Can Someone Help Me To Buy Carpark North Cd In Denmark

Has the British Monarchy ever apologised for the inhumane acts committed in the past?

No, apart from the examples given here.On the other side of the coin, neither has the British Monarchy taken credit when Britain most emphatically was acting as a progressive power. For example; one of the demands of the American colonists was that they should be allowed to advance west. The British decided that there should be a western border beyond which the territory was considered native land. The colonists won independence and quickly moved inland.Likewise, when Britain abolished slavery (after, admittedly, vigorously pursuing it for economic gain) the Royal Navy patrolled the high seas, freeing many unfortunate souls from a life of misery. This was a gallant act without many parallels in world history.In 1939 Britain virtually bankrupted itself to fight a regime that many would consider the very epitome of “inhuman”.I would go on but I don’t believe this is the kind of answer you were hoping to get.

Can't find "Carpark North's" album "Best Days" anywhere, HELP PLEASE!?

This is it here:

I checked Ebay, Amazon & websites online. I would check HMV although the company has just been bought and the website is not up and running properly yet. My best bet would be to check in store. Mean while could anyone help me on where I could get my hands on a copy pleaseee. Thank you! x

I have a bad feeling it was only sold in Denmark....

Is it illegal to take a picture of a person's license plate and then post it online?

No, as long as you legally took the picture of them in public without obstructing their routine, are not stalking or following them, and you are not posting anything of a personal or private matter, and the postings are not lies, racial, slanderous, or defamatory.I have routinely taken pictures of vehicles improperly parked and posted them online, as well as reported then to the police, parking authority, or bylaw enforcement. There's nothing illegal about that; it just shows how carelessly ignorant that driver was, especially when they park where it's clearly posted that it's not permitted, like a disabled spot, fire route, fire hydrant, intersection corner, front lawn, sidewalk, or backwards on a one way street, etc.Incidentally, this is exactly how they caught a bank robber in the Scarborough area of Toronto last summer. There were a series of bank robberies by a person wearing a full burka. The getaway vehicle was illegally stopped, and running by the banks front doors at each incident. During one robbery a pedestrian thought it was strange and took a picture of the running vehicle with the driver inside, then called the police. About 3 hours later, they apprehended the driver. About 1 hour later they apprehended the bank robber in the Ajax/Oshawa area, still carrying the same gun, and then found a teenage boy underneath the female family members burka.Hence the burka ban in Quebec, and the illegal use of any and all face coverings while on public, used to disguise the identity of a criminal.