Can Someone Create A Recount Of Getting Lost In The Forest

Tips on becoming a great writer?

I love to write, I am currently a college student trying to decide between being a journalist or a lawyer. I eventually want to be a full time fiction writer. Any advice?

"Corporate Sharecropping?"?

What do you make of this term? I heard it in the rap song Harlem Streets by Immortal Technique. I know what both of these words mean but I'm not totally sure I understand what he's getting at.

Have you experienced anything at all worth recounting here, involving flying over the Amazon rainforest on a small airplane?

I didn't, but I so hope there will be answers about that experience. I have memories of many small and bigger planes falling in the forest and the tales of survival, as a child they impressed me a lot. Also I had a great uncle who worked in the forest in the first half of last century as an engineer, he got lost more than once (I was too small when he was already old, so I never knew the details) but he was very familiar with many tribes and would easily find his way out after some days. The forest fascinates me.

Forrest Gump???

I totally love Forest Gump! It is my all-time favorite movie! I love the story behind it, and the dialogue. It's pretty memoriable, simple and kinda funny when you think about it. And I love the music, since it covers so many decades it has all of the old great songs.

Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you gonna get.
From that day on, if I was going anywhere I was runnnnnnning. I never thought running would take me anywhere, but it took me straight onto college.
I'm not a stupid man, but I know what love is.

Can someone please explain the epic of giglmesh to me?

To me, The Epic of gilgamesh is a quest for eternal life. In the first part, Gilgamesh ("two thirds god and one third man") is subconsciously rebelling against his mortality by undertaking grandios projects and seducing all the women in his kingdom, and his subjects pray t the gods to get him off their backs by creating a man to match him, thinking that this man will be Gilgamesh's opponent and keep him busy. Instead, Gilgamesh and the new man, Enkidu, recognize each other as kindred spirits and become best friends. Since they then go off on adventures, the people get what they wanted anyway.

In the second part, Gilgamesh and Enkidu seek what I see as a limited immortality--a heroic reputation that will cause them to be long remembered. They journey to the great Cedar Forest and kill the giant Humbaba, who guards it; and by doing so, Gilgamesh attracts the interest of the goddess Ishtar, who invites him to come and be her lover. He refuses, throwing up to her the list of other lovers whom she has discarded to come to bad ends after she tired of them. She's naturally infuriated and coerces the other gods into causing Enkidu to fall sick and die.

The third part is an all-out, wraps-off quest for a way to avoid Enkidu's fate and live forever. Despite repeated warnings that he will never succeed, Gilgamesh journeys to the island of Dilmun, where Utnapishtim (clearly another version of Noah) is enjoying eternal life. After telling Gilgamesh a story VERY similar to the flood story in Genesis, Utnapishtim sets him a task that, is he accomplishes it, will enable him to live forever, and when he almost immediately fails, Utnapishtim gives him a chance at least to renew his youth indefinitely by picking a magic plant tha grows on the bottom of the sea. This time Gilgamesh succeeds, only to lose the plant in a careless moment to a snake, which swallows the whole plant, sheds its skin, and slithers away.

At this point Gilgamesh accepts his mortality, returns to his city kingdom, Uruk, and inscribes his story on clay tablets. When he eventually dies, his people mourn for him.

How many trees does ALGore have to plant to suck up all the CO2 he generates?

mintie_boy what would it do to the global environment if everyone promoted AGW cultism in the same fashion that AlGore does? Would it excuse their contribution to the massive increase of the global carbon footprint too? Typical leftist mentality. Claiming they care about a cause excuses them of all personal responsibility for contributing to it. LOL!

Climate Realist - AlGore is the poster child for the AGW cult. He is the supreme leader of it thus fair game.