Can I Smoke During 6 Week Postpartum

7 weeks post partum pregnancy test positive?

I went to my OB that I had while I was pregnant with my daughter 5 days ago for my 6 weeks post partum check up , a pap smear, and to get on birth control. My daughter is now 7 weeks & 5 days old. She gave me nuvaring but I found my insurance dont cover it. So today I went to my regular dr to get another birth control. She decided to do a urine test first and that came back positive. To make sure its not my hormones from my previous pregnancy she did a blood test and I get that back the day after tomorrow. My husband and I had sex once without protection & he "pulled" out ( i know i know) but 3 days after that I had bleeding for two days which my ob said was my first period. Now I dont know what to think.. Am I pregnant again or not? Whats the possibility that its my hormones from my daughter that was born june 25th, 7 weeks ago. Dr saidf its possible but rare? anyone know?? Im freaked out. Thanks.

Do they drug test at a post partum appointment?

My friend just had a baby a few weeks ago and she has her 6 week post appoinment coming up.. She smoked just a little marijuana after the baby was born. Was wondering if they will test for that when she goes? She didn't smoke her whole pregnancy. I am kind of worried for her?! No rude responses please, thank you!

Plan b & postpartum...??? Real answers please!!!?

I had sex during my postpartum my daughter is a month old.
Im breastfeeding
I had unprotected sex literally for 2mins then we stopped
He did not ejaculate!!!
& all that could have possibly got in was pre ejaculation
I took plan b about 45 mins after sex!!
Should i still be worried about another pregnancy???

Drug test at 6 week postpartum visit?

I was wondering if they drug test women at their 6 week postpartum checkup? They drug tested me while I was pregnant at every visit while I was pregnant. I just want to make clear that I am a very good mother if some of you think Im not because I am asking this. My baby is my life and he comes first. I smoked pot on my birthday a few days ago, I dont drink and I was not around my baby when I smoked. Just wondering if I should expect to get tested, not sure if it was enough to stay in my system but would still like to know if they do. Please dont answer my question to judge me, thank you.

What is it like to quit smoking?

Smoking is such an insidious habit that it can seem damn near impossible to quit, though in reality doing so isn't too difficult- once you approach it the right way. The hardest part about quitting smoking is dealing with nicotine withdrawal, which can be uncomfortable to the extreme. All smokers basically hate the feeling of being a smoker, but once they have gone without a cigarette for several hours they hate that feeling even more. If life were to be a choice between being a smoker and that horrible, itchy, nauseating feeling of being an ex-smoker, then being a smoker would be the far better option, warts and all. Put very simply, what keeps people from stopping quitting smoking is the persistent belief that not smoking, in spite of all of its various benefits, is somehow worse. Smokers convince themselves that it's only rational to carry on. And they do, sometimes for years before thinking about quitting again.When a smoker stops smoking, his body undergoes fairly mild physical withdrawal symptoms, which amounts to a slight feeling of discomfort and restlessness. The real killer is the mental affect. A smoker typically feels a horrific anxiety, akin to not being able to do something one deems essential. The feeling grows worse and worse, most of the time, until the smoker eventually gives in and smokes again. People quit all the time- I did in 2008, and have not had one single moment of discomfort since then. The approach is what matters. When people decide, definitively, that they are not going to ever have a cigarette again, the feeling is often euphoric- like a great weight is lifted off their shoulders. Physically, they feel a bit uncomfortable but this feeling is vastly outweighed by the joy and relief of being free from the addiction. The hardest part is simply the waiting- for after a few weeks, the last strains of nicotine leave your system and you're truly free.

Unprotected sex 5 weeks after giving birth?

While it's possible to get pregnant this early, it's VERY unlikely if you are breastfeeding exclusively and have not yet had a period. (LAM -- lactational amenhorrhea method -- is 98% effective in preventing pregnancy -- a reliability that most people would classify as 'a good method of birth control.')

I wouldn't worry about it. (But still, if you aren't educated about LAM and how it works, you'll probably want to use another method of contraception -- condoms or an IUD or a progestin-only method. You can discuss it with your doctor or midwife at your 6 week check-up.)

