Can Someone Help Me With A Question On Factors/

Can someone please help me with this question?

This is an interesting question.
Let's look at the factors of 35, which are 5 and 7 and 1 and 35

So, we're looking at (x-5)*(x+7) as one possibility (note the negative sign in front of the 35. This expands to x^2 -5x+7x - 35, or
x^2 + 2x - 35.
So k=2 is ONE possibility.
Another arises from (x+5)*(x-7) , where k=-2
(x-1)*(x+35) I'll let you figure out k
and (x+1)*(x-35), the fourth value of k

Can someone help me factor these?

1st problem:
= 2a² - 2b²
= 2(a² - b²)

= a² - b²
= (a + b)(a - b)

Answer: 2(a + b)(a - b) are the factors

Proof (F.O.I.L.):
= 2(a + b)(a - b)
= (2a + 2b)(a - b)
= 2a² - 2ab + 2ab - 2b²)
= 2a² - 2b²

2nd problem:
3x² + 6x + 3 = 0
3(x² + 2x + 1) = 0

x² + 2x = - 1
x² + x = - 1 + 1
(x + 1)² = 0
x + 1 = 0

Answer: 3(x + 1)(x + 1) are the factor.

Proof (F.O.I.L.):
= 3(x + 1)(x + 1)
= (3x + 3)(x + 1)
= 3x² + 3x + 3x + 3
= 3x² + 6x + 3

3rd problem:
x³ + 7x² + 10x = 0
x(x² + 7x + 10) = 0

x² + 7x + 10 = 0
x² + 7x = - 10
x² + 7/2x = - 10 + (7/2)²
x² + 7/2x = - 40/4 + 49/4
(x + 7/2)² = 9/4
x + 7/2 = 3/2

= x + 7/2 - 3/2, = x + 4/2, = x + 2
= x + 7/2 + 3/2, = x + 10/2, = x + 5

Answer: x(x + 2)(x + 5) are the factors.

Proof (F.O.I.L.):
= x(x + 2)(x + 5)
= (x² + 2x)(x + 5)
= x³ + 5x² + 2x² + 10x
= x³ + 7x² + 10x

Can someone help me factor 18x^2+9x-14?

(6x +7)(3x - 2)

Scale Factor, Can someone please help me with these questions thanks :)?

Scales: 1:5 What? 1cm : 5m ? 1cm : 5cm? Whatever I want? OK!

Assuming a $5 bill is about 17cm by 5cm:

a) I'd like something about 10cm long, or 0.1m long; or 1cm = 100cm
so I'll take a scale of 1m = 10 000 cm. The model will be 10cm long.

b) Assuming it can't hang over the sides of the bill, I'll take 1cm = 5cm
The model will be 4cm across.

c) 2km = 2000m = 200 000 cm
Guess I'll have to take 1cm = 20 hm (hectometers)
The model will be 10cm tall.

d) for 2.5m, I'll just take 1cm = 5 dm (decimeters
The model will be 5 cm tall.

e) For 300m, how about 1cm = 20 dam (dekameters)
The model will be 15cm tall.

Can someone help me with greatest common factors?

I put these with the carrot symbol^ which means it is to that power like 29^7 means 29 to the seventh power please help!

gcf of 12 an^2 and 40a^4
gcf of 18, 30, and 54
gcf of 14a^2b^3, 20a^3b^2c, and 35ab^3c^2
gcf of 14a^2b^2, 18ab, and 2a^3b^3

Can someone please help me with this question?

Slavery is one of the world’s most cruel forms of forced labor that the world has ever been through. It is an institution in which human rights are constantly violated and in which African Americans were tortured with no freedom or education. There are many environmental, economic, and political factors that promoted the survival of slavery as a viable institution in the American colonies.
Environmental factors allowed slavery to implement and survive in many ways. For example, warm southern climates were suitable for high demands of sugar and cotton. This brought slaves into the picture as they are the ones who were needed to work in the fields and get the job done. Also, expansion of land in the north allowed colonists to profit from a commodity such as tobacco. These factors greatly contributed to the survival of slavery, as it showed that slaves were essential to get these basic needs fulfilled.
In addition to the environmental factors that allowed slavery to persist, there were many political factors as well. The immigration of the indentured servants ended and epidemics and diseases destroyed the Indians ability to work. Spain declared Florida a refuge settlement for escaped slaves from the English colonies. Also, the demand of labor was fulfilled with slaves from West Africa which was a major reason as to why slavery persisted for such a long period of time.
Economic factors played a key role in the continuation of slavery. One reason it kept slavery going is because slaves were needed to work on tobacco and rice plantations. Tobacco farming demanded a great deal of hand labor and close attention. There was labor drawn away from farming and other productive activities, imported consumer goods such as textiles and metal wares.
In conclusion, there were many environmental, political, and economic factors that kept slavery flowing smoothly for such a long time.

Can someone help me with prime factorization in Python?

You can do this recursively.If [math]n > 1[/math], its prime factors consist of the first prime number [math]i[/math] that divides [math]n[/math] and the prime factors of [math]n / i[/math]. Otherwise, [math]n[/math] has no prime factors -- that is, assuming negative integers are out of the question.An implementation in Python could look like this:def prime_factors(n):
factors = []
if n > 1:
i = 2
while n % i != 0:
i += 1
factors.extend(prime_factors(n / i))
return factors

Can someone please help me Factor These?! I got stuck on my math test!?

4x^2 - 52x + 160 =
4(x^2 - 13x + 40) =
4(x - 5)(x - 8)

One question at a time.