Can One Fall Sick If One Eat At Night

Hi,Fruits are good for health no doubt … i have been on fruit diet for months and that had helped me with maintaining weight and also since whole, fresh fruits have lots of fibers, please take consider these things:#Don’t eat fruits like mango, which are full of sugar ,, it will do more bad than good .. for people who have thyroid.# Try and make a habit of eating small portion of chapati (Whole Wheat Home Made Bread) as well along with good portion of fruit or salad, because as per one of the leading doctor in Delhi (I have consulted little time back), fruits alone ca’t suffice our body needs, and we need meal thrice a day and if your relay on just fruits.. your immune system will go down, as when u will fall sick … you body won’t have enough strength to fight it.#Avoid drinking water after eating a watery fruit like melons … and avoid tea & coffee right after or before having fruits.# If you are having fruits as part of your meal, then please have it as first thing and then eat Roti or Rice.# Dont have fruits very late in the night … 8ish is good … but not too late.## All these are my observations on myself… please try and see what suits you better, you will also notice better bowel movement, once you start eating more fruits.Good Luck.

Yes, there is more of a chance of food poisoning eating out. But, your chances are pretty slim in general.

I'm basing this on a hangover that isn't just a drag in the morning, but one where you feel sick, have the spins, and even heaving doesn't help. I can't speak for everyone, but when it hits me, my main problem is a complete acidification of the stomach.First, water may not seem to help, but it's vital so down all you can stand. Mix it up with some soda pop; despite being acidic, a little carbonated water or soda helps, since the burps can make you eject acidic air.From there, Tums (calcium carbonate) or Gas-X (semiethicone) will help absorb a lot of crap and bring the pH back toward normal. Potatoes are essentially nature's gas pill, and will absorb whatever it ailing you; shred some and if you can stomach anything heavy, fry 'em up, otherwise, simply bake or sear them. (Carrots, eggplant, and other meaty veggies are also effective, but more of a pain in the ass to prepare when hung over.) Once you have that in you, you should be able to stomach all the water and water and aspirin/ibprofen/aleve you need.Soup is an excellent, inoffensive way to get something in you; a salty broth will balance out indigestion from whatever's in it. You'll know by how bad you're gagging how much you can eat.You can't fix a rotten stomach that's coming from brain nausea, but at least it'll keep you from hurling while your inner ear recovers. If that's the case, the only thing you can do is wait it out and sleep it off; there's few known medical cures and they have serious side effects. The most benign is probably Dramamine (dimenhydrinate), which will stop the earth from spinning and settle your insides after a while, but also put you back to sleep all day. You can't counter it with coffee and other stimulants or your stomach will heave up on you again!

As in you are actually ill with a fever and other symptoms of illness with a disease or are you suffering from too much exposure to alcohol, cigarette smoke and general late night hours.IF you become actually ill, you may have an allergy to something you ate that you don’t ususlly consume.If you puke your guts out, wake up with a headache and are lethargic all day-overexposure to alcohol and the night our environment.In either case, your body is trying to tell you something.Can you intuit what that might be?

Can i get sick by going swimming late at night?

You are in a tough spot. You don't want to be a nag and drive him away, but you do need to let him know that you would like him to make you and the family a bigger priority and not go out! Let him know that you love him and you all want him to be around more. It is inappropriate for a married guy to go out to a bar because it is only adding to stress. Marriage is not an easy thing! The vows are for better or for worse and this is an obstacle that you will be able to overcome. Just plan a really sex filled evening and then talk to him about it after the "festivities". He connects physically where you are on more of an emotional level. He'll be able to open up and talk to you better after he has had some fun. It will all work out!

Would i get sick if i ate a burger that i left in the car last night (18 hrs ago)?

Im not a doctor but if it has umm mayonasee well you can get poisoned.

dont do it.

take care

I drank last night, and now I feel sick?

I used to never get hangovers, until the time I mixed a bunch of liquors in one night (mixed drinks, jager bombs, shots of jack daniels...that was a bad night and morning). It is most likely the mix of liquors that intensified your hangover, along with the fact that you drank A LOT. Drink lots of water, and try to sleep it off, that always works for me. My trick is always to eat something ridiculously greasy the next day, like a big Denny's or IHOP breakfast, or a burrito. Anyway, hope I was able to help. :-) Hope you feel better soon and you have learned your lesson not to mix liquors!

At the end of the day, it’s all about how many hours of sleep you’ll end up having each night. Studies have shown T-cell rate to go down and inflammatory cytokines to go up when we are sleep deprived, making us more prone to develop a cold or flu when exposed.The results of Prather et al in the picture below speaks for itself. And remember, decreasing the risk of catching a cold is just one of the numerous positive effects of a good nights sleep.(Image source: Lack of sleep puts you at higher risk for colds, first experimental study finds)

Drank alcohol last night and feel a little sick?

dude, i know what your feeling.

i have been using this remedy for ever! get some peppermint tea, steep it up really strong (2 or 3 bags for a cup). get a large cup and fill it with ice. pour boiling tea over ice. get it as cold as you can. peppermint is great for calming stomach ache, giving you a little appetite. the colder the tea, the better. sip on it and when its done, get some good food in you. be sure to stay on the h20 train for the rest of the day, and youll be ready for another big night out by 10pm.

Crap. I ate raw bacon last night. Am I going to get sick?

Ha! I love the story behind that.

I think if you get sick, it'll probably be because of all the booze...
The bacon would be fine, think of it this way - you eat ham in sandwiches and stuff yeah? And you dont cook that. Its the same as bacon. The meat isnt really 'raw', its been cured and everything, and the only reason people fry bacon is to get it all crispy and hot - its not actually 'cooking' so much as 'heating'.

You'll be fine.