Can Someone Explain This Right Wing/conservative Philosophy To Me

Is Charlie Rose right wing conservative talk show?

The conservatives are always treated well. Liberals usually don't show up., When they are like Kennedy's son, the professor from Rhode Island, they are treated poorly. Is this your experience with the show?

Is Somalia a right-wing paradise?

hmmmm, interesting when I use a broad, hyperbolic generalization for right-wing politics, all the conservatives come on here and tell me about the intricacies of their political philosophy and how my statement does not match their true political theory. And I am a fool for mentioning the argument. Yet if the question were to state “If liberals love government telling them what to do all the time, why don’t they just go to jail? There they will be told when to eat and when to sleep. That’s their paradise,” I KNOW all the conservatives/libertarians here would chime in and say “Hell yeah, you dumb freedom hating liberals. “

Next time someone makes a sweeping generalizations about liberals, I wonder if you will argue that the person explain the left-wing political philosophy accurately and tactful. Less they shock you with the same level of "ignorance" that i have shown here. I bet ya don’t.

What are the differences between a Republican and a Conservative?

If you're referring to US politics exclusively, then one difference is that Republican should have an initial capital letter (since it's short for the Republican Party) and conservative should be all lowercase (since it's only the name of a philosophy, not a proper noun).Many who believe in conservative political policies are Republicans and many who are members of the Republican Party are conservatives, but it's not necessarily the case. Many conservatives find a home for themselves in the Libertarian Party or the Constitution Party or even as Blue Dog Democrats (the moderate wing of the Democratic Party). Republicans, likewise, don't necessarily have to be conservatives. It's very common, but it's not universally true. Consider the split between the Tea Party and those they call establishment Republicans. The Tea Party represents a subset of conservatives based around the premise that the most important issue in politics is that the people are Taxed Enough Already. Folks who, for example, favor Republican foreign policy and oppose abortion but don't much care whether their taxes are increased could easily vote Republican or declare themselves to be Republican through their voter registration without ever giving the Tea Party's economically conservative platform any support. [Update: Trump's big-government right-wing programs, like the wall, are better examples of things that are Republican but not conservative.]

Why exactaly do liberals think Neocon is an Insult?

The original Neo-Conservative philosophy wanted to initiate the idea that America was the good, and anyone else is the evil that we must fight.

I'd say that's a pretty accurate assessment of today's Republicans.