Can Someone Help Me Solve These Math Word Problems And Tell Me How They Did It

Help me to solve this math word problem?

This problem can be solved in many ways. I am giving you the easiest one.

Let us assume that both of them were reading the same ( say nth ) page at the same moment.

Now time taken by Mark to reach nth page = 2n min. ( as he reads one page in 2 mins. )

Similarly time taken by Mindy to reach nth page = 1.5 n ( as he/she finishes reading each page in 1.5 min )

Now according to the question, Mindy takes 50 mins lesser than Mark to reach the nth page.
Hence –

2n – 1.5n = 50

=> 0.5 n = 50

=> n = 50 / 0.5

=> n = 100

Hence the reached 100th page simultaneously.

And the time taken by Mark = 2n min = 2 x 100 min = 200 min. = 3 hrs 20 mins.

Hence the required time is 4.30 PM + 3 hrs 20 mins = 7.50 PM ………… Answer

As regards the evidence, this solution cannot be wrong. If you are still interested, check it yourself.


Can someone help me with these 2 math problems?

okay so i'm not sure how to set up and solve these word problems, can someone set it up for me at least, so i have something to work with? thanks.

1. when courtney collected her change she realized that she had five times as many dimes as quarters. her dimes and quarters totaled $5.25. how many quarters did she have?

2. Rory has 30 coins (all nickels and dimes). he has five times as many nickels as dimes. how much money does he have?

thank you sooooo much. :]

Can someone help me solve these math word problems and tell me how they did it?

Total amount = 440.28
expenses the checks issued = 57.34 + 19.09 + 30.77
= 107.2
deposits = 42 + 15.85 = 57.85
440.28 = amount at the beginning – issued checks + deposits
amount at the beginning = 440.28 + issued checks – deposits
= 440.28 + 107.2 – 57.85
= 489.63

total seats = empty seats + occupied seats
occupied seats = empty seats + 46
320 = empty seats + empty seats + 46
2 × empty seats = 320 – 46 = 274
empty seats = 274/2
= 137
occupied seats = 137 + 46 = 183
or = 320 – 137 = 183

Can someone help me solve these two math word problems, thanks.?

1. Chris and Terry have been trying to live within their budget, but miss going out to dinner on Friday nights. They decide not to spend any nickels or quarters they receive as change for a month and save these in a jar. At the end of the second week they have a total of 90 coins in the jar. The value of the coins totals $15.10. How many nickels and how many quarters are in the jar?

2. Last spring several of the Mt. Hood Community College (MHCC) jazz groups held a joint concert. Tickets sold for $8.00 to the general public and for $5.50 for students and staff. Ticket sales brought in $2,582.50. If 390 people attended the concert, how many were MHCC students and staff, and how many were general public?

Anyone want to help me solve a math word problem?

At school they did a survey of everyone's favorite sport. The survey showed that one third as many kids liked tennis as liked basketball. There were one fifth as many kids woh said they liked basketball as said they liked baseball or softball. Then one half as many kids liked baseball or softball as liked soccer. There were 90 kids who liked soccer best. How many kids did they interview, and how many liked each sport the best?

Would someone please help me with this word problem?

the barrel contains some water to start with, after 3 min you have 6 gallonsso the ordered pair call x time and y waterthe ordered pair is (3,6)at 5 min you have 8 gallons(5,8)simply find the rate of change by subtracting the first ordered pair from the.second one(5–3,8–6) = (2,2) 2 gallons every.2 min or a rate of 1gallon a the starting water can be found by subtracting (3,3) from (3,6) to find the water at time 0.(3,6)-(3,3)=(0,3) so there was 3 gallons at time plugging your values into a linear function in the form of y=mx+byour function is y=x+3setting y (your gallon amount) to 1111=x+3 solving for x you get x=8so after 8 min the barrell has 11gallons n it

Could someone help me solve a trigonometry word problem?

