Can My Father File A Lawsuit Against The Places Where He Worked For Asbestos Exposure

Carpeting on top of linoleum tile flooring that possibly contains asbestos?

The asbestos contained in flooring is a fairly low percentage, and it is bound up very well in the matrix of the material. It is almost impossible to release any asbestos particles without creating some sort of dust out of the material first. This could happen if you cut the flooring, sand it, or try to break it into pieces when removing it (even then it poses little health risk for casual exposure). Such flooring is otherwise very stable. Actually, the adhesive used to install these types of flooring generally contained more asbestos than the floor material itself.

For these reasons, it is actually best to leave it in place, as long as it is firmly attached and in good condition. It is completely acceptable to carpet right over it with no potential hazard. This is called encapsulation and is a perfectly valid way to deal with asbestos flooring.

Some installers have a flat policy that they won't install in locations with asbestos flooring. They are simply protecting themselves from liability concerns with their employees. They don't want installers to claim health problems from working in these environments (legitimate or not), so they just avoid the scenarios altogether. You shouldn't read anything into such refusals, just find an installer that has no problem with it.

Why are the families of mesothelioma victims awarded such a large compensation?

The main reason is that mesothelioma will generally kill you. Mesothelioma on has one known cause and that is asbestos exposure. While asbestos can be found in nature, most people are exposed via products and materials in the workplace as others have mentioned. Because many manufacturers knew about the risks and didn't warn people for a long time, the courts punished them by making the pay money to be use for current and future victims. They payments are not exactly "automatic" but a confirmed diagnosis of mesothelioma means there is a valid claim which can run $500k to $1.5M or more depending on a number of factors.The compensation may seem like a lot, but how much is 10-30 years of your life worth? That's what you can expect to lose if you have mesothelioma. Your lifespan is going to be shortened. And you may be quite sick before you die. How will you pay for hospital bills? What will replace all of the income you would have earned if you didn't get mesothelioma? How will your family be compensated for losing you before your time? I think you can start to see that while the payments seem like a lot, in some ways they are way too small, but better than nothing.I am not a lawyer, I provide Internet consulting to one of the largest and most effective mesothelioma law firms in the world.

How to stop my friend from sniffing Dendrite (a glue consisting toluene and other intoxicants)?

Hey guys, I have a friend (Aged 24) who sniffs Dendrite every day. I know him almost 3 years now, and there hasn't been a single day he didn't do this thing. Sometimes he sniffs about 4-5 glue tubes a day. By now, he has become a junkie and he admits that he's addicted. We're all very concerned about his health as we know permanent brain damage is prevalent among users.
The most interesting part is this, he's very well-educated and a very talented and struggling guitarist, an intellectual person I'd say, who's interested in Classical/Jazz/Rock/Metal music and movies, unlike the usual abusers of this drug, who are mostly poor,homeless kids. He refuses to lay off of Dendrite for unknown reasons and we're all pretty scared about this. Lately, I've been feeling his playing skills is lacking perfection. But that's probably just me, and he isn't really abnormal in any way and is quite a lovable person.
Rehab isn't really an option, as the guy I'm talking about lives alone, away from his parents and they probably don't know anything about this. When I ask him the reasons for sniffing glue, he just tells me that it's the only thing that keeps his mind away from all the bullshit and depression and frustration,when the truth is, there isn't really anything so frustrating. So probably he's just making up excuses for sniffing more?
So, can anyone help me help him?

URGENT!! URGENT!! tie- dye stains in floor!!?

i spilled dye all over the hardwood floor and didnt know. it set over night and i cant get it out.. i tried all purpose cleaner and water. HELP BEFORE MY DAD FINDS OUT!!!!!!!!!!

Can a persons ashes be spread on Celtic football ground?

eek how sick is that bits of human remains flying intay yir bovril and players thinkin its asbestos dust on ra pitch