Can Ur Eye Get Worse Only From Gentics Or Can It Get Bad Even Though Ur Parents Didnt Have Bad

My parents hate dogs,how can i get a puppy? :(?

Well for starters, how about trying the following:
#1 Cleaning your room and making sure that it STAYS clean and tidy.
#2 Making sure that your homework is done and handed in on time.
#3 Sweep the floors in the living room and kitchen without your parents asking you to.
#4 Wash and/or dry the dishes.
#5 Do not fight and argue with your sisters & brothers.
#6 Eat what you are given and don't whine or make "yuck" faces when given it.
#7 Don't talk rudly to adults
#8 Always share with other kids.
#9 Go to bed when you are told to.
#10 Research the pet and breed you want to be 100% certain that it is the right one for you.
# 11 Ask them about getting this new pet in a nice way and don't beg and whine about it.

If 100% sure that if you give those a try, they will see that you are serious about wanting to add a this pet to you life and family. :)

Will my eyesight get worse if I don't wear prescription glasses?

No , if you follow ayurvedic prescriptions and avoiding doing some things which increase eyesight.yes. Eyes can cure themselves only when we stop wearing glasses. If we wear glasses,they cannot cure,they remain in that state of sight only .If you want to slowly cure your high shortsightedness of 3 ,3.5 ,then go on reversing the process. When we go to doctor checkup yearly, they go on increasing some points,with addition to slight increase in our sight to appear better,in that way we are ignorantly increasing our eysesight year by year .So now onnwards you should not go to doctor,let reverse the process, collect all slips of previous years checkups, try to bring glasses of less sightedness of your preveious years check ups. suppose if you have 3 eyesight at present ,leave it and go to previous ones of less that this one 2 etc use those spects for some montnths, then your eyes adjust to that , follow ayurvedic remedies to improve eyesight. later go on decreasing the sight by previous check ups . it will slowly cure our eyesight.when you have less sight,then there is no need to wear glasses,throw away them ,do your duties without wearing glasses.Remember that, your should not wear glasses in order to cure your eyes sight, if are without glasses for some months , and in a curing process, then you should never wear glasess of hight sightedness in the middle, because,if you wear ,then all these days of curing your eyes wasted and your eyes again adjusted to that glasses of particular sight . it is better avoid spects for ever,only wear in very need ysituation that too for short time, if you have less light of 1.5, or below 2 ,you can able to work without glassess , so leave glassess for ever,follow ayurvedic remedies to cure eysight , then your eyes can slowly cure theselves.In addition to this Avoid,smartphones at latenight in running bus, aviod watching tv withn near distance,.If your spent more time in 3D view like open areas,surroundings,greenery ,your eyes will get cured quickly. Mostly avoid 2D viewing like,operating phones,tv,computer etc,avoid looking into sky ,bright sun

Boyfriend's parents racist? Convincing him to leave me?

I grew up in a white world so I can't say I know how you feel. I also have a hard time understanding why people are judged by their skin color instead of who they are. I don't know if this will help you but try to understand that the grandparents were brought up in a different culture and that is what they were taught. Often older people are stuck in their ways and their opinions.

I'm more concerned about the boyfriend's reaction, though. You say you want to marry him. Did he stand up to his grandparents and let them know that he loves you for the person you are? If the two of you are to build a life together, there may come a time where he will have to choose between you and his family. Hopefully it will never come to that but you never know.

Most importantly, you have to be confident in who you are. The color of your skin does not define the person you are. Never let anyone dictate to you how you should feel about yourself. If you do end up marrying this man, you will have a lifetime of comments and inuendos from relatives who may not approve of the marriage. The bottom line is the marriage is between the two of you. Is your boyfriend sufficiently supportive of you and how you feel to be able to stand up for you to his family if that becomes necessary?

If at all possible, you may want to make a special effort to let the grandparents get to know you as a person instead of as a Dominican. This will take time and only you can decide if your relationship is worth the extra effort. Hopefully they will eventually come around and settle down. If not, they may just have to be relegated to being the annoying in-laws.

