Can Overly Obese People Tilt An Airplane Or Is That Just Rude People That Say That

What seemingly small thing has made you lose interest in someone?

I dated a guy from Korea while I was in college. He was smart, handsome, fun and outgoing. Our dates were always full of excitement.One weekend we drove out to the country and rented a row boat. He brought a picnic lunch, we ate out on the lake, and enjoyed the beautiful spring day. We were all alone, until…I saw two people standing on the shore waving their arms at us. I looked at my boyfriend, and he was no longer smiling. He tilted his head back in despair and mumbled some sort of obscenity to himself.“What’s wrong?!” I asked.“I think those are my parents.” he groaned.“How did they know we were here?”“Well, I talk to them every day and I must have mentioned I was going to take you to the lake.”“Oh! I want to meet them!” I said.“No you don't! And plus, they don't speak any English.” he explained.“I don't care.” I responded. “Let’s go say hello!”He rolled his eyes and he paddled to shore.As we neared the couple, I noticed their arms were crossed and they were glaring at us. His dad had a pair of binoculars around his neck.We stepped out of the boat, and my boyfriend was bombarded with harsh words and furious gestures.I didn’t speak their language, but I had a strong suspicion that they hated me.On our way home, my boyfriend told me that his parents insist that he marry a Korean girl, and they don't like him dating people outside of his race.I was upset, but I also imagined a future with angry in-laws and decided it wasn’t going to work.So, it wasn't really a “seemingly small THING” (even though they were both small in stature) but more like two “obviously angry parents” that made me lose interest.

Are girls really crazy for IITians?

This reminds me of an incident…So there was this friend of mine from my JEE day with whom I had lost contact with. So one fine day I found her on Facebook and pinged her up.I had just been through a break-up and when she asked me “Wassup?”, like a true Devdas I decided to inform her of the same.Now let's say she was a medical student from XYZ college. The conversation went like this.Doctor: So you are single now? Why don't you try hitting on girls from my college? They just go gaga over the IIT tag. Some of them are even dating guys from your college.Me: Naaah… It's some misconception of yours. The IIT tag is meant to induce mental orgasms for people above 30. You guys are too young to experience that sort of pleasure.Doctor: Trust me on this! Send this girl a friend request! **sends me a profile link** . Once she accepts your request, send her a Hi! Watch how she goes all gaga over you.**Checks profile**Me: Na! We don't even have mutual friends for God's sake. Also she is way too pretty to even look at my ugly face.**After some considerable amount of convincing**Me: Okay fine! I will send her a friend request. On one condition. One week. If she doesn't accept my request by then, I get a treat at Momo I Am.She: Throw in a movie as well along with that.And one fine Sunday morning I walked out of a Momo I Am outlet with my stomach full and a huge smile at having successfully feasted at a friend's pocket money.Peace!