Can I Still Use This Pepto Bismol

Can I use Pepto Bismol that was frozen?

Why take a chance, saving money and risking your health? When products freeze, especially those containing solids/liquids, the liquid portion crystalizes, possibly changing the chemical structure. The labels usually require keeping such products at room temperature. My advice is to get rid of it, and getting a fresh bottle which may cost 5 or 7 dollars, compared to a doctr's visit, which is a lot higher!

Can i use frozen pepto bismol?

I would make sure to shake it well, I would think that some ingredients may seperate.

Would Pepto bismol?

still be good after sitting in a hot car for a day... or should i throw it out???... my tummy hurts cuz i ate to much at lunch... any alternatives (keep in mind im at work and i cant leave)

Can you overdose on pepto bismol?

Not good to use a lot of it. I use to drink a bottle a day, then found out my fibromyalgia (aches ans pains) were caused from a build up of the stuff. Had to have chelation therapy to get it out. It seems that it does not leave your system, ever and can cause a variety of symptoms and arthritis.

Can Pepto-Bismol be used to treat a hangover?

During a hang over, I'll try anything! However, I find that lots of milk helps. I was a bartender for 25yrs and have heard every remedy you could imagine and just as many people that swear by them. The only thing that helps, is time and for me, lots of milk, straight from the jug cuz I feel to crappy to bother pouring out into a glass

Using/Storing Pepto-Bismol?

No it does not have to be refrigerated, and it helps to shake it but it is not required.

My dad sleeps with a bottle next to his bed, all our bathrooms are stocked with a bottle. He drinks it like every night.

Is it okay to take Pepto-Bismol if it's 2 years old?

well the worst that can happen is that you'll throw up. Which is what will probably happen if you don't take it. get well soon.