Can I Only Feed My Dog When I Teach It Tricks

What are the easiest tricks to teach mice to do?

by hand each day. Cheerios or similar grain-based cereals work well for this.
Step 2

Give your pet mouse treats to reward good behavior and get the mouse to learn new tricks.
Step 3

Be consistent! Train your pet mouse for 30 minutes at a time. Any longer and the mouse will stop paying attention.

Step 4

Use the same word as a command and the same tone of voice every time you teach your pet mouse a trick.
Step 5

Teach the trick in small steps that are easier to learn. Be patient. Mice are smart and your pet mouse should learn quickly.
Teach a Pet Mouse to Stand Up and Beg
Step 1

Hold a small treat in your hand and show it to your pet mouse.
Step 2

Raise the treat slowly in the air.
Step 3

Say a command word like "up" as your pet mouse sits up to reach the treat.
Step 4

Wait until the mouse is fully standing up before saying the command word again as you feed the treat to your pet.
Step 5

Make your pet mouse wait a little longer before you give the treat each time you are training it to stand up. This will teach it to stand and hold the pose when he hears the command "up."
Teach a Pet Mouse to Come When Called by Name
Step 1

Sit by your pet mouse and say its name.
Step 2

Repeat its name several times while giving it a treat.
Step 3

Sit or stand a little farther away from your pet mouse at each training session.
Step 4

Hold the treat and show it to your pet mouse.
Step 5

Say the pet's name while holding the treat.
Step 6

Give the mouse the treat and say its name again when it comes to you and soon you can say your pet mouse's name from across the room and it should come to you.

What is the best trick I can teach my brother’s 9-month-old dog while I babysit her for the next two weeks?

This is not a “trick” per se, but people really enjoy it when dogs perform it.It is the “Shake” or “Gimme 5” command, depending on what you social culture is.To teach this command, the dog must be able to walk on a leash and know the “Sit” command.If the dog does not know how to do these two things yet, I cannot help you in two weeks.But if the dog does know how to do these two things, then teach this:Put the dog on a leashHave the dog sit. If the dog is used to treat training, you may have a hard time with this. I don’t practice treat training normally, only for certain occasions. I don’t recommend commercial treats, I use cheese crackers. Have some cheese cracker on hand, but don’t offer right away.Ask the dog to “Shake” or “Gimme 5” (Your choice), and point to right or left leg. It is up to you to figure out if your dog is right or left ‘handed’.At first the dog may seem confused and not know what to do.Repeat the command and reach for the dog’s leg, but do not touch it. Repeat 3 times. If the dog does not catch on after 5 minutes, stop and wait until the next day to try again. But always praise the dog by saying “Good dog, very good dog!”This command is an exercise in patience. Most dogs catch on after about 5 days. When the dog does “Shake”, give a cheese cracker, but not before. If you give a cracker to the dog before the Command is done successfully, the dog will never learn what you really want.

What kind of tricks can I teach to 6 week old puppies?

As soon as you get your puppy home when it will begin learning about in-house environment, nearby surroundings, you and forming a relationship with you.Around 8 – 9 weeks, your puppy will observe few things from you apart from what he/she is learning from mother.You shall make the basic training or instructions simple and don't chastise or correct your puppy if he is getting things wrong, as he is still very young.Puppies will sense your confidence levels, and bad habits can develop at a young age if you are not consistent.Manage and maintain your voice tone. Although your puppy may not yet understand commands, he will respond to your tone of voice.There are many ways to reach the same goal and you should choose the method or variation that best suits you.It is advisable to keep one sign for one behavior or action for puppy to learn fast and accurate.One behavior: Give only one signal for each behavior that you want the puppy to display.The first basic tricks / skills, I prefer to teach are :1. The puppy’s name (Let the puppy the name)Other commands as per the action and their respective signsYes , No , Come , Sit etc

What are some tricks I can teach my goldfish or is that even possible?

tap on the tank lightly in the same spot when you feed them. After a couple of hundred reps, they might come when you tap the tank. But that’s about it.

How can I teach my cat the high five trick?

Find out what your cat absolutely loves to eat. Cheese, fish, egg, certain cat treats whatever? Sit on floor have cat eye level. So have cat on footstool or ottoman etc… place favorite treat in your hand ( do this before you feed him hungrier the better). Place both hands in front of cat ( so u have 2 fists made) he will go to fist w/treat. When he sniffs it, do nothing. Say nothing. Soon as he/she touches your fist w/treat with her/his paw give them the treat. Do this a couple of times. Now that your cat understands they get treat when they touch your hand (fist) with paw. Go ahead and raise fist w/ treat higher follow the steps, do nothing, say nothing only when paw touches hand give treat. Do this more until cat underdtands. Once the fist goes up you really need to make sure he is reaching up to your hand. You want that "high 5 effect" so this phase needs to really stick. Do not give the cat this special treat only when your training him for now, at least. The last phase your going to just rub the scent on the palm of your hand. Do the same thing & give treat when cat places paw on opened hand give him a couple treats and repeat. Thats it!

How to teach my dog to give me her paw?

When i try to train my 7 month old puppy (with a clicker) how to give me her paw, she just licks my hand and then just stares at me. I am training her how i trained my other puppy (at my moms house), who was really easy to train, but my 7 month old pup just won't give me her paw. Can anyone give me any suggestions on how to train her?
She knows sit, and is getting the hang of lie down, but i am having real difficulties with training her to give me her paw.