Can The Marines Waiver A Drug Possession

Marines moral waiver question?

The commanding officer for the Marines denied to sign my waiver, after i passed the asvab and physical exam. For one misdemeanor marijuana charge, we needed two waivers. One for the possession and the other for the use. The possession got waive, but the use did'nt, because i violated my probation. My question is could i go to another district and try to get it approved by another CO?? I think is a silly charged and obviously am not smoking, because i pass the physical. Can anyone w/ military knowledge advice me pls. And also you think i can join another branch??

Do you think I could get a waiver for the marines?

Joining the marines has always been my goal since I was a little kid. When I was 16 I got into some trouble and wounded up with a marijuana possession felony on my record. It was stupid and I had to grow up, I also have three tattoos but none are offensive. One is my zodiac sign (leo), one says pride, these are both on my forearms. The other is a cross on my upper arm. I'm 18 now and have been training myself to enlist but I'm not sure if I would be able to get a waiver for these things? Do you think it's possible? My state is PA

Marijuana Waiver and Marine Corps?

victor - since you are 16, you have time. DUMP THE JUNK. stop smoking it, and walk away forever. if you wait until you are 18 to start this process, it will be out of your system by then and NO ONE will know, unless you have a criminal record related to the weed. If there is a record of it (even a minor's record will be looked at by the military, there is no such thing as a 'sealed' or 'expunged' record when it comes to the military or security clearances).

as for traffic offenses, most of them (if minor, like speeding, etc) will fall off your record in 3 years for insurance purposes, 5 years and they are gone. best thing for you there is TIME. obey the speed limit and the rules of the road. 'trending' is important to. if you have, say 5 tickets, but the most recent one is 3 years ago, that is in your favor. however, you are only 16, so you haven't had a license that long, and the fact you have ANY at such a young age is NOT a good trend for you. but - DON"T GET ANY MORE! that way you can walk into a recruiters office, and say "i had a couple violations but that was 2 years ago, and i've been ok since". you never mentioned how many? TOO many and you'll need a waiver, and if recruiting trends in 2 years are similar to what the yare now, waivers will be hard to come by - because there are just too many people trying to get in that require no waivers of any kind, and they won't be able to get in because there jsut aren't enough slots. recruiters can afford to be very picky right now.

if the traffic violations resulted in property damage to a house, another car, causing injury or loss of life or limb, that is going to be tough for you. and if you have a handful of violations, maybe you are not ready to drive? if my daughter gets so much as a ticket, she knows dad will take the car keys and that will be that.

Can you join the marines with a simple possession of marijuana charge?

Simple possession is usually just a misdemeanor. The marines are not likely to care about a misdemeanor. Here is article that explains the effects of misdemeanors that may help:

I got denied from the army, but can possibly join the marines?

I got denied from the army for a minor marijuana charge(possession of drug paraphernalia) I got at a house party in high school, I don't even smoke and it wasn't mine. i know none of that matters now it is all said and done..

I wanted to try ranger school and maybe eventually get into aviation as a pilot. Shorty after i got denied the army i briefly talked to a marine recruiter and he said my drug charge wouldn't be a problem in enlisting.I don't know much about the marines, so i am asking for insight about a similar path/my chances of getting to do something similar, i hear you're less likely to get the jobs you want in the marines.

Should have fought the drug charge i know.

If I have a marijuna citation can I still join the Marines?

To qualify the answer to this question I spent 26 Isney on forces 18 of that as an officer and I am an educated 55-year-old man.  I am going to give you a slightly different answer than others have.First, I would go to the recruiter and be honest about the citation.  The recruiter wants to enlist you.  If he can get around the citation, he'll do so.If the recruiter cannot get past the citation , then you need to figure out how to get the citation removed and that is actually doable.  While I would not typically advocate parting with your money to speak with an attorney, this is a case in which in attorney's advice would be very valuable to you.  Keep in mind that most attorneys will offer a free initial consultation and if they cannot help you or you do not wish to engage with them, that is OK.Simply explain to the attorney about the marijuana citation and that you have changed your life for the better since this time in the past when you were young.  Ask him if there is a way that you can go before the court and express your desires to serve your country in the military during wartime and ask them if there isn't something they could do to possibly recognize that you have changed.It is quite unlikely that you could get this done without the help of a local attorney, but it is quite possible to get it done if you have an attorney helping you.  Unlike a law enforcement officer, judges have considerable discretion.  Typically, judges are inclined to use that discretion to benefit the community when they are able to do so. If you can get the citation dropped, then the recruiter can help you. If, during the recruiting process, someone asks you if you have ever taken any illegal drugs, you can honestly say that you do not recall having done so and leave it at that.