Can Someone Tell Me How To Grow A Peanut Plant. I Want To See What One Looks Like

Can someone who allergic die from just the smell of peanuts or peanutbutter?

I hear ppl at work say that all the time, but then wouldn't they have to put up road signs like"PEANUT FEILD< TURN BACK OR DIE!!!" or "WARNING PEANUTBUTTER FACTORY!!!". Maybe, maybe not???

Where do squirrels and other rodents get peanuts from?

My sister claims to see squirrels with peanuts all the time, and she asked me where they get them from. I told her that peanuts come from the ground.

But my question is, are peanut plants just growing freely here in Chicago suburbs? Does anyone know where peanut plants can be found growing naturally? Could it be possible that the peanuts that my sister saw, were not peanuts at all, and maybe a different type of nut or not a nut at all?


Can you grow peanuts in New England?

I grew them in Pennsylvania it was very close as they take a long time - I bought a pound of green viable peanut from Park’s seed company planted them as early as I could and harvested them something like close to 4 months with absolutely no frost or freezing. They were very interesting to watch growing as the growing process includes the flower on the plant on the surface growing ( looks like a miniature yellow snapdragon ) and then the flower part ‘pegs’ it dives into the ground where the new peanut forms. Harvesting is cool, too —- you grab the edge of the peanut plant which is like a grassy matt and pull it up it peels up like sod and ‘POOF’ lots of peanuts on the roots ( or what appear to be roots ). I think I got nearly 7 pounds -it might have been a bit more out of the planting.What you have to know is where the garden was located was originally a huge pig pen for many years - the house was 18th century so the garden soil was black and very cake like - I still had to rototill about 2 tons of sand into it to get around the clay…but OMG ! that garden was a legend in the area. AMAZING YIELD !

Any chocolate candy suggestions for people with peanut allergies?

I am a school lunch aide and must be very watchful of food allergins
Tootsie rolls are non-peanut contact, but are a choking hazard for very young children. You can make chocolate flavored treats with candy flavoring.
have your child tested every few years by the doctor, as some children out grow peanut allergies, I have one of my students who has.

Why do people think peanut butter is healthy?

Peanut butter itself isn’t necessarily unhealthy or healthy, but it does tie into a much larger topic of essential fatty acids (EFAs) and EFA balance! This is a BIG deal since the Standard American Diet does EFAs very, very wrong and it’s causing chronic inflammation…OK so we have omega-6 and omega-3 essential fatty acids. They’re called “essential” since the body can’t produce them and they must be obtained through diet. Here’s the problem: while omega-6 and omega-3 EFAs ought to be consumed in a 1:1 ratio, the average American eats about ten times more omega-6s than omega-3s. Why is this a problem? Because omega-6 EFAs kick-start the inflammatory process and omega-3 EFAs anti-inflame. While inflammation and anti-inflammation are key to the body’s healing process, with this skewed ratio the body has WAY more of the material it needs to inflame and WAY less of the material it needs to anti-inflame. It’s the perfect recipe for chronic inflammation.For this reason, it’s best to limit sources of omega-6 EFAs while looking to increase sources of omega-3 EFAs. This means cutting back on nuts and seeds and eliminating cheap crop or “vegetable” oils while increasing foods rich in omega-3s like wild salmon and sardines.PLUS the EFAs are polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs), which are inherently unstable. They go rancid very easily and so should always be kept in a dark container or out of sunlight, stored in a cool place or the fridge, and used rather quickly. Once PUFAs start to rancidify - which, honestly, typically happens before they even leave the grocery store - they’re even more inflammatory.I talk a lot more about fats here if you’re interested: Which Fats are Healthy? - Body Unburdened

What is a mococot plant and what does it look like?

The attached link has a picture for you;

If I plant skittles in the garden will they grow a skittle tree?

This is just a joke seriously I know it can't happen but I want to know the funniest response to this. My four year old son asked me this not too long ago I didnt know what to say. But let me know the funniest thing your child has ever said.