EDIT: To clarify and re-emphasize, since you're getting all the usual ignorant responses here ...
You are NOT 'more fertile' after having a baby. Once you are ovulating again you return to normal fertility, but at 5 weeks post partum and breastfeeding you are almost certainly NOT ovulating yet.

And no, breastfeeding itself is not a form of birth control. But LAM (lactational amenhorrhea method) IS a legitimate and highly effective form of birth control which can be used as long as you are a) breastfeeding exclusively b) less than 6 months post-partum and c) have not yet had a period. As long as you meet all 3 criteria, the odds of pregnancy over the entire 6 months are around 1%.

Can smoking marijuana cause a miscarriage in the first trimester?

I stopped smoking it as soon as I found out I was pregnant, but by that time I was almost 5 weeks. I am having some abdominal discomfort and pain in my right leg, and I read somewhere that Marijuana can keep the embryo from implanting correctly and cause and ectopic pregnancy. Has anyone ever heard of this before?

How long do I need to stop smoking meth for the baby to come out clean?

Much depends on how often you have been doing this and how much you have been smoking. if you smoked throughout your entire pregnancy, there’s a huge (100%) chance your baby will be born addicted. If you smoked during the first trimester, there’s a chance your baby will have not grown and developed normally. The fetus is most vulnerable to toxins and drugs the first three months.It saddens me to hear questions like this, having seen newborns addicted to a drug a mother abused during pregnancy. I had a friend who had three children, and all three were born addicted, the youngest started having seizures minutes after birth. All three now have learning disabilities, and their growth and development, after birth, are not within the norm of the child’s age.For the sake of your unborn child, and your illicit drug abuse, please seek help. There are all kinds of programs available, and I’m sure one can easily be found in your area.Good luck to your unborn child and I wish you well.

Is 6 weeks enough time to pass a drug test?

It takes 30 days for marijuana (I'm assuming that's what you smoked) to clear completely out of your system. Those detox drinks they sell in shops and online don't work at all. So I wouldn't suggest trying that for your next test. But yes you'll probably pass your test.

Can smoking while your pregnant cause you to bleed?

Yes, it can cause miscarriages - the risk of suffering a miscarriage is increased by 25% for a smoker. It can also cause:

Foetal death - this is when the baby is still a foetus (less than 28 weeks) and dies in the uterus. Maternal smoking has been linked to the death of 5 - 10% of all foetal and neonatal deaths.
Stillbirth and death of the baby in the first week - this risk is increased by a third if the mother smokes.
Placenta previa - the placenta lies extremely low in the uterus and block or covers the opening of the cervix. This can result in a difficult delivery and puts the mother's and baby's life at risk.
Early detachment of the placenta from the wall of the uterus before delivery, which could result in heavy bleeding.
Increase of heart rate and blood pressure in the mother due to the effects of the nicotine.
Blood clots
Vaginal bleeding
Urinary tract infections
Premature rupture of the membranes, which may lead to a premature birth as well as infection.
Lack of necessary vitamins and folic acid.
Decreased lung function of the developing baby, caused by the nicotine that crosses the placenta to the foetus and alters the cells of the unborn child's developing lungs.
Premature birth, which could result in a low-weight baby. Full-term babies are healthier and stronger. Going into labour prematurely is twice as common in smokers than it is in non-smokers. The risks are even higher if the mother is still smoking throughout the latter half of her pregnancy.
Respiratory problems in the mother.
Less energy and therefore tiring more easily and less able to cope well with the pregnancy.

As for the baby, it can cause a lower birth weight baby because the smoke robs the baby of getting nutrients and gives it toxins instead. It also stops the baby from getting enough oxygen, affecting it's breathing and movement. The baby can also get nicotine withdrawal symptoms after birth as the mother - who has been supplying the nicotine fix - is no longer attached to her child to provide the nicotine hit.

You really must stop smoking - for yours and your baby's sake - if you actually are (it's unclear whether you're just wondering or are asking specifically for your sake).

Edit: it does not lead to deformed babies. At least try to be accurate in your judgements.