Can Watching News For More Than An Hour A Day Be A Dangerous To Your Health

What happens to your brain when you watch CNN 12+ hours a day?

Watching TV for more than 12 hours a day I'm general is really bad for your health. Regardless of the channel, you should probably limit yourself.If you're just talking CNN specifically, my best educated guess would be you would probably be at a higher risk for paranoia and depression. The news generally reports depressing or worrying things so it would be easy to forget the more positing things.Furthermore, CNN is biased as a news station. Avoid only getting news from one place as it will give you a one sided view.

Is there a valid argument for watching TV more than a half hour a day?

Survivorman has about a 43 minute run-time and lasts a whole hour with commercials. If you haven't watched it, then you should. O and let's not forget about the greatest TV Drama Series of all-time: Breaking Bad. If you watch a half hour of this you will be compelled to watch every season, non-stop. The argument here is that this show is extremely entertaining and the actors have worked their whole lives for these moments. They're very talented and are so good at their jobs that it's difficult to even take your eyes off the screen for a second. You can choose to do something else with your time, I suppose, but it most likely won't be nearly as entertaining. So the argument to watch more than a half hour of tv a day is that it is a lot better if you stay at home and live out these things through this magical box than do them in real life. Unless you think getting lung cancer and selling meth would be a fun thing to do, just watch it on tv where you are completely safe from any harm and feel the same emotions that you would feel if you were really there thanks to the superb acting, directing, and production of the show or movie.

I want to study 16 to 20 hours per day. How do I concentrate?

Super tips:(1) Wake up 4:45 am. Refresh and brush your teeth.(2) Start at 5 am.(3) First session 5am-6:30am(4) Take 15 mins tea break and start from 6:45-8:00(5) Take 15 mins and take bath(6) Third session :- 8:30-9:45(7) Leave for college library(As it is boring to stay at one place for whole day)(15 mins break)(9:45-10:00)(8) Have breakfast and settle there(10:00 - 10:15)(9) Fourth session (10:15:11:30)(10)Tea break(11:30-11:45)(11) Fifth session(11:45-1:30)(12) Lunch break(1:30-2:00)(13) Sixth session(2:00-3:30)(by this time concentration is not that high as in the morning so if somebody comes, I will chat with them happily or will call someone to gain back energy)(14) Tea break and play time(3:30-4:00)(15) Seventh session(4:00-5:30)(16) Evening snacks(5:30-6:00)(17) Eight session(6:00-7:30)(18) Leave for home or take some break (7:30-7:45)(19) Ninth session(7:45-9:00)(20)If at home, have dinner. If at work, leave for home.(21) Tenth session(9:30-10:30)(Take a look at what is pending or how did you do in the day and look at the problems where you got stuck)(22)Sleep(10:30-4:45).So this was schedule to study around 13 hours a day.I follow this schedule for 2 months before exam :) starting is difficult but after u get habitual and it will be easy :) u can change timing according to your need.. Its just for reference..

Is drinking three 22oz water bottles in 1 hour bad?

A popular myth which came from a suggested dietary guideline by the National Council on Health decades ago suggests that fluid intake equivalent to eight full 8 floz glasses of water each day should be consumed to support proper dieting. However, that guideline was not intended to mean eight glasses of water in addition to your other beverages and the water you ingest in foods. It meant the eight glasses is the total amount of water an average person should have to ensure they do not become dehydrated while dieting because much of our daily water does come from food.

Although it is true that if you ingest only water, you will lose fat, it makes for a bad diet and eventually water intoxication or hyperhydration. --> And, if water was used to keep you bloated to help you refrain from doing what you should be doing, eating high quality food, how would you keep from gaining the fat back when you stopped bloating yourself with water?

The best way to diet is to eat good quality, wholesome, nutritious, and varied foods with no supplements every two hours while keeping your daily caloric intake about 500 calories below your daily burn and your macronutrient rations about 55/20/25. In regard to water, all you need do is mind your thirst and keep it quenched.

If you're concerned about water, look at your urine. If it's pale yellow, you're getting sufficient water. If it's dark yellow, you need to ingest more water.

For more information go to -->

Good luck and good health!!

Does drinking a lot of water help get rid of a double chin? can you gat poison from drinking too much water?

No, double chin is most likely hereditary. Nothing gets rid of it except plastic surgery of the chin.

No, you cannot get poison from drinking too much water [unless the water is contaminated]. You will, however, throw up because your stomach cannot hold too much. If you want to try forced-hydration, drink a glass of water every 15 minutes. NOT a gallon in 5 minutes.

Do you watch television every day?  Every week?

I don't have a tv. :) I do watch movies on Amazon and Netflix and have watched a few episodes of tv shows such as South Park for the humor fairly often. Tv news is a waste of time, can get better info on the net and sort through it faster. Remember that most programs are designed to be interesting enough to get you back yet not disturb or annoy you so much you avoid doing so. This increases ratings and revenue. They are generally not produced to improve your mind or be useful--there are some exceptions but the main impetus is to make money. Bread and circuses has a long history from the time of the Romans to keep the masses from revolting. Keep them fed and distract them with blood and guts, adrenaline and vicarious experiences. Get rid of your tv and go do things rather than watch someone else's fictional experiences.

I masterbate for hours is that normal?

Yes, it's totally normal. Everybody is different when it comes to the length of time they prefer to masturbate. It's perfectly healthy, perfectly harmless, and safer than actual sex, especially if you don't have anyone in particular that you are interested in sleeping with.

The only thing that could possibly be a problem is if your masturbation interferes with the rest of your life. Does it keep you from attending classes, doing your homework, socializing with friends, etc? If you're constantly isolating yourself to masturbate...that could be a problem. Could you skip a day or two without a problem? If not, you might want to talk to a counselor. It's possible to have an addiction to masturbation, sex, whatever. If you can't make yourself stop whenever you want to...that's not healthy and a therapist can help. It can also be a psychological issue if you're using masturbation as an avoidance strategy. Do you masturbate so that you don't have to do something else, something that makes you uncomfortable? Example: Do you masturbate to avoid interacting with people? That would be another issue to discuss with a therapist.

If the masturbation is just for fun, you enjoy it, you want to keep doing it, it's not interfering with your life, and you can stop whenever you want to------then everything is perfectly fine. You are totally normal.

If there's any kind of problem, the problem wouldn't be WHAT you are doing, it would be WHY you are doing it.

I hope this helps. Glad you found a fun hobby. And glad you figured out how to masturbate when you were young. Tons of girls go their whole lives without ever figuring it out, and everyone should feel sorry for them. Boys are practically born knowing how to masturbate, and girls often never learn. They should teach it in sex ed, maybe there would be less teen pregnancy.

Have fun and take care! :)