Can Marijuana Help Clear Up Acne

Can marijuana cause acne?

It seems as I'd every time I would smoke weed my skin would break out. I barely ever smoked but the occasional times I would I would get a few pimples. The past couple of months my skin has been terrible. I usually get a break out and then my skin is completely clear for months but now I break out bad my skin will be completely clear then a few days later il break out again. It seems as if its always on the weekends when I'm at parties my skin gets bad. Ill go out Friday or Saturday night and in not smoking but everyone else is and the air is all smoky leaving my hair and clothes smelling like it but then the next day ill wake up and my skin will be breaking out. I'm so sick of this acne it's killing my self esteem making me feel like I'm gross. I want it to go away but I still want to have fun and go to parties. Could the smoke be why I'm breaking out so much??

Does marijuana cause acne?

oh wow, it doesnt cause death.
thats a little extreme. i used to do it.
i didnt get any acne what so ever.
everyone is different, and its your choice if you want to take the risk.
but for me, it wasnt worth it.

Does smoking marijuana affects acne?

No -- as long as you don't overdo it. ;)- It's not going to aggravate your acne or help cure it. Smoking cigarettes (because generally people do this more frequently -- as a daily habit) *does* contribute to acne by interfering with microcirculation in the skin which deprives the cells of oxygen and antibodies which fight the acne infection.

Does smoking marijuana cause acne?

This is a tricky one. There is no short answer. Pot has some compounds which cause the feelings of relaxation and euphoria, but they also causes stress and anxiety. Stress is well know to worsen acne and marijuana has the potential to help you chill, but you can’t always trust it as stress relief mechanism since it can backfire and throw you into panic attacks and anxiety.THC that we’ve talked before, apart from it’s action on the brain cells and brain chemistry it also causes an immediate hormonal imbalance. It has been measured that a small spike of 3 to 5% in testosterone is caused when people smoked weed.This spike is too small to cause serious problems for healthy people, but unbalancing your system is not a good idea if you have acne, which in many cases is caused by hormonal imbalance. If you have hormonal acne, smoking a marijuana cigarette probably will mess up your system even more. In this case I don’t recommend it.If on the other hand you know you don’t have any hormonal imbalances and your acne has it’s roots elsewhere you can experience the benefits of marijuana without fear of breaking out the next day, or messing up with your system completely. Smoking pot, unless you smoke piles of cigarettes is not the root of your acne for sure, but it is a factor that can have a negative contribution towards the aggravation of your acne, which lead us to the our second question.

Why does smoking marijuana cause acne?

Are you interested in the ways to come out of drug addictions? There is a right place where you can get numerous tips to escape from drugs just go to google and type "Tips4Sober". There are enormous volume of tips that will be very useful to get rid of any type of drugs. I'm not advertising the site by any means, I was very impressed by the info given by them and I also want you to be benefited from them too, nothing personal. Let us go to your answer.Can Smoking Marijuana Cause Acne?Marijuana and Skin ProblemsThere are several links between marijuana use and cystic acne, plain old acne and other skin issues, as well.The reason is that unbalanced marijuana’s hot and toxic nature can affect the lung qi, wei qi and poison the blood over time.Marijuana and Lung QiThe lung qi governs the surface of the body and regulates the pores of the skin and body hairs. When unbalanced marijuana confuses and congests the lung qi, the mechanisms of the pores also get confused. This messes with their functions and can easily lead to them getting plugged up.Marijuana and Wei QiThe wei qi regulates the immune system at the level of the skin. As unbalanced marijuana compromises the wei qi, the circulation in the skin changes and becomes less efficient. Gunk pools up and you break out.Marijuana and The BloodUnbalanced marijuana’s hot nature heats up the blood, which is the underlying factor for nearly all skin conditions, anyway. If a person’s blood already hovers in the hot zone already, marijuana can tip it there very easily. This effect gets radically compounded with marijuana’s toxins, which pollute the blood over time. The body then tries to get rid of these toxins through the skin, often resulting in cystic acne.How to Balance ItWhat can a person do about marijuana causing acne? Either stop taking marijuana, or do something to balance it. Eating cooling moistening foods, exercise and take Balance the Herb , an OTC herbal formula that balances the side effects of marijuana. It’s pretty much that simple.

Does Smoking Marijuana/Weed Cause ACNE?

Hello, ok so I've been dealing with a bit of acne and I've been wanting to smoke weed(never have tried it). The issue is I heard there no direct answers to that question. But I want to hear from the people that do have acne? Or just anyone in general that does not bullshit on answers. Thank you.

Does smoking clear up acne? Recently started smoking and my acne is going away like crazy. Pimples won't even form they all disapear and dry out

Smoking may be (temporarily) clearing up your acne for the same reason it causes cancer and death: it’s poisoning your system. Weigh the temporary beneficial side affect of clearing up acne against the life threatening possibilities of cancer (lung, throat, and mouth). There is a possibility that you will need a tube inserted in your throat just so you can breathe.Cancer can hit you almost anytime after you start smoking. This could cause you to die in your 30s or 20s.If you think you can quit at anytime, good luck with that. The nicotine in tobacco products is extremely addicting. Why do you think there are so many items on the market to help you quit? People need HELP!For the future of your life, stop smoking. Now! DON’T WAIT! Find other ways to clear up your acne.

When I started smoking my acne suddenly cleared up after many years. Is that a coincidence?

Actually smoking can and often does cause acne because of the impurities being ingested.  This might be a temporary adjustment in your body if your acne cleared up.  The only report I found online about smoking clearing up acne was when the person smoked weed.  It seems some people had that happen and for others it was exactly the opposite!There are reports about acne clearing up because of smoking but then when they stopped and started again the acne came back worse.  I think hormones are out of balance because of the smoking and the smoke itself clogs the pores.

Can quitting smoking marijuana cause pimple outbreaks?

I'm an 18 year old male. I have been smoking weed for close to six years. I've never had a serious problem with acne, but every time I try to quit or cut back on smoking weed I breakout on my forehead or chin. Is there a connection, or is it just coincidence?

How does exercising help you decrease acne?

Exercise helps cut stress, which may contribute to acne outbreaks. Physical activity also helps your skin by increasing your blood circulation, which sends more oxygen to your skin cells and carries cell waste away.visit: Health Care Solutions