Can Identity Crisis Effect Song Writers/artist

Why is art, poetry, creative writing, acting, dance and music considered to be great skills when they don't solve problems in life such as the food and energy crisis? They provide mankind with enjoyment but is that important to the world?

Your question seems to assume a limited view of these categories of the humanities. Look again at the list; find the common denominator. Each of them is a form of communication, thus to see them as not solving specific problems is akin to saying "Communicating doesn't cure cancer, science does."Flip the thinking, and you have the thought that leads one to wonder: "Can we cure cancer without communicating?" Then it becomes easier to see that one need only look at the possible functions of the humanities. I'll take art, as that is the area I have studied the most. Art, I learned much to my surprise, not only serves to provide esthetic benefit, but also it serves to change the perceiver. And, the one I didn't see coming, it serves to change the artist!" Here is the link to my telling this life altering story: Roderick House's answer to Artwork: What experience with art affected you in a profound and unanticipated way?And even though you didn't really ask this, think of the way an art class can affect a young student who struggles with taking multiple choice tests. That was me as a young student... I am a divergent thinker. Multiple choice tests favor convergent thinking (there is only one correct, or best, answer.) In an art class, I could see that there was a completely different way of thinking; I could see that there were many ways to communicate using art. This honors my way of thinking! That to me is a powerful and critical lesson that helps me learn and grow.

What do ya'll think about existentilism?

read: waiting for godot