Can Some One Try To Diagnose My Ex .

If you are diagnosed with narcolepsy, do they take your driver's license away from you?

My ex-husband was diagnosed with narcolepsy, and yes they do give you medication to make you able to function during the day, then maybe something to help you sleep at night. They didn't take his license away, so I wouldn't worry about that. Good luck during those sleep's hard not to fall asleep givin the conditions in the room they put you in...I hope all goes well for you! It's a rough road to get started, but everything planes out eventually when you get used to the medicine and a regular sleeping pattern again.

Is it common for people to diagnose their ex with NPD?

THIS is a VERY GOOD question!Part of what is happening here on Quora is very rare. I appreciate Quora for a place to go ask questions on Narcissism. BUT the number of people who have narcissistic traits versus the number of people who recognize their NPD is hugely different. (I once read that only .0001% of narcissists recognize they have NPD. But again, if this number is anywhere close to the truth - how would we know?)There is another issue at play, and one that is not not taken into account where narcissistic fuel goes: In America there is a culture of entitlement. People who grow up expecting to be put on a pedestal. This is not narcissism in itself. It is how they are raised and it is PROMISED to them in near every facet of life. So someone who is not narcissistic and has this entitled viewpoint and belief is easy pickings for ANYBODY. (Not just narcissists.)The problem is then two-fold: You have hurt from the other person’s bad behavior and you have a person who has been victimized by fictions and false expectations PROMISED to them from birth and have no resiliancy or coping skills. A lot of people on Quora are looking for answers as to what happened and how to stop the pain. Is the person who hurt them a narcissist? UNLESS the person was clinically diagnosed as a narcissist WE WILL NEVER KNOW.Now, I’m all for Quora being a place to have answers - especially if those answers can lead to any type of healing from pain. BUT I am also aware that many of people who are labeling those who hurt them as narcissist - and the people who caused the hurt MAY NOT have actually been narcissists.THAT IS OKAY.It’s not a personal sleight against you. It’s not going to destroy or rock your world. If you’re curious about it, stay and learn. If it just irritates you, okay. Quora has a lot of other areas of interest. (Me, personally, I’m going to get involved in the math questions!)Wish you the best.SamP.S. I am crossposting this answer. :)

A therapist I am seeing has diagnosed my ex with NPD. She hasn't met him and I am concerned that she could be wrong basing her diagnosis on things I've told her. How can I know for sure?

Has she diagnosed him or said ‘they have NPD’ or has she said ‘I agree they have narcissistic traits’? The two are completely different.Narcissist and NPD have become buzz words of late. Many people don’t understand that all traits occur on a spectrum and that diagnosis is about having a lot of traits that severely impact and impair every day life and relationships.I would steer clear of a therapist who has diagnosed someone without ever meeting them. If you were my client I would be less concerned with your ex and more concerned with you. I would simply work with whatever you present. Otherwise I’d be concerned about spending too much time on your ex (and if they have NPD traits that’s likely something you’ve already had a lot of experience with).I’m not sure whether you’re asking for sure if your ex has NPD or your therapist is acting unethically.I’m not sure it really matters if your ex has NPD or behaves badly. The result is presumable the same that you have a difficult and unhealthy relationship with someone who doesn’t respect or consider your needs. I would work on your feelings and learning to deal with whatever happened and learning about healthy relationships.If you’re not happy with your therapist you could ether address it with them or change therapist. I’m not sure that would come under unethical behaviour in the UK but I certainly can’t see how it would benefit you or your ex (or your therapist for that matter).

Confused about a bipolar ex girlfriend?

My ex was diagnosed with bipolar. she does not take meds. we dated for almost 3 years. we broke up a couple times when she was manic, and the smae thing happens. It seems she breaks up with me when she goes manic and goes out and gets drunk and hooks up with guys. She acts like our relationship never existed. its really hurtful.

My question is why does she seem to hate me? she never talks to me unless its to scream at me for soemthing i didn't do. and she says some hurtful things like she doesn't know why she wasted all this time with me and that her new guy is "amazing". i drove by her the other day and she flipped me off. Why does she act like this? i know she still loves me? Does she do it to try to hide the hurt of our break up?

Also, why does she always need attention from other guys? is it to make her feel better about herself so she stays in the manic stage?

she told me when we broke up that she just wanted to be by herself. she promised me she wouldn't hook up with anyone until we figured everything out. but a week later she started having sex with some kid. why does she always need a guy around?

any girls who are bipolar think they can help me understand why she acts like she hates me and why does she always need a guy to want her? please

Do I have histrionic personality disorder?

I am well aware that no one on here can diagnose me but I had never even heard of this until my ex boyfriend told me he thinks I might have this disorder. I have a lot of the symptoms that I've read so far and one of my best friends as well as my current boyfriend that I've been with for almost nine months agrees that there's a good chance I have it and should go see a psychologist. I have often been told that I seem really shallow and conceited, I get bored of things really easily (I had four different jobs this year alone), I often have trouble staying friends with other girls because they think that I'm too dramatic or emotional and also I have a history of flirting with my friends boyfriends (I don't try to do this, that's just how I talk to people). A couple years ago my best friends boyfriend cheated on her with me. I have cheated on my boyfriend twice in the nine months we have been together (he knows this because I told him and I feel really shitty about it but I've been trying to stop). Keep in mind I am seventeen years old so I realize that some people think that being dramatic and self centered can just be part of being a teenager, but I'm starting to get worried because this pattern of behavior is starting to have serious implications on my relationships with my boyfriend and my friends. I just am wondering if you have any other things you could tell me about this or if you have ideas for what to do. Thank you.

Why would I get mad at my boyfriend for no reason every time we talk?

First of all this is common but doesn't make it acceptable ... with that being said at least you're recognizing that and thats half the solution. There are many reasons you could be doing this however; you could have unresolved issues specifically w/him on something that until resolved you will be unable to stop that behavior, you could have pent up issues that have nothing to do with the poor guy or you could even simply not respect him, you don't see him as an equal therefore you treat him as your subconscience sees him. Medically as someone tried to recently diagnose could be bipolar or manicically depressed which will have a definate effect on your overall mood and attitudes. Are you like that in general, if so maybe you are just rude and inconsiderate, poor manners plays a role in behavior as well. I commend you again for recognizing that there is an issue and that you are trying to take the steps to correct what you see needs to be fixed. One last thing you could be over your boyfriend and its time to move on or truly JUST BE FRIENDS!!!

Can I really maintain no contact with my soon to be ex wife, non-diagnosed BPD/NPD of 32 years? We have 5 kids.

Unfortunately for you, probably not. How old are your kids? There will undoubtedly be occasions when you will have to be together, and you will continue to be the adult in the room, so to speak. How do your kids feel about their mother? Is it so bad that all of you will be able to shun her, or push her away? Can you? Will she stay away? I don't really have enough information to make a reasonable prediction one way or the other, I'm sorry.