Can I Lose 10 Pounds In Two Months Without Exercising

How can I lose 30 pounds in 2 months without exercising?

You’re in luck because fitness is 85% nutrition and only 15% exercise. Clean up your nutrition and you might have a chance (depending on your starting point, although 30lbs in 2 months is VERY aggressive of a goal with no exercise)1. Learn the simple science behind energy balanceYou have to know how many calories you’re consuming and how many you’re expending.You can only lose body fat by eating fewer calories than you’re burning.It’s simple math—calories in vs. calories out.2. Maintain a proper balance of macronutrientsThe three macronutrients are protein, carbs, and fat. Your body—and abs—need all three.Depending on your fitness goals, your diet should be comprised of different amounts of each macronutrient. Once you find the balance that your body needs, stick to those numbers.3. Clean up your dietNatural foods are the best building blocks for any lifelong nutrition plan.Take it upon yourself to learn which foods are good and which are bad. You might be surprised to see meals you thought were healthy are actually sabotaging your fitness.For example: Eating a salad drenched in salad dressing is not as healthy as you think.

How can I lose 22 pounds in one month without exercising?

You can lose 22 pounds in one month. You can do it even without hitting a gym. In fact you can lose even more weight a day if you really wanted to if you were willing to do exercise and eat right.Here’s some info about a supplement that helped me lose 100 pounds in 5 months. The formula it uses helps you to not crave any junk food and helps your body speed up your metabolism to 1 lb a day loss in fat.Here it is…SkinnyworldHere's how you can do it-Strong determination-First of all,you need to have a very strong will power to lose weight.Promise yourself that you will not going to back out,whatever be the condition.Now that you have attained a strong will power,you can go through the steps below.Run-Wake up in the morning,put on your shoes and RUN!!Run as much as you can.If you cannot run,walk briskly.Running increases your metabolic activity and also burns fat.Make a chart- Note down the duration of your run time.Try to increase the duration on daily basis.Start with 15 min of running twice a day(Morning and evening).Cardio-Start with Air Squats.Start with 20,twice daily.Note: It might hurt your legs badly initially,but slowly you will get accustomed to it. DON'T QUIT!! Then move to Push Ups.Do as much as you can initially and increase the sets and repetition.Diet-You have got to watch what you eat.Do's-1- Eat carbs,fruits,vegetables.2- Drink protein shakes after cardio.3-Drink more and more water.4- Switch to nuts.Include Supplements. One of the Best Supplements out there that has a clinical formula for losing up to 10 lbs a week is Skinnyworld Weight Transformation. Be careful though as this can put too much pressure on the body long term.Dont's-1- Stop eating fast foods such as pizza's,burger.They contain ample calories to make you bulge.2-Don't eat too much at one time.Eat small meals to boost your metabolism.3-Avoid butter,milk and other dairy products.Also avoid rice.4- Take small meal at dinner.TRY THE ABOVE PLAN AND LET ME KNOW IF IT HAD WORKED!How can you lose weight (up to 10 lbs in one week)

How to lose 10 pounds without exercising?

Jus cut out all junk foods or cut down on your food, replace all drinks with just water, and drink lots of it (about two litres a day), have a glass of plain green tea every morning/night, etc.. And then instead of really exercising, just start jiggling your leg more often when you're sitting down, that can burn up to 400 calories a day (almost a pound of fat a week), walk more often, etc..

How to lose 15 pounds in 2 months without exercise?

im 14 and im quite overweight.. im 5"0 and i wanna get in shape for the summer which is like, in 2 months. i wanna know how to lose 15 lbs in 2 months without exercising bcuz i get busy at school school sometimes especially that im going into highschool pretty soon.. i'll do whatever it takes (giving up junk food and going on a strict diet) and stuff.. please help?