Can Someone Translate This Korean Paragraph To Me

Can you translate this short Korean paragraph to English?

- by telling from the writer's accent when writing, the writer is from Kyung-Sang-Doh Providence
- unni = younger girl to older girl
- ㅋㅋ = translates to "kk" meaning laughter (haha)
- ㅠㅠㅠ = face icon (the two parallel lines that go downwards represent tears)

"With the way things are, you say you don't have any friends? Jerk! Are you making fun of your unni! That letter/writing next to the tiger, I think its from that news ㅋㅋㅋㅋ Don't write so difficulty by writing in chinese characters! Ah I downloaded a 2PM Wallpaper, but my dad didn't like it/didn't want to see it and told me to erase it. But even though i try to erase/delete it, it still appears ㅠㅠㅠ
My dad is going to kill me ㅠㅠㅠ heulk I'm going/off to go do my listening homework"

Can anyone help me translate this paragraph into Korean ??? (10 points!)?

2. 너 떡국 몇그릇 먹었니?

명절때는 특별한 음식을 준비합니다. 새해는 떡국과 함께 맞이를 하는데요. 동전 모양을 가진 떡을 사골 국물에 끓임으로 만들어 집니다. 한국에서는 태어났을때부터 나이를 셉니다. 태어났을때 한살이 되고 매 새해에 한살씩 더 먹습니다. 꼭 서양식 나이 세는법이 필요치 않을때엔 한국식으로 나이를 셉니다. 새해를 떡국과 맞이하며 나이를 한살 더 먹게 됨으로, '너 떡국 몇 그릇 먹었니' 라는 말은 이제 '너 몇살이니' 라는 말로 변했습니다.

Can someone translate the following paragraph from Korean to English?

Hi, I'm gonna go to my brother's home today and go to the countryside this week. so I just wanna tell you that I thank you in many ways. I really thank you. I don't know how I can explain the situation like this. maybe you can. or just let it go until I'm leaving, then who knows the next? no one. this trip to korea will have a very special place in my heart. it's a huge change for me to take courage to send this e-mail. I guess I'll be in the countryside in this weekend. and just no more. I'll stop here.

the sentences are little bit awkward but i've tried to do my best :-) so hope i helped!
and the countryside in the paragraph above also can be interpreted into writer's hometown.

Can someone translate this korean paragraph to english please?

애기야 사랑한다.
내가 지금 가진것은 없지만
단 한가지 너에게 약속할께..
내 생명이 다하는 날까지 너를 사랑하고 지켜줄께.!
언제까지나 내 곁에 애기로 님아죠.
사랑한다. 그리고 고맙다.
내 곁에 있어주어서.

my cousin's boyfriend who is a Korean, sent this message to her. and she doesn't understand this..
Thanks in advance :)

Can someone please translate this to korean? for my birthday... :D?

Above answers are incorrect(probably google translated).
Here's the one you might be looking for:

"오늘은 나의 생일이다... 제발 나를 축하해줘!" 그리고 "생일 축하해 유린!"

Can someone help me translate these into korean? Hey there.How are you doing these days?

Annyeonghasaeyo - hello (formal)
Annyeong - hello (informal)

eattoke ji nae? - how are you doing? (informal)
eattoke ji nae yo? -how are you doing? (formal)


An-nyeong-ha-se-yo! Chal ji-nae-sho-sso-yo? - romanized

안녕하세요! 잘 지내셨어요? - in hangul

Can someone help with translating the paragraph below from Korean to English please? 일도힘들고 마음도 힘들고 사는게 재미없어요

First, let’s cover some basic grammar points:“도” added after a noun means “too, also”.“-고” added after verbs adds the sense of a list of verbs, like using “and” in English.“-은/는���” after the stem of a verb nominalizes it.. or basically, takes verb X and outputs “the action of Xing”.“재미없다” is the verbal adjective for “is no fun”.With all that it mind, here’s a rather direct translation:“Work is difficult, and my mind is difficult*, and living in general is no fun.”*here, Korean uses “mind is difficult/hard” idiomatically to mean one is going through hardship (internally).

Can someone translate this Korean Children's Day song?

Children's Day Song
(Yoon Suk Joong : Hoops · 1948)

Fly in the blue sky, birds
Run through the blue meadow, river
May is blue, we are growing
Today is Children's Day in our world.

When we grow up we'll contribute to the country
Let's hold hands like happy friends
May is blue, we are growing
Today is Children's Day in our world.

Can someone help me to translate a Korean letter to English?

Try running the letter through Google translate, or Papago, a translation service run by Naver, a korean search engine company. Papago (네이버 파파고) should provide relatively context-accurate translations for conversational English, and is a good place to start.After you’ve done that, you can try asking if the sentences make sense by posting snippets of your letter as questions.