Can You Be A Libertarian And Support Stand Your Ground Gun Laws

IS there a middle ground anymore?

It seems like your are either far left or far right these days. with every issue being taken to extreme measure instead of focusing on a middle ground where both parties can get somewhat what they wanted? Are we turning into a nation of extremism with little rational thought instead of negotiation and reason?

Can a person be liberal & a gun owner?

Before answering this question first you need to define the term "liberal”. But if you define a liberal as someone who supports equal rights for everyone, who believes that governments exist to provide a framework of equal justice and protection for all citizens. Then there no reason why a liberal could not be a gun owner. I consider myself a liberal moderate and I own several guns. I use them for hunting and recreational target shooting. When they are not in use they are securely locked up in a gun safe. I also do not keep the guns loaded when they are in the house The guns and ammunition are kept in separate safes in the house. I do this because I have teenagers in the house. I have taught them how to shoot and handle firearms safely but I have never left them unsupervised when the guns are unlocked. I don't think that firearms are inherently evil or bad, but I do believe that teens and guns don’t mix, without grownup supervision.

Any other liberal anti-feminists here?

A lot of people see me as a contradiction. I'm liberal, Christian, and usually anti-feminist.
I believe in women's rights but not necessarily all of the feminist movement. Conservatives think they are the only ones with values and the only ones to focus on families but thats ridiculous.
I vote democrat and I think the feminist movement has taken one step foreward for women and two steps backwards for society and families