Can I Sue The County Road Commission / City For A Poorly Marked Corner

What is the most embarrassing thing that ever happened to you at work or in class?

Unforgettable embarrassment I was in 12th class. It seemed like any other day. We were in the physics class and the teacher was trying to make us understand magnetic field lines.He was in his 30s with weird hairstyle and was quite popular among the students.We were half asleep and were getting bored, then out of nowhere came the PT teacher for checking as he had got some information from his "reliable" sources that some boys of our class had brought mobile phones to the school.All of a sudden, both the teachers started checking the bags and pockets of the boys.After checking few of my classmates our physics teacher came to my desk. I was sitting with my very-good friend who was a studious, introvert, shy guy and one of physics teacher's favourites. At first he was unwilling to check him because he knew him well and liked his behaviour very much, but then he did his duty but in vain.Then he found his wallet which was of different kind with a metal chain coming out of it and had an attractive tattoo. He kept it just out of curiosity.The search was over and our PT Teacher left the class empty handed. Now this Physics teacher went to the lecture stand with the wallet and started taking all the things out of it.Then he was stumbled upon a phone number diary of my friend. And on the first page and in bold letters was written BULL-DOG.He chuckled and passed a smile to my friend and read that name loudly in the class. Teacher, looking at my friend  :- BULL-DOG hahahahahahaha. Who's nick name is this? Who in the class is BULL-DOG? Raajan you? ABC you? No one? So tell me who's number is this?Class was silent .Then he read the number loudly, written in front of BULL-DOG. And he was dumbstruck."Arre yeh toh mera number hai"(Oops this is my number.)That was his number.The whole class bursted into laughter. And my friend was trying to hide his face under the desk.The bell rang and he left the class leaving that wallet on the stand.And this friend of mine bunked the next few physics lecture.Now if you ask how this incidence is embarrassing for me? Well, i was the guy who gave him that name. P.S - We (teacher and I) are still in contact and still remember and enjoy this incidence).

Renting out houses seems to be a good investment to me. Is it simple? Where is the catch? Is it really so simple to make money on that? Can you lose money doing this?

It can be simple, but it can also be a nightmare.I own four rental properties. Two are very simple. I bought them, I found tenants, the rent comes in. For those two (and for rentals in general), the hard part is the search: I look at 100s if not 1000s of properties before I find one that I think will work for my purposes.But once it’s set up, it’s very little work. At these two properties, besides the occasional minor maintenance issue (… which is typically solved by a phone call and a check), everything is on rails.The “medium headache” rental I have has a little more tenant turnover and a little more simple maintenance. The basement is drafty, and the pilot light goes out a lot. But on balance, it’s not much of a headache at all. There was a little bit of up-front risk, because the house as-purchased had some serious maintenance issues: the foundation was sinking in one corner. Additionally, the layout upstairs was completely stupid. Before getting any tenants, we put about $100K into the house (beyond its $480K purchase price) and got it ready to rent. Since then, it’s been fine.The fourth rental… we’ll see. I recently closed on it, and we have a massive renovation planned. Getting permits from the city of Boston has proved to be more of a challenge than we thought, so… terrible.