Can The Skin In My Nose Be Corrected

Why is your skin dry on the sides of your nose?

It can be either on the whole nose, on the nose tip, or besides the nose, even just near the nose. Also, you can have a dry skin on nose crease, inside your nose especially on nostrils, or on the side of the nose.Depending on the cause, dry skin around nose crease can be flaky, scaly, peeling or even sore. At times, the redness may occur i.e. you may dry red flaky skin that is around the nose could also be much possible.This can be a chronic condition to some people and to some it can occur randomly but not that dry.Some of the major causes include:Climate changescertain medicationsContact dermatitisPerioral dermatitisMake ups and cosmeticSeborrheic dermatitisHow to get rid of dry skin on nose – home cures and general tips.Use cocoa butter - It is used to correct dry skin conditions and promotes speedy healing of chapped lips. It is effective on the skin, including your lips.Apply yogurt therapy - Since it is a natural moisturizer, apply yogurt on the affected area and it will penetrate the pores to smoothen the skin effectively.Drink plenty of water - It is advisable to drink adequate water to clean your system and improves the moisture level on your skin keeping it supple and healthy. It is the most reliable treatment for dry skin.General tipsAlways have enough sleep that is about 7 hours per day.Moisturize your lips using natural lip balm.Use a moisturizing sunscreen as a protective gear against the effects of the sun.Exfoliating removes dead cells from your skin’s surface.Apply a topical cream on affected area.Hope it helps!

Why is the skin on my nose continually flaking?

The diagnoses of your problem cannot be done without inspection of your skin. All I can do is to speculate your situation and tell the remedy accordingly. So best is to consult your Dermatologist.  If you have generalised flaking of skin of your nose, it might be tiny dots of white sebum oozing out of the oil ducts. Try using a salicylic acid based toner on the nose twice a day and  spend some more time removing the oils when you wash your face. Beside scrubbing apply mud-based face pack over your nose. For more skin related information visit my website: Dermatocare

What causes dry and flaky skin around the nose?

Certain conditions, such as perioral dermatitis, psoriasis or eczema, can cause flaky and dry skin around your nose. In fact, peeling, cracked and reddish skin on the face may be the body's response to exposure to winter weather or frequent use of harsh detergents or soaps. If the dry, flaky skin around your nose is not the result of basic, dry and unmoisturized skin, you may need to see your health care provider to determine the cause.If your face feels tight and itchy, you may notice that the skin, around your nose and corners of the mouth, is also dry or flaky. A simple solution to dry facial skin is exfoliation, followed by the application of a gentle and lightweight moisturizer. If the flaky and scaly patches on the face do not disappear after using an exfoliant and a moisturizer, you need to determine whether the cause of the dry skin is due to an underlying medical condition, a skin sensitivity or an exposure to harsh chemicals, like soap.I also have dry skin due to a skin condition called Ichthyosis Vulgaris. You can visit my blog to know the products I often use to treat my dry skin.

Im thinking of getting a nose job, is that safe?

It depends on who your doctor is. My mom had a nose job a long time ago (before I was born). She had a really bad doctor! She woke up during surgery and was bleeding like hell!

I really don't want anyone else to have to do that. I would really look into getting a very good doctor that would do your surgery.

For it to completely heal, that might take a couple of months.

Good luck!

My nose....what should i do ?

Is it really that bad....?
well i am 19 and i really dont no wat to do so i need some opinions!
the nose. well my nose is jus ruining my life. i have like a big bump in the middle and it looks like a camel hump?!!!!
i hate it so much and i have no confidence because of it!
i hope to have it corrected when i am 21 but should i ??
will it look worse after? will it be painful? will i regret it????
i just want to have a straight nose! my bf says im silly and i love u the way u r but i hate it and it upsets me so much? should i listen 2 him and keep it or should i get it done and be at peace?
im so confused?
has anyone else got a weird nose? would love to hear any advice , any stories and answers to my problem
This isnt me but this picture looks rather like mine, although mine isnt as big as hers?

thank you in advance

o and
mines worse than ashlee simpsons nose. mine has a bump but the bump comes out really far. it does look like a camal!

o and the bump goes bk in at the bottom. so the bump is just out in the middle which makes it look quite bad.

Split nose...?

Make an appointment with a dermatologist and ask them about fillers to smooth out the crease. You have to redo it over time but the only alternative is plastic surgery which would last forever and take care of the problem.

If you just need the crease in the tip corrected, then you would probably be a candidate for a tip plasty which is less costly and lengthy than a full nose job. Sometimes the doctor will insert a little piece of silicon to fill in the crease area and it isn't a big deal.

Good luck!! : )

What age does you nose stop growing?

My doctor has told me that my nose has grown crooked becuase I suffered injury to my nose a couple of years ago. and I was wondering at what age does your nose stop growing im 16 right now. if I dont get my nose straighten will it keep growing crooked?

What's the cost of a complete rhinoplasty in India?

RhinoplastyMeaning- A plastic surgery performed on nose.Other name- Nose Job.Why Rhinoplasty?· To correct, reconstruct, restore the appearance and functions of nose.· To treat the various causes causing deformity in nose, for example nasal trauma, congenital disabilities, respiratory obstruction, or to resolve failed primary rhinoplasty.What is the cost of rhinoplasty in India?The approximate cost of complete rhinoplasty in India is USD 2200-2400 (Twin Sharing) with ten days of post discharge stay.The additive cost that is incurred by the candidate vary depending on the various pre-operative and post-operative requirements, for example-• Anaesthesia cost during treatment• Supportive staff cost• Laboratory tests and other screenings• Post-surgery clothing• Medications and post-surgical care expense• LogisticsSteps followed in the process of RhinoplastyStep 1-Anaesthesia· Medications involved in the surgical procedure are overseen meticulously.· The alternatives include intravenous sedation or general anaesthesia.· The doctor will be the most appropriate person to recommend the most suitable option for the candidate.Step 2-The Incision· Rhinoplasty is performed either using a closed procedure or by carrying out open procedure.· In closed procedure the incisions are hidden inside the nose.· In open procedure the incisions are made across the Columella (the narrow strip of tissue that separates the nostril).· Via incisions, the skin part that covers the nasal bones and cartilages is moderately raised, which allow access in order to reshape the structure of the nose.Step 3-Reshaping the structure of the nose· A more than usual nose can be reduced by the removal of bone or cartilage.· In some cases the nose might require the additional cartilage grafts.· Mostly, the cartilage is extracted from theo Septumo From the partition in the middle of the nose.o From the ear or rarely a section of rib cartilage can be used.Step 4-Correction of a deviated septum· For the candidates suffering from deviated septum, it can be straightened.· The projection inside the nose is reduced in order to improve breathing.Step 5-Closing the incision· Once the objectives of the surgery are achieved that is the nose is fashioned to the preferred shape.· Then the nasal skin and tissue are pulled tight and the incisions are closed.· Additional incisions might be made in the natural creases of the nostrils to modify their size.