Can My Voice Improve With Practice

What is the best way to improve my voice?

Improving your voice permanently is not a days job. It requires practice using the right techniques and staying commited towards it. Lets begin:Take deep and relax your throat muscles. Focus your mind on your throat and exprience the relaxation in your throat during the breathing.Take deep breath and create hhhmm sound by placing your thumb on the ear and 2 fingers on eyes with closed eyes.Improve the strengrh muscles of your neck. To do that lie down on th edge of a bed with your head in the air. Next, move your head up and down 10 times and relax. Do 3 reps of this. You can also turn your head right and left to strengthen neck side muscle.Place your hand on the forehead. Then press your head using the hand oppose the hand using your head. Do this for a duration of 10 secs. This would strenghten your neck muscle and make it more stronger. Do similar activity by placing your hand at the right, left and back of your head. Remember dont push your head and hard too hard.Do hot water and salt gargle. Do this 3 times a day. This clears your throat and you would experience a clear voice.Sleep for 7–8 hours. You might have experienced deep voice when you wake up as your muscles are most relaxed during that time.Well with a good mix of strengthning and relaxing your neck muscle, great deep voice can be achieved over a period of time. Also, I would recommend to keep recording your voice to experience the difference in your voice.

Can your singing voice get better with practice ?

Absolutely! The more you practice, the better you'll become! What it really comes down to is HOW you are singing, so lessons are advisable, but to help you get started, here are some tips:
1. Relax!! It is easiest to do this by not stretching/moving your neck around to attempt to 'reach' the notes. This can take a little while to get used to, but after concentrating on other components of your singing instead (breathing, posture, etc.) for a while, you may find that you can sing even higher, with more ease than before. Which leads into my next point...
2. Posture. Always the culprit ;) Believe me, I've sung songs where the difference between having a note and not having it at all rested solely on the placement of my feet and the way I held my neck! It's best to do a bit of research to find what visual/idea that helps you most; for me, imagining strings holding me up by the collarbone from the ceiling for arm/chest alignment and the back of my neck doing an 'out and up' is how I focus on creating proper posture.
3. Another really helpful tool is paying attention to how you breathe. The higher you sing, the more air you need, the more air you use, the more muscle control and engagement you need from your diaphragm/core. (Try looking up the difference between costal, diaphragmatic, and clavicular breathing- the first two types combined are what you should aim for not just in singing, but everyday life! This type of breathing achieves a deeper breath and improves your overall breath support)
4. How and what you eat/drink is also a very important factor in health, and thus singing. Water, as you probably already know, is VERY helpful in keeping things working right and lubricated.
Good luck and have fun! I hope this helped :)

How can I improve my singing voice?

When you practice, make sure you are not singing from your throat but from your diaphram. (Your diaphram is about a hand span up from your belly button)

Press on your diaphram when you sing to make it more difficult.

Lie down and sing (It really helps improve the strength of your voice)

practice your scales but as you get higher, try and sing a little louder.

There are also many singing help websites:

Can singing lessons and practice improve the the texture of your voice?

I don't think you mean texture. But the quality and clarity of your voice will definitely improve. And singing lessons, i highly suggest as you said. Teachers would help you use your voice correctly so you are not damaging your vocal chords. It will also help you control your voice, the ability to go from loud to soft. So every note you sing, you expect, and you are confident (:

hope this helped

Do you like my singing voice? What should I do to improve?

Hello, you have a lot of potential. I would keep practicing to work on your tone and ability to hold the pitches - there were a couple times you were off pitch and seemed as if you were straining a bit - try to sing more from the diaphragm and not so much from your throat - it will support your sound better as well.

I say, keep practicing because you obviously love to sing and you want to get better, so practice, practice, practice!

THEN post more so we can see the improvement!

Good luck!

Can my singing voice get better if I practice the right singing technique often?

Yes. Practicing often is great for your singing voice. But remember not to strain your voice too much.Whether you’ve been trying to make something out of your voice for years or you’re just getting started LearnToSing TV has a free 90 minute audiobook (which you can download for free) on helping you become a singer people actually WANT to listen to: The ONE THING That will Improve Your Singing Immediately (Full Free Audiobook Download)Give this a watch.You can sing like a PRO, if you put the time and effort in. Daily practice recommended. Honestly, if you exercise your singing voice regularly then you will improve dramatically.It’s strongly advised that you warm up before starting these exercises. And you should exercise regularly in order to keep your voice in tip top condition. We have many exercises here for your to work with and more on the way.And many more - Browse through our video tab to see what’s on offer.(Patrons will find the track to this video in their dropbox before the end of this month)If you haven’t already, then I recommend taking advantage of the following free trials.——- ——- ——- ——- ——- ——- ——— ——— ——- ——— ——— ——— ——— ———Your voice is a muscle and if you’re serious about wanting to learn to sing well then you need to strengthen that muscle. I can speak from experience, as someone who couldn’t belt, twang, sing more than an octave and a bit and had massive pitching issues to someone who has been singing professionally for the last 15 years. I did at least 15 minutes exercising a day as well as singing through lots of material and within six months my voice made an incredible change. You can too.

How do you practice singing?

Since you don't want professional lessons, have you tried joining a choir? A choir director can give a little help in this arena, along with other singers. The only way to improve your singing range is by breathing from the area of the diaphragm and learning the technique of scales. Mee May Mah Moah Moo are great scale exercises to start. But it is hard to do just by reading books or using this format. You should really learn by watching a professional. Sometimes observance is key. Find a choir I would say to find this type of instruction without lessons. It will not be the best, but it is better than nothing. Good luck to you!