat now and then (but don’t overdue the organs, either!) Your dog will love it.

Why does my dog lick everything after eating or drinking specifically?

My dog does this too, or at least, she tries to. I hold her in my lap for a good ten minutes or so after she’s eaten so that she’s just licking her lips, not the carpet and furniture. I have long hair, so when she licks the carpet, she ends up eating some long hair, and that leads to, when she goes to the washroom — sorry to be gross — her poop coming out, and then dangling from her butthole by hair. So… better not to have any hair ingested.She used to be much worse, both licking incessantly and scratching her face and rubbing her face on anything scratchy, like carpeting or certain furniture. That was caused by food allergies. The food contained meat she’s allergic to, which caused her mouth (and tongue) to itch. (It also caused her ears to itch even worse, and she would scratch them to the point of leaving little cuts in them, and eventually develop ear infections. She also gets a red, itchy butthole from meat she’s allergic to.)When she’s allergic to the food, the licking, face rubbing, and scratching are constant. Now, I’ve got her on food she’s not allergic to, and all the symptoms are gone except the licking immediately after eating. At this point, I think it’s just a habit that originally developed because she was itchy, but now she just does it because she did it for so long.It’s like when something you use everyday gets moved to a different position, like a light switch or the toilet paper holder or your toothbrush. You still instinctively reach for it where it used to be, even though now there’s no logical reason to. Since she’s a dog, she probably won’t ever have that moment of, “Duh, I don’t have to do that anymore.” So I just hold her when she’s done eating, and I try to distract her away from the licking.By the way, my dog is allergic to chicken (including eggs), turkey, fish, pork, beef, and venison. Maybe more. The only proteins I know for a fact she is not allergic to are rabbit and lamb. Apparently if it isn’t adorable, she can’t eat it.Anyway, it’s possible your dog is dealing with a food allergy, but if it’s also doing this just after drinking plain water, it seems more likely that there’s another cause. Sometimes dogs will lick or eat inedible objects (carpets, shoes, clothing, etc) because of a mineral or vitamin deficiency. I would recommend switching to a better brand of dog food and to see if that makes a difference.

Why does the Bible say Pigs are forbidden?

You would probably get a more thoughtful and detailed answer from the Jewish community regarding kosher food. They know this stuff backwards and forwards.I will say that it isn’t just pigs that are forbidden, but certain classes of animals:Kashrut - WikipediaIt would seem to me that the basic reasons could be twofold.A visible obedience to the Lord. Much like male circumcision, it was a way to visibly set apart Jews from their surrounding neighbors.Pork has to be carefully prepared, or you can end up with Trichinosis:Trichinosis - WikipediaBecause of that risk, and the Israelites likely ignorance of the medical reasons regarding under-cooked pork - it was a reasonable restriction in those days. It still is if it isn’t prepared properly.There may of course be other reasons. Pigs are remarkably smart animals, and are related to elephants, also incredibly smart animals. I have been thinking a lot about our fellow creatures on this earth and what we do with them. Nevertheless, I don’t think I can be a vegetarian for a variety of reasons.I was personally struck, in watching the show Mythbusters - how often they used a pig carcass to simulate bullets and other projectiles entering a human body. Couldn’t shoot people, so they shot pig carcasses. That gave me some pause in thinking about this dietary restriction.Of course - that doesn’t keep me as a Gentile and as a Christian from eating pork products. Get your hands off my bacon!I should note that Muslims have a similar restriction against pork. For them, their kosher would be Halal.

Umm, my rat lost a tooth?

The lump is probably a benign mammary tumor, i wouldn't worry about it too much.

The tooth, it probably broke off near the top. Rats can't loose teeth, because the base is deep within the skull. She will probably grow it back soon, but her tooth under it will need trimming from a veterinarian, and she will need soft foods. The vet can also help find out why she broke her tooth, and why she is less active.

When you get an animal, it is your responsibility to care for it, which includes taking it to the vet. Maybe do a garage sale to raise money?

What's the best way to fix up a possum for Thanksgiving?

I'm a little short of cash just now or else I would buy a bird. But since I'm pretty sure I can get a possum or 2 for free if I drive around tonight I was just wondering whether I should stuff it or just boil it with some taters and onions.