I need glasses, but I'm too scared to ask my parents?

I have to squint to see the tv guide on tv. I need glasses really bad, but If i told my parents they might get mad at me. I think It's genetic because my dad wears glasses. What should I do? How do I tell them ?

Why does my white cat have red eyes, and Her all white brother have blue eyes?

How old is this particular kitten? Old enough for the eyes to have changed from kitten blue to their adults color? Are you sure you are referring to the actual color of the iris, and not the color they reflect when the light hits them right? Genetically blue eyed cats will reflect red (like red-eye in photos), while cats with green, gold, or copper eyes will reflect green. If this is not what you are referring to, be aware that totally white cats who retain blue eyes (that reflect red), are often deaf. This is because when the fetus is forming, the cells forming the auditory nerves need pigment cells to form around. Cats without any pigment fill likely (but not always) be deaf. This kitten with the pink eyes, if the iris is pink and the center of the eye deep red, just like a white rabbit, os most likely a true albino, though this is rare. This is most likely a genetic mutation. Do you know what color the father cat is? I'm betting he is also white, if all these kittens have been white. Any possibility she could be mating with a sibling or parent? Have any of her kittens ever had a sprinkling of darker hairs on the top of their heads that disappeared as they grew? A friend who raises Angoras tells me that this is an indication of another color gene they carry that is being overridden by the white gene. I'm not sure about the genes of solid white cats, but on all cats the gene for color (usually black or orange) is attached to the X chromosome. Thus, females can have two different colors, which is why calicos , tortoiseshells, torbies or torti-point orientals are almost always female. males only get one color gene. The gene that adds white to the mix is separate from that chromosome, as is the gene that adds a diluting factor, turning black to grey (blue) or orange to buff. I'm guessing that the gene that gives a cat color points like a siamese is also separate. The abundance of blue-eyed whites is genetic, but I think the supposed albino is a fluke or mutation. A vet could tell you better. I hope these are all indoor cats, because white cats are vulnerable to sunburn and eventual skin cancer on their ear tips and noses because of their lack of pigment. More so for the albino.

My sister is prettier than me and it's killing my self-esteem. What should I do?

I should go ahead and say my sister is also prettier than me. And it used to give me a bitter taste in my mouth.I am the youngest one in my family, and as siblings, we look after each other. Well, normally the elder ones were in charge and had the responsibility to protect and provide the younger.So since I was a child, I was bitchy and demanding and I wanted things to go my way, including people’s affection.Everything went well my way for first couple years of my life, until I came to an age to realize who is the prettiest of all. I still tried to fool myself that I was still the best, and the most beautiful, and that’s why I am my mom’s favorite child. But that trick did not work so well with outsiders.My sister is astonishingly beautiful and everyone liked her. All the boys in schools and college. She had many male friends came to the house and hung out. Some of them were handsome too. And all of their attention went to my sister.I didn’t take that so well.I was jealous with her look. I tried to get people’s attention. I hoped my sister’s male friends liked me more than her. When they were trying to talk to my sister, I jumped into the conversation and started talking, trying to make them like me.I pretended that I didn’t care about her followers. I also acted mean to my sister. I hated the fact that I had no follower while she had a bunch of them. I hated the fact that she didn’t need to try so hard but people still liked her. I hated that she was a ball of joy, while I was grumpy the whole time.I wish I could tell you somehow I figured it out and I started to treat her well, but in fact I didn’t. Not until I grew up and I managed to nurture myself and my self-esteem.My sister is still breathtakingly beautiful, but she didn’t have a good marriage. She divorced and is a single mom while I am living happily with my husband. I feel sad for her.You see, if you love yourself enough, you will not need to worry about people’s affection. And you will not even care about the look. It is not about how pretty you are, but it is about how happy you are.Enjoy your time with your sister, feel happy for her pretty look while you still can. And DO NOT think about yourself as the uglier, which reduces your self-esteem as you are doing right now. Focus on what you have, build your confidence and knowledge.You are loved. You are pretty. And you know it.It starts with you.