Can You Be A Moral People If You Use Msn

Is nursing school as hard as people say it is?

Yes.I have never worked harder than I did in my associates degree nursing program. Not only was the content difficult, there was an unspoken morals clause and a violation of it could get you kicked out.It should be hard. Nurses care for very sick people and their very lives are in the nurses’ hands. You may think it is the doctors who save your life but it is the nurse who calls the doctor. Without an astute nurse with excellent assessment skills, that call would never be made.Nurses are the most trusted professionals. Hence, the unspoken morals clause. Nurses care for people at their most vulnerable, when they may not even be aware of what is going on around them. They must be the patient’s advocate and protect them. They are trusted not to steal from, harm or take advantage of their patients.I have gone on in school and obtained a BSN and an MSN. I stand by my statement that the ADN was the toughest degree I ever obtained. World War III could have broken out and I would have missed it.

Whats his MSN password?

Hey~ I think my boyfriend is cheating on me, could anyone help me find his messenger password please? :S If I ask him he will refuse...
I promise no harm is caused :\ thanks

Have you ever just completely shut yourself off from the world?

Of course, I think really most people have, probably there's a few who haven't but still. I don't know why I did it the first time but basically I was very active and loved playing outside with my friends, this was when I was about 10 and I just loved it but at the back of my mind I was getting lonely. My friends knocked on my door and asked me if I wanted to play outside with them but I didn't want to. So when they finally stopped knocking I felt so lonely. Some time after I went outside and started to play with them again.

Then when I was around 13 I was indoors for ages, I didn't even step a foot outside and I had no fresh air and I cried myself to sleep. I lost all contact with my friends I went to a very bad place in my life and I wouldn't want to go there again. Since that's happened its made me enjoy my own company and I now prefer to stay indoors than to go outside but I realize I can't live like that, so I just force myself, if I don't force myself or have my parents around me I would just stay indoors all the time, not because I'm lonely but because I love being alone.

I think you'll come out of this though, just think about everything. Has something happened to made you want to stop speaking to people? I don't think you should stay like it for to long because the longer you shut yourself off from the world the dangerous it becomes. At first it doesn't sound like anything its actually normal but then it stops becoming normal and it will take you to a bad place which is VERY hard to get out of. Even if you have to go outside just for a walk, don't stay indoors all the time.
Good luck. :)

"The cruelty of most people is lack of imagination, their brutality is ignorance."?

The quote is usually attributed to Kurt Tucholsky, the German philosopher and journalist. Tucholsky was Jewish and moved to France about ten years before he died (in 1935). He never saw the horrors of WWII.

Cruelty is a learned behavior. In this sense, it associated with a lack of imagination because it is a Monkey see, Monkey do event. It is also associated with a very low empathy for others, especially if one does not see the other group as fully human. Empathy does require enough imagination to see the world through another's senses.

A current activity with a high component of Cruelty is the actions of Terrorists in many Middle Eastern countries. Suicide bombers do indeed lack imagination. They can only see the world through the eyes of their limited local culture.

Brutality, on the other-hand, is much more than ignorance. Brutality is unrelenting cruelty. It is associated not only with ignorance, but with an arrogance toward that ignorance. This is a My Way Right or Wrong (But I Know I'm Right) event.

When a single human tends toward cruelty and brutality, the person can be removed from contact with the general population. When a culture, political party, nation or religious group tends toward cruelty and brutality, the best the rest of humanity can do is allow that group to vanish into the past to which the members seem to cling.

How and who comes up with horoscopes for different websites?

Here is how one man did this by Richard Dawkins

The American conjuror James Randi recounts in his book Flim Flam how as a young man he briefly got the astrology job on a Montreal newspaper, making up the horoscopes under the name Zo-ran. His method was to cut out the forecasts from old astrology magazines, shuffle them in a hat, distribute them at random among the 12 zodiacal signs and print the results. This was very successful of course (because all astrology works on the "Barnum principle" of saying things so vague and general that all readers think it applies to them). He describes how he overheard in a cafe a pair of office workers eagerly scanning Zo-ran's column in the paper.

"They squealed with delight on seeing their future so well laid out, and in response to my query said that Zo-ran had been 'right smack on' last week. I did not identify myself as Zo-ran ... Reaction in the mail to the column had been quite interesting, too, and sufficient for me to decide that many people will accept and rationalise almost any pronouncement made by someone they believe to be an authority with mystic powers. At this point, Zo-ran hung up his scissors, put away the paste pot, and went out of business."

