Can Someone Explain To Me The Honc Rule

Can someone please explain 'The Shining' to me?


#1. The blood gushing out of the elevator, in a literal sense, is a manifestation of the horrors of the Overlook. It represents its violent history--the Grady family, the dead prostitute in room 237, and the dead Native Americans buried underneath the hotel.

#2. The elevator represents Danny, while the blood represents Tony and whatever malevolent force controls him. In the scene where Danny asks Tony--his imaginary friend, who lives in his STOMACH--to tell him why he doesn't want to go up to the Overlook, Tony shows him the hotel, and he sees the elevator; blood starts pouring out; we cut to the Grady twins; we cut back to the elevator and blood; we cut to Danny's face, his mouth open, his scream muted (this actually happens when Halloran gets murdered); we cut back to the blood.

Basically, the doors of the elevator are Danny's mouth. The floor indicators above each door are his eyes. The doors opening are supposed to be his mouth opening, screaming, as the blood comes up out of his STOMACH.

The picture at the end:

#1. As mentioned, the hotel is built on an ancient Indian burial ground, and a few attacks had to be repelled during construction. Native American artifacts are all over the hotel. Watch the movie again and you'll see them. Jack even smashes his tennis ball against the Native American paintings on the walls. The Overlook represents America, a nation built on the graves of Indians. The picture in the final shot is metaphorical, suggesting that "Jack" has always been the caretaker at the hotel--the white man has always been here since.

#2. In the picture, Jack represents Stanley Kubrick, the man behind him (link provided below) represents the government, and the small piece of paper in Jack's right hand, which the man is trying to keep him from showing us, represents the secret that Stanley Kubrick hid for the second half of his life, one that the government hid from the rest of the world, and one that Kubrick wanted to tell people without really telling them, as that would result in his death, so he put hidden messages in The Shining (like Danny's Apollo 11 sweater). But I can't say anymore.

Why is there no lone pair on the carbon atom in CO2?

It is all due to the octet rule satisfying all 3 atoms.


Would give Carbon a neutral charge.
Each Oxygen would have a 1+ charge.
The carbon would have a -2 charge.

For simplicity your lewis dot structure is the most proper because it does not deal with chargers.

Charges on atoms are BAD. The most stable and neat is the best way to go.

What is the HONC rule?

HONC RuleValence electrons: H(1); O(6): N(5); C(4)Electrons needed for full valence shell: H(1); O(2): N(3); C(4)Covalent bonds formed: H(1); O(2): N(3); C(4)Using hydrogen as an example, hydrogen in an organic molecule is considered to have one valence electron (1s1), but needs another electron to form a full valence shell (1s2). As such, in an organic molecule, hydrogen will share an electron from an adjacent atom (e.g., carbon, nitrogen, oxygen) forming one bond and completing its valence shell.Using carbon as an example, carbon in an organic molecule is considered to have four valence electrons ([He] 2s2 2p2), but needs another four electrons to form a full valence shell ([He] 2s2 2p6). As such, in an organic molecule, carbon will share a total of four electrons from adjacent atoms (e.g., carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, hydrogen) forming four bonds (4 single bonds, 2 double bonds, 1 triple bond and 1 single bond, etc.) and completing its valence shell.

Does SO2 obey the octet rule?

SO2(Sulfur Dioxide) Molecular Geometry & Lewis Structure - Geometry of MoleculesOne of two resonant structures.….Sulfur dioxide - WikipediaThe sulfur–oxygen bond has a bond order of 1.5. There is support for this simple approach that does not invoke d orbital participation.[5] In terms of electron-counting formalism, the sulfur atom has an oxidation state of +4 and a formal charge of +1.Each atom has an octet.Sulfur - WikipediaA 2e- bond counts as 2e- for the octet rule. Sharing contributes to bonding.A 2e- bond provides only 1e- for the summing of formal electric charge for an individual atom. That’s qualitative for actual partial charge.

In the formation of ions, how is the octet rule used?

The Octet Rules states that atoms will prefer to have 8 electrons in their outermost energy level (shell).This affects the formation of ions, because ions are formed when atoms lose or gain electron in a bid to obtain 8 electrons. Hence, a metal in group I on the periodic table, which has one electron in its outermost energy level, will lose that electron. It will do this so that its outermost energy level is now the one below, which is full with 8 electrons. Hence, group one metals become 1+ ions because they lose a single, negative electron.On the other hand, a group VII element will have 7 electrons in its outer energy level. All it needs to do is gain one electron to have 8. Therefore, this will not LOSE an electron, but GAIN a negative electron. This will make it a 1- ions.The aim to achieve an octet affects whether the ions formed will be positive or negative, and how many electrons are gained or lost.

Formula mass? Help please i have a chem test today!?

Use the atomic masses of C an H until they add to 28
each C is 12.01 amu x 2 = 24.02 amu
each H is 1.01 amu x 4 = 4.04 amu
total amu = 28.06 amu

Had you been given any masses of C and H in the compound you could have converted these masses to moles and then solved for the C:H ratios and then used multiples of that ratio to add to the final amu. The multiples then would have been the formula.

Why it is so hard to get an invite for Dribbble?

I think Dribbble is in a very hard spot right now - they retain the exclusive feel of it with the sparsely handed out invites, but once you're in, you can wreak havoc with all the crap you want. At least 24 times as I understand it.New rules should be implemented.Never miss a shotIf you miss your shot, you don't get another. End of story. You're a prospect again. You would miss it by not achieving a certain amount of likes.Don't cheer unless it's a good shotThis is particularly funny. If you're one of the few that voted for the above... you're out too. Imagine this. Now people stop voting altogether.Have an opinionIf you don't vote for anything for xx days, you're out.And I have a couple even worse up my sleeve. But anything to comb this community. OR make it open to everyone like Behance or whatever. Right now we're sorting through crap while giving each other the sense that we are really special and kind of chosen.That's just sick.