Can Ph Balance In A Pool Effect My Period

Skin protection from swimming pool?

It's natural, when someone is in water for a prolonged period of time extra water in the body will leave and go into the pool (since chlorine is a solute in the water, it will draw the extra water out). Don't put anything on him before he gets in the water, but when he gets out have him put some moisturizing cream and/or aloe on him to soothe the itchy dry skin.

Is Pool PH reading affected by super high chlorine level ?

Green pool so bad I could not see the bottom. Tried non-hypo shock, hypo shock, copper based algaecide, more calcium hypochlorite, nothing worked. So I nuked it with sodium hypochlorite and Trichlor and Dichlor and even more sodium hypochlorite and more algaecide. Chlorine level is now over 10 (test strip), the water is no longer green but is cloudy, the calcium is too high and stabalizer is way too high (150 on paper test strip). Now...
When I test ph with 2 drops of chlorine neutraliser added to the test water (using a test kit, as per instructions), the PH reads low, about 6.8. But as the chlorine is 10+, I thought I should add more neutraliser, so I tested with 5 drops of chlorine neutraliser, PH reads 7.6 ??? The test water for chlorine test is a really dark purple (i.e. still way over 3 on the test gauge), even after 5 drops of neutraliser.
What is the correct PH ? What should I do now ?
It's an above ground, vinyl liner pool of about 20,000-25,000 litres. There is no strong chlorine smell in the air, despite the high chlorine level. Your hands do smell of it if placed in the water.

Can i wear a tampon when im not on my period?

Go to the party, however DO NOT wear a tampon. Bring a few with you and check frequently. Also, just to let you know, if you are in the water, you wont bleed out. Something about water stops the blow from coming out, so you will be safe. Just make sure to get out about every 2 hours (this way you can still have fun and people won't think weird things as a lot of people have to pee every 2-3 hours anyways. Have a great time swimming!

How can a 13 year old get yeast infection?

A yeast infection has no age. Infants can develop them. Period's can throw off your pH and help one develop. You'll first need to find out if it is a yeast infection or a bacterial infection before you medicate the area. For now, keep the area clean, dry, don't scratch, yeast can get under your nails and spread---even to your skin and eyes should you touch them in your sleep, sleep without panties--they hold in heat which bacteria love and don't wear tight clothes.

You can buy a screening kit at most drug stores to find out if it is a yeast infection. They cost about $15 for a two pack.

Is it considered safe or harmful to swim in a pool with algae?

Pool water usually turns green due to one of three reasons. There’s algae and not enough chlorine; there’s too much copper; or, pollen falling from nearby trees has discolored the water.You will know if pollen is the cause because if you swirl your hand through the water, the pollen with move. If it’s algae, it blooms, grows and sticks to the sides and bottom of the pool.You won’t die from swimming in the algae or copper-laden water. But, chances are, when you come out, your skin will itch as if you had rolled in fiberglass. Do yourself a favor and get the water tested; treat it and then enjoy a nice dunk!Also, if the pool water has turned green because of copper, you will notice your fingernails, bathing suits and hair will be tinged green. A good soapy shower will remove the green tint.

My dog keeps drinking the pool water, is that ok?

Adam, your pup will be fine. I've been in the pool industry for a loooong time and I've had a great many customers who's dogs drink from their pools occasionally. You have nothing to worry about in regards to the chlorine harming your best friend. Chlorine needs to exceed 10-15ppm to do any damage to most organic tissues, according several articles I've been exposed to. This of course was lab rats, but we're all carbon based anyway right? :) Even public pools don't generally come close to these levels. The only time I'd be slightly worried about it is shortly after an algae treatment, at which point the chlorine can get as high as 15ppm for short periods of time. Generally most of my customers say their dogs know to avoid the pool at that point anyway, most K9s are smarter than we give them credit for.

I'd also like to note that if there WAS a danger from ingesting the water in a pool for dogs, it would also be potentially harmful to humans. In which case, pools probably wouldn't even exist, or they would carry some sort of gigantic warning label. ^_~ So all of you people freaking out about this, calm down.. I'd sooner drink pool water than most tap water... If only you knew!

Are there any health risks if you swim in a pool that's green because it hasn't been chlorinated in a long time?

Absolutely there are health risks when you swim in a pool that's green. Green swimming pool caused because of growth of algae and bacteria in swimming pool. Chlorine plays very crucial role in eliminating formation for alage and bacteria it also maintain the water PH level. So chlorination is very important for pool management. Algae and bacteria form germs and viruses which are very dangerous for human health. If you get in contact with such an infected water there may be chances of you get skin infection or other health related problems. So regularly chlorinating your pool is very important to make your pool clean.