My case is that Randi was morally right to hang up his scissors, that serious newspapers should never give named astrologers the oxygen of publicity, that astrology is neither harmless nor fun, and that we should fight it seriously as an enemy of truth.

Does this study suggest that women are unable to control themselves?

They tend to put on more skirts? Uh oh, all I wear is skirts. Evidently I have ovulated every single day since I was 14. LOL

There are subconscious cues during ovulation. Women tend to be more "in the mood" and they tend to get a bit of a wandering eye too. I don't think it is uncivil for a man to check out a woman who is wearing something that shows off her skin or figure. Chances are she's wearing it because she wants to be noticed. What *is* uncivil is touching her, looking up her skirt, making crude remarks.

I would guess that women are more likely to complain about \their men checking out other women. If a hot guy checks her out, good for her. If an unattractive guy looks, big deal. If your man can't keep his eyes off another woman, look out world!!

Psst - Sunny - I always know. Some women can feel things, like pain or gas or other things. I always know!

I am Avinash Rawal from India I have done some Reiki Courses and have taken some Kundalini classes and do medi?


I am Avinash Rawal from India I have done some Reiki Courses and have taken some Kundalini classes and do medition everyday. But I am feeling blockage in my body and they are not curing. I have taken many times healing session from other healers but my blockage still there. please guide me how can I remove my blockage or who can help me to remove them. Please cure me and help me.

you can reaply me this email address or : and

Hope you reply me soon

Is C.S. Lewis correct, "My argument against God was that the universe seemed so cruel and unjust. But how had I got this idea of just and unjust? A man does not call a line crooked unless he has some idea of a straight line."?

He got this idea of cruel and unjust from natural selection. Those of his ancestors without the capacity to understand such concepts couldn’t form tribes. His ancestral tribes and the genes that facilitate social behavior survived under conditions where there were resources that could exploited by social behavior.Genes for asocial behavior are at an advantage when those resources are depleted. One thing his novels never showed were societies threatened by huge natural disasters. The people and animals in Narnia are always fighting against ‘villains’. If there was a plague or famine, then his people and animals would have less reason to unite. The villains might be the only ones to survive.I would like to see the great lion deal with a smallpox plague, for example. Maybe even a disease that strikes both animals and men. No known cure. Both people and talking animals start to die arbitrarily. Then revolt would spread through Narnia.Not all evil is personal. The concepts of cruel and unjust are only applicable when there is an advantage in uniting. When disasters mow people down like a field of bullets, their concepts of cruel and unjust change.

How can I make fake crystal meth?

Why would one ask such a question, out of general curiosity, or is someone planning something potentially very harmful to self and to others? That is my question in response to this or any question regarding making something other than what your purport it to be.Now, this is how you make “fake meth”You use fake ingredients.

What are market based views on maximizing social utility?

I think existing systems are often not object-based to a satisfactory degree.

When we think of "genius solutions" we really want clear ideas of what can be improved or demonstrated.

Looking at technology for instance (which is a dominant metaphor at least, in addition to being so industrial) ideas can be proposed which change or adapt existing methods, but this creates a new context of "operable blindness" e.g. a kind of contingency

Most solutions you may find will begin with some concept of category, and extract this into a scenario of operable blindness. That it doesn't say so much as this about what it does may be a sign of actual incompetence (or usary)

As technological examples, I proposed at (a great site about ideas) the following technological innovations:

---Digital Marketing Devices for selling digital products by LAN or wireless
---Application Interfacer for saving meta-tags for use in public spaces, e.g. interactive visuals, music, etc.
---InterPhase display screen for application interfacer type interfacing, programs for filtering dynamic content

Maybe you are looking for these kinds of ideas, or maybe you are looking for something closer to social science literature, e.g. broad solutions or broad strokes.

One view of markets is they are always looking for an object, which results in these operable blindness scenarios, that are in turn best solved by objects like technology.

Another view that I have been fond of is that abstract ideas can be compared to social categories, creating ideas such as:

---The Modular Citizen
---Information Architecture
---Viable Travel
---Permanent Object-value

which are then combinable, creating Travel-as-information, Information-as-money, Citizen-as-digital-device, and Travel-by-instant-value-access

These may seem like commercial projects, but when taken as metaphysical they have value that is corroborable with consumer information and corporate motives.

It is broad categories like these that I find most functional in the context of social science literature, which is the prevailing norm for finding something profound about information of this type.

Use of such general categories may trace itself back to the time of Confucius, who used categories for social management. See <>