Can Someone Send Me A Scroll Of Resurrection For Wow

Can someone send me a scroll of resurrection?

just sent you one

Need someone to send a scroll of resurrection to!?

I'll gladly take a SoR :)
I'll also pay for a subscription when the 7 free days are over.

My account e-mail (EU region):

Can I get a scroll of resurrection please?

Welcome back!

Will you send me a scroll of reserectipn?

I need someone to send me a scroll of reserection on world of warcraft. I want to get back into the game and they are offering a good deal when you activate after getting a sor so might asd well take advantage of it.

World Of Warcraft help: cast scroll of rez on us?

Check your E-mail :D

Edit: Yep, I sent it to both of you. And thank YOU :)

Glad I could help

Edit (Again): Oh, that's dissapointing. I looked into it and apparently only classic accounts can be "resurrected".

Taken from the Blizzard website:

Can I cast Scroll of Resurrection on any of my friend's accounts?

The Scroll of Resurrection can only be cast on a Classic World of Warcraft account. It is not possible to cast Scroll of Resurrection on trial, Burning Crusade or Wrath of the Lich King accounts.

Christianity just doesn't make sense to me?

Christianity doesn't make sense to me, either. I'm definitely non-religious. I don't believe the Bible is anything to be taken literally. At the most, the stories in the Bible are just exaggerated tales that have minimal factual background, if any at all. They were written to tell a story and teach a lesson. A lot of what's in the Bible didn't actually happen. Some Christians understand this and stick to Christianity because it speaks to them on a moral level. Other Christians take it literally which I don't understand because a lot of the events in the Bible defy the laws of the universe. Some people need religion to be happy, though. Others, like myself, don't need it at all and are very happy without it. If people want to believe in a book, then fine. Whatever makes them happy, I guess. Everyone has different beliefs.

How could killing Jesus exonerate us from Original Sin if "thou shalt not kill'' is one of the 10 Commandments?

It is about understanding what is original sin and the role Jesus played in our Salvation. I will try to explain it in simple words.Suppose there was a main land and an island near it. The main land was ruled by God and all creatures living in the mainland are citizens of of the mainland. The king, God, had did everything for comfortable living of the people there. He said everyone should obey him and abstain from violating any rules.The Evil asked the man why he is living as a citizen when he can be like the king himself? Evil asked the man and woman stop obeying God. Now God says what is good and bad. Do not listen to him any more. You decide what is good and bad and start living accordingly. Reject God and his instructions. So the men and women disobeyed God. But they did not become God as expected. They realized the Evil was telling them lies.They ran away from the mainland to the island because they found it uncomfortable to face God. They started living in the Island. Naturally they are no more the citizens of mainland. It was their decision to go away from God.Man even woman even started saying that we sinned because we cannot live without doing sins. (Wow, is it a manufacturing defect?) As a loving father God wanted to take them back to the mainland and restore the citizenship and its protection to the people, but do not want to yield to the attitude of man that doing sin is natural.The original sin is being away from God’s grace eligible as the citizens of mainland, the kingdom of God.For the love of mankind, the creation of God, God decided to come to the island and live as a man without doing any sin. Jesus came to earth, lived without doing any sin, not even at the face of torture and death. He survived every temptation for doing sin. He was even provoked when he was dying on the cross. He was asked to come down and they all will believe in Him. But no Jesus do not want to revenge anybody, He only prayed for those people may be forgiven.Jesus won over the Evil by living without doing a sin. He opened the gates of heaven for us, or in other words He made a bridge back to the Mainland. But remaining eligible for walking into heaven is a personal responsibility.Jesus was crucified because he said truth, and he questioned the clergy for misinterpreting the word of God and making lives of the people difficult.We do travel over many bridges as we travel. We do not always know who made them. But knowing it is a blessing!!