Can I Lose Weight And Gain Muscle At The Same Time

Can you lose weight and gain muscle at the same time?

Yes u can I know what im talking about. U need to drink protein shakes after u work out. U can buy protein powder and u can just mix with water or put it in the blender and make it with a smoothie. Make sure they have little to no calories and little to no carbs. U need to burn fat so yes do some cardio. But if ur gonna lift weights don't work the same muscle group 2 days in a row. For example do triceps and chest one day and shoulders and biceps the next. U need to make sure ur burning more calories then your eating. So u have to stay away from fatty foods and don't eat a lot of carbs. Eat as little carbs and calories as u can basically. If u do all this u WILL lose fat and gain muscle at the same time. Good luck dude hard work pays off

Can you lose weight and gain muscle at the same time?

I don't mean turn fat into muscle. I'm wondering if I can run on the treadmill for 20 minutes, and then lift weights afterwards at the gym 5 days a week with 2 resting days. Will this make me lose weight and build muscle at the sane time? Or is it better to lose the weight first, then build muscle?

Help! I an confused...

Can I gain muscle while losing weight?

Yes and No.The Yes side: It’s easier and can be achievable for gym beginners, the genetically favoured (very low chance), the young (18–29), those who have previously had muscle in that region before (muscle memory) - all of course combined with the proper nutrition and right weight training.The No side: All not in that previous group, so most people cannot. Of course the exception has to be steroids and other chemical compounds, which make your body gain muscle quicker than those with perfect genetics. You don’t even need to exercise and will gain muscle. It’s that powerful (but also dangerous).My advice is to focus on either losing weight or gaining muscle. Don’t tread the middle ground, for next to nothing will change. You need a caloric deficit to lose (fat) weight and a caloric surplus to gain (muscle) weight. If you don’t exercise during weight loss, you will lose more muscle. That’s not what you want, so you continue training for you not to lose muscle. If you are on a slight caloric surplus (good nutrition with enough protein) you need to train in order for that surplus to be mainly put to build and maintain muscle (more weight). Either way keep on training, because it will be good for lowering your body fat percentage. Most people recommend losing weight first, but you can go either way. Just don’t bulk up for too long, because you may realize that a lot of your gains were just fat and you need to keep that in check once in a while to “keep it real” so that you know your actual progress.

Can I lose fat and gain muscle at the same time?

Contrary to popular belief here, fat can't be turned into muscle. What you are suggesting is possible but not easy. You are right to up the protein intake, but ensure this is for every meal. Up the cardio as well. Don't lower carbs too much or you won't have energy to train. I assume you are training with weights or some other form of resistance training to gain the muscle. Don't worry about what weight you are. Concentrate more on your body fat percentage and aim to lower that. You may lose some muscle too but once the fat is off, you can concentrate on building up good quality muscle and keeping the fat off or to a minimum with diet and cardio.

Can you lose weight and build muscle at the same time?

Yeah Scoob, you can absolutely lose weight and build muscle at the same time. I dropped from 230lbs to 200lbs in a period of 3 months by running, lifting weights, and eating smaller meals. You MUST do the exercise and diet together if you want to see results fast. It CAN be done.

By running and/or doing cardio, you will burn fat and build muscles at the same time. Adjust your diet by cutting out all fatty or processed foods. Eat only healthy, fresh foods. If you stay disciplined and stay focused on the diet and exercise, you WILL see results fast and love the way you feel! Take care and good luck!

Can you lose weight and build muscle at the same time?

Of course! That plan sounds very good, just don't restrict yourself to a too small amount of calories. If you will be exercising, you need to be eating at least 2000 calories a day to sustain yourself. Also, don't go overboard on the weight lifting. Lift what is comfortable, its terrible on the muscles to lift more then necessary.