Can U Be A Police Officer If U Have A Weak Memory

What are 3 things that police officers would prefer you didn't know?

A weak, or poor officer might have a list, but a good officer who is confident doesn’t really have one. When courts issue new requirements that officers must follow in enforcing laws the poor officer bitch up a storm which the good officers study the requirements, alter and adapt their own procedures to make sure they do their jobs within those guidelines. Certainly a smart person who knows they have done wrong should never answer any questions except their name for identification purposes required by law. A skilled officer doesn’t have to lie, but crafts his questions in a disarming manner to elicit answers from the person being questioned without their realizing the potential importance of their answers.When ever one person comes into contact with another, whether they realize it or not, mentally their minds are evaluating the other person and assigning a certain level of potential; threat/intelligence compared to your own/physicial ability compared to your own. A well trained police officer will adapt his command presence, speech, body english to create a false reading in the suspect/contacts mental evaluation process of the officer. If successful, and most skilled officers are very proficient at doing this, they will create a false impression in the contacts mind that the contact is superior in every way to the officer and thus the officer is or little potential danger to them. As if the violator/contact is dealing with a “Barney Fife” kind of person. When successfully accomplishing this the contact/violator’s “Phaser Bank Shields” are “lowered” and they relax disarming themselves mentally and alert wise and in doing so often reveal things they never realize the intent and hyper alert officer is gathering, collating, and storing away in their memory banks while processing them at a high rate of speed. This is one of the most valuable assets good officers and detectives develop and hone to a very skilled and high level sucking in everything revealed during the contact. In fact I often joked that a good officer is a great actor, capable of playing any role necessary to mentally disarm and lull the contact into a false sense of superiority and confidence.

Police Officer interview-Whats your biggest weakness does this sound?

I have a police interview coming up and i am aware of some questions they may ask...mainly the "whats your biggest weakness" question. I do not want to give them a canned "im a perfectionist" or "a work-a-holic/overacheiver" answer, but something that is true but at the same time wont disqualify me. so how does this sound?

"My biggest weakness as a human being would have to be that sometimes when i become very busy and overwhelmed with work, i can get a little unorganized. I realize that organization is essential to police work and that even the smallest errors made due to disorganization can lead to major problems in this field.

Realizing this, before i entered the police academy and my last seasonal police job this past summer, i made some changes to my daily work habits. Firstly, i did not commit ANYTHING to memory, as i carried an daily planner with me and wrote anything down that i would need to know or get done at a later date. I also would file my work into my own personal folders, separating the work by whether it was finished or unfinished. I also saved and filed my work on my computer drive in the same format.

with these changes in my work habits, organization was never an issue during my time at the police academy and my summer job, . Therefore i feel a great progress in overcoming my weakness.