Can I Lose 20 Lbs In 2 Months

How can i lose 20 lbs in a month?

You have to be really strict with your eating and exercise habits. Tons of least AT LEAST 45 minutes per day, plus a few days a week of about 20 minutes worth of light strength training (gaining lean muscle mass raises your metabolism and helps you lose weight in the long run). Use 3-5lb weights to start. Put some motivational tunes on your iPod and get out there and run, girl.
Lots of water...cut back on soda, and limit your calorie intake to about 1600 per day. If you cut out carbs, you will only put the weight back on when you are done with your diet. Balance your meals. You will feel hungry at first, but stick with it. I did this 2 years ago and have not put the weight back on. And I have remained active. It was hard at first, but YOU CAN DO IT!!!!

How to lose 70 or 75 lbs in 2 months safely?

3500 calories in 1 lb of fat.

you want to burn 70 lbs in 60 days:

70lbs X 3500 = 245000

245000/60 = 4083 calories per day

you need to burn 4083 calories per day in addition to what you've eaten.

your bmr is 1300 calories per day. so this is the calculation you need use to excersize this weight off.

x amount of calories you've eaten with 2700 calories.

yes, its impossible.

put your goal over the next year, if you have a deficit of 500 calories a day. you'll lose 52lbs by next year. if you have a deficit of 1000 calories, you'll lose 70lbs in 35 weeks.

even anorexics cant lose that much in 2 months.

to have a deficit of 1000 calories and still eat healthily you will have to eat your bmr: (1200-1300) calories per day. and excersize to burn off 1000 calories (still very hard especially if you are overweight and aren't used to excersizing)

i'd start counting calories and see where you are in the next year.

I lost 15 lbs in 2 months! What did you do to lose 10-15 lbs?

I did it by cutting out pop COMPLETELY. That alone made me lose a majority of my weight. I’m about 5′10″ weighed about 210 lbs at my heaviest. For the first month I concentrated on cutting all sugar drinks, only drank carbonated water and lemon water. The next month I ate approximately 1800 calories a day and had a cheat meal 1 day a week (consuming approximately 2500–3000 calories). So far I’ve lost 15 lbs going into my 3rd month. This month I want to concentrate on eating more healthy and a more balanced meal. How did you do it?

Can I lose 20 pounds in 2 months?

i lost 20 pounds in about 2 months ! i ate around 1000 calories and it worked without me even having to exercise. the thing is, the fatter you are , the easier it is to lose weight. i was fat and lost 20 pounds easily now, its sooooo much harder for me to lose 1 pound. it takes about 2 weeks when it used to take about 3.5 days. so it really depends on how fat u are. good luck!

How can i lose 20 pounds a month?

this is not very healthy but my dad lost 68 pounds in 2 months all you have to do is drink slim fast 3 times a day no food no soda just water and take a multi vitamin that it this is not healthy though my dad just wanted a quick fix it works i promise but you should watch your body if you feel real bad you should get off the diet this is kinda dangerous but it does work i swear

How do I lose 20 pounds in one month?

Not sure why the tight deadline, but let’s see if I can help.First though, let’s get something straight…Can it be done? Yeah, unfortunately.You’re like, “Wait! Why is that unfortunate??!!”Well, because it’s possible, but you won’t keep that weight off. I can pretty much guarantee it.So then what’s the point, right?I am constantly trying to get people to understand that rapid weight loss is rarely a good thing.Unless you’re a prize fighter or fitness model, then it makes sense as you approach your fight or photo shoot date.But if you’re just a regular person (meaning someone that doesn’t earn their living from the performance of their body) then goals like this end in more frustration than anything else.However, I hate when people don’t answer questions regardless of personal opinion.Here’s what to do:Eat 3 times per day, with 4–5 hours in between meals and a 12 hour fast between your last meal and breakfast.Meals consist of protein and green veggies only. Protein shakes are perfect here, otherwise it’s chicken, lean beef, or white fish. Protein per meal is 40–50g (guys) or 20–30g (girls). Veggies are anything green and 1–2 cups per meal.Train intensely with weights, “metabolic circuit” fashion, for 30 minutes every other day. Full-body routines, focusing on squatting, lunging, pushing, pulling, and carrying.Walk an hour every day. Easy, leisurely walking. Not jogging, or running.Drink 1/2 your body weight in ounces of water every day. For example, a 200 pound person should drink 100 ounces of water. That’s about 12 cups.Sleep at least 7 hours a night. This. Is. A. MUST.Those 6 tips above are essential to get the belly fat burned off, not just in a timely manner, but with a long-term focus on keeping it off, as well.-BradP.S. - If you’re weight loss has stalled, you can check out this guide on what is going wrong and how you can fix it.It’s an infographic set that can be downloaded and printed off, to put anywhere! (And bonus - there’s no charge!)

I lost 20 lbs in 1 month. Is it too unhealthy?

Depends on how much you currently weigh. If you are heavier, it is healthier if you do it right. If you are lighter, then not so much.Remember it is a function of calorie in and calorie out. Multiply a person's body weight by 12 for a man and 10 for a woman and that will give you a good idea of how many calories they need to eat to maintain their weight (base upon activity level). Thus a 300 lb sedentary man would need about 3600 calories a day to maintain their weight, while a 200 lb man would need 2400. For women it would be 3000/2000.Now to burn a pound of fat you must expend 3500 calories. So if you go into a daily calorie deficit of 500 cal, that would be 3100/2500 calories a day for the heavy man/woman respectively, and 1900/1500 for the smaller man/woman.So, to lose 20 lbs of fat, then one would have to expend 70000 calories in that month., or 2333.33 a day. Now if the 3000lb man cut to a 2000 calorie a day diet, then they would go into a daily deficit of 1600, or 48000 a month. Now, walking for an hour a day at 3 miles per hour, could burn up to 630 calories, for 18900 a month, to equals to about 67000 a month. All healthy and doable.If you replace energy dense (high calorie) foods with nutrient dense (low calorie foods) it become much healthier And, if you fast intermittently, you will still actually burn more calories per pound of body fat than that.

Can you really lose 20-30 lbs a month with Isagenix?

It is not FDA approved but it works. You lose weight because this program changes the way you eat. You lose a lot of weight because you're fleshing the toxins out. Toxins are trapped inside of your fat cells. So when you get rid of the toxins you also get rid of the fat. My doctor also recommended this to me for IBS and weight loss. With a good cleanse you can lose up to 10 lbs in 9 days. And it's not just water weight. So it's very possible to lose 20 lbs in a month. I lost 22 my first month and I only exercise the two weeks out of that month. I don't think you can buy it in stores but i purchased if from Good luck