Can Someone Plzz Help Me Translate This In French I Am Very Awful At Fench This Is For My Gsce Plzz


J'aime jouer au Badminton et jouer une fois par semaine avec mes amis Isaac et Ross. Ils également jouent au tennis mais je n'aime pas ça parce que je ne suis pas bon au tennis. J'ai joué badminton pendant de nombreuses années, donc je suis très bon. Hier je suis allé au centre sportif avec Isaac à jouer badminton, cependant je ne jouissent pas parce qu'il m'a battu. Ce soir je vais jouer Isaac à nouveau et j'espère gagner. Je joue badminton à garder la forme, mais je ne mange pas sainement. Une alimentation saine est importante pour garder la forme.

Je rencontre mon ami Tom et sa copine tous les samedis. Nous allons à des concerts, et parfois nous réalisons. Je trouve que c'est très amusant parce que j'aime jouer de la guitare. La semaine dernière, nous avons effectuer jusqu'à ce que je me suis cassé une guitare forte. La foule était gênée et nous avons été jetés. Le week-end prochain je ne remplirai et sans doute regarder un film à la maison de Tom.

J'ai quinze livres chaque mois de mes parents. J'aime jouer aux jeux vidéos et parce qu'ils peuvent être très coûteux, je trouve que je n'ai pas assez d'argent de poche. Je passe la majeure partie de mon argent sur les jeux vidéo, mais j'ai souvent sortir avec mes amis et souvent acheter de la nourriture pour eux. Le mois dernier mon appareil photo cassé et j'économise de l'argent afin d'acheter un nouvel appareil photo.

Chaque semaine, j'ai rencontrer mon ami Tom et sa petite amie. Nous allons à la ville et acheter beaucoup de choses. Par exemple, la semaine dernière nous avons acheté café et dépenser vingt livres nouveaux jeans. Je n'achète généralement pas vêtements parce que je trouve que j'en ai assez. J'achète habituellement restauration rapide ou les jeux vidéo. Mes jeans nouvelles ne correspondait pas, et je dois retourner à la boutique la semaine prochaine.

J'ai un ordinateur et un téléphone. Je n'utilise pas mon ordinateur très souvent parce que mon téléphone est mieux pour aller sur les réseaux sociaux. J'utilise mon ordinateur pour faire mes devoirs et écrire des courriels. J'utilise mon téléphone pour envoyer des SMS, mes amis et le contrôle des réseaux sociaux. Je suis accro à Facebook et snapchat. Cependant, les réseaux sociaux peuvent perdre du temps et être mauvais pour votre santé. J'aime les réseaux sociaux, parce que je peux envoyer seulement 100 textos par mois et ce n'est pas suffisant.

You're welcome.

French questions about Tv . Help?!?

I need some Gcse oral answers for these questions please
Don't use google translate or any other free online translator . Only fluent and native French speakers .
Q1. do you watch tv often ?
Tv is not an option now as i am busy with my gcse's , revising all day and i now rarely watch tv , although when i have my free time i do like to watch many types of films like horror , adventure , action , drama, romance , comedy and many more .I usually watch tv at the weekends , as there is a larger variety of films showing .
When i was younger i used to watch "nemo" and apparently had memorized all the lines , if only i could remember it now. Last night i watched a film called "27 dresses", i really enjoyed it , a relationship between 2 sisters and 27 dresses . Also i love watching competitions like "xFactor" and "American Idol" and i'm unpset that they have now ended .At the moment i am waiting for "vampire Diaries " to appear on tv next week , i cant wait . i guess i still do like tv .

Translation to french?

Elanshaw gave you the perfect translation... Bonjour, ma belle! You can also say .... Bonjour, ma bien-aimee!

Help! I'm failing French what should I do?

Well, obviously, you don't have a firm grip on French at the moment... and all the notes in the world are really not going to help you. At this point, it's down the nitty, gritty work of learning a language. indeed, learning a language is very hard work, but with many exhilarating outcomes--so don't lose hope!

If you aren't doing well in reading comprehension, it's probably because you don't have enough vocabulary to understand what is going on in the passage and what the questions are really asking you. Go to French learning websites, get themed vocabulary, and straight-out memorize them... there's no other thing that you can do.

As for listening, you need to train your ear to hear and comprehend the words. To improve your listening, listen to radio stations, listen to French music, watch movies in French -- try to train your ear to French and try to understand it. Here is a great website for practicing listening comprehension, and it's what I used before taking the AP French exam (I'm from the USA).

As for the writing and speaking, that is something you produce. So, at this point, it's really up to you. This is where grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation are really important. It is where these three parts of French MUST come together. You can do that. You simply have to put in effort, and do MUCH MORE than you are asked to succeed.

This is probably the magical answer that you didn't want to hear, but it's the only answer and the only way to remedy your situation.

What are the best free Online Resources for learning French?

You should’ve Google searched this question instead of asking it here. Anyways, since you’ve already asked, here are a few best websites and YouTube channels that helped me learn French for free!DuolingoAbout FrenchLearn a languageLa conjugaison (Helps you with conjugation and general grammar)Learn French with Vincent - YouTubeFrench Pod 101 - YouTubeThere are plenty of other useful websites that can help you learn french. You can also sign up for classes. That way, you can master the Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing skills, pretty quickly. It’s still okay to learn French online. Hope this helps, you. Bonne chance mon ami!

How do you say: "I understand french more/better than I can speak it" in French?

I have an interview and french proficiancy will come up, I'm able to understand more than I can speak -correctly- I'd at least like to be able to say that sentence in french :)

How proficient in French is the typical Briton?

The quality of foreign language teaching in most schools in Britain is appalling. Even people with high grades at GCSE have usually only been taught very basic tourist phrasebook French or German or Spanish or whatever. Since they are only taught set phrases and not the grammar they are unable to cope with anything unexpected, let alone hold a conversation in a foreign language. What’s more, this approach leads to memory overload. They are at the level of Me no understand or Spick a leedle beet de leengo, yes-no? It’s even possible to get a grade A at A level without being able to string a sentence together grammatically in the foreign language.Standards in modern languages in British schools have declined sharply since the mid 1980s. On the whole people who were taught by the grammar-translation method have a far better grasp of the language than people who were just taught tourist phrasebook stuff.Language lessons 'should aim for more than phrasebook competence' - BBC News