Can I Train My Arms And Chest 3 Times A Week

How many times in a week should I train my chest in order for it to get bigger?

2 - 3 times per week is kind of the max, with 2 being the limit for most people. Muscle hypertrophy takes time, and overtraining the muscle you're trying to develop will do more harm than good. When I build a program, I usually rotate a focus group each week. My current program looks like this:Week 1:Monday - Chest & TricepsTuesday - LegsWednesday - Back & BicepsThursday - ShouldersSaturday - Chest & TricepsWeek 2:Monday - ShouldersTuesday - Back & BicepsWednesday - LegsThursday - Chest & TricepsSaturday - ShouldersWeek 3:Monday - Chest & TricepsTuesday - LegsWednesday - Back & BicepsThursday - ShouldersSaturday - LegsWeek 4: Monday - Chest & TricepsTuesday - LegsWednesday - Back & BicepsThursday - ShouldersSaturday - Back & BicepsThat's my 5 day, 4 week rotation that I go to when I'm focusing more on general fitness. Abdominals get done every day, along with 30 minutes cardio followed by 15 - 20 minutes of stretching, at the end of my workout.  Muscle development is pretty rapid, with results being noticeable by friends, family and co-workers after a couple months. Endurance builds rapidly as well, and I usually manage to shave a few seconds off of my mile runs each rotation. If I start to get too big, I can decrease resistance and increase repetitions to shift focus. The average session is usually around 90 minutes, but can easily push to 2+ hours if I'm seeing good progression in my workouts. I usually stick to this for 3 to 8 months before changing to a 4 day program that looks something like this:Monday - Chest & TricepsTuesday - LegsWednesday - Back & BicepsThursday - Shoulders, Triceps & ChestAgain, cardio gets done every day, along with abdominals and stretching, at the end of every workout. The sessions tend to be a little shorter, but the resistance is higher as I'm usually focused on bulking out when on this program. That Thursday workout is brutal, and I usually have to hit the jacuzzi afterwards before I can even consider driving home. I'll do this for 4 - 6 weeks at a time, before going back to my other rotation.

How many times a week should I bench press?

try this plan...workout 3-4x a week
mon. chest and tricepts so do benching inclined declined and flat 3 sets of each and 4-6 reps of higher weight for more mass..8-12 reps though if ur starting and ease into it ull still see results also add in a tricep workout skull crushers look at it on youtube do like 5 sets of those however many reps u want
tues. rest
wed. back and biceps do bent over rows 3 sets
deadlift 3 sets, and i suggest wide hand pull ups if u can get a pull up bar or do them on something
bicep curl with the barbell 5 sets if u have dumbells add dif types of curls like hammer curls
thurs. rest
fri. do ur chest tricep workout again
sat. do shoulder like military press and do legs squats lunges use weight
sun rest
i did the best i could considering u only have a barbell

I'm 16 years old and I train my chest 4 times a week and biceps 3 times a week. I'm 174cm and 70Kg, how much time for my chest to develop?

You are probably having training more than required,without taking rest!A perfect body is a balanced combination of workout,diet and rest.For this you have to:take a balanced diet prescribed by a dieticianworkout regularly and taking each muscle seriously(without skipping the leg day!because legs workout helps to boost your testosterone levels!so squats are a must)do not take any supplements unless prescribed by a physician.drink lots of water.and don’t forget to take sufficient rest!

Can I train a muscle two times a week?

Well you can but the bigger question is which ones? All of'em?The First case: Hitting only selective muscles 2 times a week.I can share my old workout routine. May be that helps.Day Muscle # of ExercisesMonday Back 4Biceps 3Tuesday Chest 4Triceps 3Wednesday Legs 4-6Thursday Shoulder 5-6Friday Biceps 4Triceps 4Saturday AbsSunday RestI needed to train my arms more than other muscles. So by above routine I was to hitting Biceps and Triceps 2 times a week, coz you should know where are you lacking. And this worked well.Second case: Hitting all muscles 2 times a week.Well this is not that easy, and I won't recommend but you can definitely do whatever you can imagine.So hitting only upper body and keeping a good amount of recovery time too:Day Muscle # of ExercisesMonday Back 4Biceps 4Tuesday Chest 4Triceps 4Wednesday Shoulder 5-6Thursday Back 4Biceps 4Friday Chest 4Triceps 4Saturday Shoulder 5-6Sunday Legs 5-7And needless to mention, you would need to maintain/track your diet seriously when you are shocking your body with so much exercise.What matter more is that you enjoy what you are doing and don’t feel fatigue all the time.Good Luck.

3 times a week at the gym enough?

It's only enough if the program your on states so. Judging by your terrible split, it appears as if you made the program up yourself, or obtained it from some terrible website.

I recommend starting with a proper routine that focuses on a full body workout 3 times a week, something you should be doing because it's quite obvious your not at a stage where a split such as yours is necessary.

This routine has been used by many and has given successful results time and time again. It would be in your best interest to follow it.

Is it better to workout 3 times a week alternate days (chest+triceps; lats+biceps; lower+shoulder) or 1 body part 6 days a week?

1 body part 6 times a week is better. Cause this way you double work every muscle in each week.Ex: Monday- biceps & tricepsTuesday- legs & forearmswednesday- chestThursday- Shoulder & AbsFriday - Back & bicepsSat- Chest & legsSunday- complete rest. NO cardio.

Will I overtrain if my routine is like this, chest/back, shoulders, arms, and legs twice a week?

I’m confused. Is each group separated by a comma represent one day worth of training?Cause that leaves only twice a week for the first three groups. Unless you rotate it where the last done group is first up on the following week…Anyways, yeah I do something similar and haven’t injured myself. I will say that I have taken weeks off and occasionally miss a day. But ideally I go 7 days a week and rotate between this:Chest/TricepsShoulders/TrapsLegs/AbsBack/Bicepsrepeat.But I don’t do a long workout. Max 3 sets per workout, around 20–30 reps per workout. Lifting for around an hour.This way you’re working out each group twice a week. Due to the law of diminishing returns, you benefit most from your initial reps and sets, so you get a lot out of your 2–3 sets by doing it twice a week.I would work up to this though, after a week of rest I’m sore when coming back to my routine. Afterwards I don’t have any significant soreness.Also it is good to take periodic weeks off in general. Come back, deload your exercises or switch to a new muscle group rotation.

How many times a week should I workout each muscle?

This is my workout schedule:

Monday: Biceps, shoulders, Traps, Triceps
Tuesday: Chest, back
Wednesday: rest
Thursday: Biceps, shoulders, Traps, Triceps
Friday: Chest, back
Saturday: Rest
Sunday: Biceps, shoulders, Traps, Triceps

Monday: Chest, back
Tuesday: Biceps, shoulders, Traps, Triceps
Wednesday: rest
Thursday: Biceps, shoulders, Traps, Triceps
Friday: Chest, back
Saturday: rest
Sunday: Biceps, shoulders, Traps, Triceps

and so on this pattern repeats, is this bad that I m working out a few of my muscles 3 times a week? should I instead rest Wednesday, Saturday and Sunday, and workout these muscles just twice a week?