Can You Be Depressed For No Reason Is This Depression

I'm depressed but I have no reason to be.?

depression can be a chemical imbalance in ur brain. visit to talk to a free online councellor. also look up exercise and depression and Art Therapy; channelling what ur feeling into something creative helps ur brain process the negativity in ur head. also find some volunteer work, helping others or nature builds selfesteem, gives life new meaning, gives perspective and good karma... u dont have to believe in god but finding some spirituality in ur life can really help and good karma is a good start... basically research all u can on depression then when u find things that help, come on here and share with the other depressed people, more good karma.

Why am i so depressed for no reason?

You don't need a reason to be depressed. It could be caused by a physical problem or a chemical inbalance in the brain.

First talk to your parents, school counselor or trusted adult about this.
I know doing anything now is very hard, but make the effort to get other people to help you. Then fight with them to get yourself better.

Next you need to get a physical exam with good blood work. My sister experienced what you described when her Thyroid decided to stop working.

Then, you need to be tested for depression. This is usually a series of questions that your doctor asks (which you can also find online). Your doctor will probably want to wait for the physical exam results first.

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If you are depressed and/or stressed. The doctor may refer you to someone who can teach you 'stress reduction' methods. He may also improve your diet and exercise. He may prescibe pills only if your depression is strong enough to warrent it.

There is mild, medium and major depression. There is situational (temporary) and chronic depression. For most people the depression is mild/medium and situational/temporary. Mild or medium would fit what you describe. With major you are pretty much incapacitated.

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I started out with major depression. I got 'stress reduction' methods, talking with psychiatrist and pills. Once that stuff had improved me enough, we worked on improving my diet and getting me to exercise; and fineally getting off the pills (hooray).

Now, if I eat reasonably well and keep up with my exercise I function normally (and happily) without pills, etc. However, major stressors, like a death, will put be back to where I need pills again. Warning: Work with the doctors to go on and to go off the pills. (I stopped the pills once by myself and acquired an imaginary cat. Easy to take care of cat, but unhealthy me).

Depression is in many members of my family, so we are probably prone to the chemical imbalance thing.

Good luck.

Sometimes I get depressed for no reason?

It is called depression. It is normal for people to feel depressed at times but if it last more than a few days you need to go talk to you doctor about it. Simple things can trigger it too...could be your job, someone making you upset and even the weather effects your mood. I tend to feel depressed during colder months and sometimes when I visit home it depresses me.

Do you need a reason to be depressed?

There’s situational depression which is a biological/neurological response to the stress caused by unpleasant situations but there’s also clinical depression that’s caused by hormonal/chemical problems that have nothing to do with bad situations. The endorphins, dopamine or whatever just aren’t produced like they should, and/or mental illness can cause a person to obsess uncontrollably on the negative, which wears a person down into a state of ongoing clinical depression even if their life’s situation is quite good.

Why do I feel depressed for no reason?

Why do you feel depressed for no reason?Here’s some reasons why you might be feeling depressed:Living a sedentary lifestyle - not being physical, not exercising)Not eating well enough - a diet consisting of mainly junk food (i.e, stuff high in fats, salt and refined sugars) can cause depression or contribute to it. Along this same vein - not getting enough vitamins and minerals in your diet can also have an effect on your brain chemistry. Being hungry can also have a negative effect on you.Sometimes being tired can be confused with being depressedNot getting enough sunlightNot sleeping well enoughPoor relationships and being around toxic peopleStagnation - not growing as a personPoor coping skills - negative thought patternsWatching too much newsChange and Stress - can be good or bad stress/change, significant or not. Generally speaking, we as people don’t like either very much.Family history of depression - genes for depression triggering once you hit a certain developmental point.There could be other reasons why you would feel this way, but a lot of these are the biggest and most common ones. If you’re depressed but still at a functionable level NOW is the time to tackle it. Attack it immediately because if you don’t it could get much, much worse. If you’re experiencing severe depression (i.e, you can’t feel any emotions or they’re muted) get your ass into gear and get some medical help immediately. Especially if you’re at this point. There’s no shame in asking for help if you can’t do it on your own.The beautiful thing about this illness is that you can do something about it. There are ways to combat it and combat it to great effect where you will come out feeling much better. I’ve experienced what you’re experiencing now, and I want you to know that you can rise above this. It took me years to figure some of this stuff out, but my life is all for the better now. The past 3 years of my life have been some of the best I’ve ever had ever since I figured how to fight this illness.You got this!But seriously, go see a doctor ASAP!Disclaimer: I’m not a medical professional and anything I say shouldn’t be misconstrued as medical advice. Trust their advice and expertise above all else.

My friend is depressed for no reason?

There is no "reason " for being depressed. It just happens. It's the result of a chemical imbalance in the brain. You can be pretty with a good family life, a new car, and a great boyfriend, and still be depressed. The depression has nothing to do with you or her family or her material possessions. It's the neurotransmitters in her brain: serotonin, norepinephrine, and dopamine. If one or more of these is not getting to where it needs to be, depression will result. Symptoms can include sadness, withdrawal from family and friends, irritability, a loss of pleasure in things she once enjoyed doing, lack of motivation, sleep and appetite disturbances, a feeling of being empty or numb, feelings of guilt or worthlessness, etc. These may last for months. Counseling/therapy and/or medication can help.
You can help by being supportive and recognizing that this is an illness that needs treatment, much like diabetes needs treatment. Continue to encourage her, but don't push her to engage in activities if she is reluctant to do so. Encourage her to seek help; to approach her parents about seeing a doctor.

Feeling depressed for no reason?

First of all, I used to be depressed. It was a long period in my life where I couldn't function normally, I was always so sad, thinking negative thoughts about myself and the world. It affected every aspect of my life... I was just a wreck.

It was a gradual process, but eventually I got over this phase and the last couple months of my life have been pure joy.

Today, and yesterday, I have started to feel sad again for no apparent reason. This feeling is strangely familiar and I can't understand why I suddenly feel this way. I just want to return to my positive state of mind, I feel so empty and am on the verge of tears right now. I don't want to be depressed again, I can't afford to be, and no matter what I do I can't talk myself out of this. So do you have any advice for me? Something to cheer me up?

Depressed for seemingly no reason?

Depression is basically the ignored feelings between happiness and sadness but since you mentioned you have no particular reason to get depressed, so it doesn't seem you are ignoring any feelings of depression. Using alcohol and drugs also can cause chemical changes in the brain that affect mood.

There are other reasons of depression like exposure to daylight, change of seasons and sometimes inherited genes also. For more details refer this website

I have been trying to figure out the same thing for one of my friend as well :) i hope this will help. Good luck!