Parts [math](a)[/math] and [math](b)[/math] are pretty straightforward arithmetic which I am sure you’d be able to do yourself. Let’s move directly to [math](c)[/math].Let the car have traveled a distance [math]l[/math] through the desert as shown below (and rest of it by road).Since the speed in the desert is [math]\dfrac{3}{5}[/math] times the speed by road, the time taken in the total journey is a constant multiple of t in the expression below:[math]t = 10 - l\sin\theta + 25 - l\cos\theta + \dfrac{5}{3}l[/math]Thus, [math]t[/math] is minimum when [math]\dfrac{5}{3}\sin\theta + \cos\theta[/math] is maximum. Because [math]\dfrac{5}{3}\sin\theta + \cos\theta = \dfrac{\sqrt{34}}{3}\sin\left(\theta + \arcsin\dfrac{3}{\sqrt{34}}\right)[/math], the time is minimum when [math]\theta = \dfrac{\pi}{2} - \arcsin\dfrac{3}{\sqrt{34}}[/math].The minimum [math]t[/math], which we denote by [math]t_m(l)[/math], to indicate that it is a function of [math]l[/math], is therefore,[math]t_m(l) = 35 + \left(\dfrac{5}{3} - \dfrac{\sqrt{34}}{3}\right)l = 35 -kl[/math] where, [math]k > 0[/math].Since the coefficient of [math]l[/math] is negative, this clearly shows that the larger the distance traveled through the desert, the less is the total time of the journey. From the value of [math]\sin\theta[/math] for the optimal case, we conclude that the distance traveled in that desert is [math]2\sqrt{34}[/math] and that on the road is [math]25 - 6 = 19[/math].PS. Note that going from [math]A[/math] to [math]Q[/math] along a straight line is always faster than going from [math]A[/math] to [math]P[/math] and then [math]P[/math] to [math]Q[/math], which we could have arrived at without all the math involved. The anomaly is present because I initially assumed there is a road there along the [math]10[/math] km line and solved accordingly. Later, I was too lazy to redraw the diagram and so made some modifications to the equations and solved the problem accordingly.

Math word problem, can you help me solve it please :)?

It's basically trial and error:

But after a few tries:

it's 10 one dollar bills ($10)
11 five dollar bills ($55)
12 ten dollar bills ($120)


Of course you also have to know what consecutive means: numbers that come in a row 1,2,3 ...5,6,7 etc.

Hope that helps!

Where can I find help with word problems in math?

Hello, I was a Maths faculty for competitive exams. I have come across many students who find word problems difficult. If you are one of them, then please do not worry because you are not alone. Let us understand first why we find Maths word problems difficult.We focus on steps and calculations with perfection but in that process, approach towards the problem gets ignored. See the following example.If I ask you, what is LCM of 45, 55, 65, you will tell me within few seconds. If I ask you another question, what is least 4 digit number, within one second you will answer me and you will look at me with surprise that why am I asking you such basic questions.Now if I ask you which is the least 4 digit number that is divisible by 45, 55, 65 ? Now you get stuck. Here also you need to use the concept of LCM only and use the fact the least 4 digit number is 1000. If you follow these two concepts, only then you will be able to solve this example. But we are so engrossed in steps of LCM, that we ignore the core meaning and implication of LCM.Many competitive exams taste your concepts and hence solving word problems is very important.What we can do is, when we read a problem, first just read and understand the given data. Then think, what other entities we can find using this given data. And then go to the last line of problem where actual question is mentioned. When you practice in this manner, gradually you will start reading examiner’s mind. Why he has asked this question? What skill he wants to check?That way your brain will start understanding the approach as soon as you start reading a problem and then whole problem is clear in your mind till you reach the last line.If you need any additional help, you can watch my videos. Out of passion of teaching, I have launched my channel which is absolutely free.I have covered all basics first to help fast calculations orally without calculator. In every chapter, I first explain all fundamentals and then also the shortcut methods useful of competitive exams. But my emphasis is always on concept based method. Just learning the shortcut without understanding concept, is meaningless.Till now I have uploaded 42 videos and I am going to upload many more gradually. Just click below and start watching anytime.Maths In Minutes with Priya best wishes for exam.